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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Not just Gillani, all the 13million Kashmiris, all the maoist rebels, those sikh who were fighting for Khalistan, the movement that was going on in Hydrabad. Every one on this planet even If Obama says anything against India he will also be on Payroll of ISI.

Can u pls enlighten us abt the "movement " in Hyderabad. The only movement I've seen is sania mirza to Pakistan!!!!

And about khalistan it has been explained a million times here.
^^^ AFP is a lot more reliable resource of information than Indian one and specially so for the issue of Kashmir where India always try to show a "all good" picture to the world.

There is no strike call for today as it is 1st Ramzaan and on 14th aug as it is pakistans independence day ..However people here are still following Hurriyat (G) protest calender .....
Just copy paste the pic an started a new thread what suits best.Perhaps already discussed the logic behind this pic...i tell u...This RAF unit is shortly landed from a UN mission n sent in J&K thereafter..... Its matter of fact a mismanged functioning on behalf of RAF officials that could be altered by providing fresh guards,helmets n equipments...... but faltered and provided a topic..dats it.:azn:

yes thats what indian army is capable of .....they are saying mismanged functioning where as i am saying that this is done on purpose....may be tomorrow in this mismangement they will use chines or USA equipments.

Atleast use your own identity........

Maybe they know no one in Kashmir is afraid of indian army now..... thats why they are using UN equipment now hahahha
India can ill-afford to resort to genocide this time. The protests have already hit New Delhi, whatever India can do, the Kashmiris can top that!

It is Pakistanis and Pakistani supported militants who perpetrated the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits. So, please keep your moral lessons to yourselves.

All that misguided kashmiris are capable of is militancy, genocide, rioting and destroying public property. Not a nice way of protest and such protests will not be kindly accepted by India.
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ya case is closed,kashmir is an independent state now

Case is closed against Indian Army ...... Kashmir is alive.....
i have never seen a amry who change thier identity...... Only one is Indians.... :rofl::rofl:
This is obvious that the Kashmiri people have given there verdict that they don't want to be part of India.....in my opinion I think its best if India relinqush it's hold on Kashmir.. and give freedom to the people...and I am not saying that it should go to Pakistan...but that it should be a separate state. If that happens..then maybe tensions bewteen Pakistan and India can be resolved..and both parties can move on....but also it would show a great maturity for India to do so. I pray that this issue gets resolved..and that no more death's occur.

Dude, If someway down the line muslims become majority in Caucasian and christian London and force them to move out of their land, attack security forces and demand for independence, will you relinquish your control over london ?

Its hypocritical tone by Pakistan demanding freedom of kashmir whereas criticizing Israel which has done same with Palestinians.

Other muslim world understands that therefore no one is with Pakistan on this.

China's claim on any island/territory is based on han chinese immigrating to that land before any other civilization. So if it supports Pakistan on Kashmir, it will make its stand hypocritical as Hindus were the rightful owners of Kashmir before Arab invaders. Thus Chinese silence.
Oh really! How goody two shoes are we? Then why doesn't Pakistan withdraw its forces to pre-48 lines? Why doesnt it unilaterally vacate Azad Kashmir (sic) and Gilgit-Baltistan?

Because we don't want the terrorists from IA pollute them with their dirty presence. Got it.
India asked to stop using UN helmets in IHK

SRINAGAR: The UN has asked Indian forces cracking down on protests in violence-plagued Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) to stop wearing the distinctive powder-blue helmets of the UN peacekeeping force, a UN official said on Wednesday.

About 300 members of the paramilitary Rapid Action Force have been deployed in IHK since last week to help quell nearly two months of civil unrest that has reportedly killed more than 50 protesters and bystanders. Dozens of members of the force, armed with automatic rifles and dressed in full riot gear, have used UN-marked blue helmets and shields as they faced off against the protesters in the streets of Srinagar, the region’s main city. While the bulk of their duties consists of marching down streets in a show of strength, they have also taken part in baton charges and fired tear gas into the crowds.

Their use of UN equipment has perplexed many Kashmiris, who wondered why UN troops had taken a side in the conflict and were assisting Indian forces. “We’ve already informed the authorities about this problem,” said an officer at the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the media. “The authorities have promised to solve this situation,” he said. ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan


How will this get pinned on the 'Pakistan origin' UN spokesperson Haq I wonder ...

Indian Terrorist Army/puppet force hiding behind UN blue Helmets to kill Kashmiris.

:tdown: this also shows that how much the force is cunning.

By using UN helmets the occupying invader Indian terrorist army is trying to fool the world as if UN has permitted the killings of Kashmiris
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Sir why should the right of the local population for self-determination be decided on the whim and fancy of the UN..?

Are the other people any less than the others just because the UN didn give legitimacy to them..? Is this some kind of American visa which is granted or rejected according to one's convinience.

Morals dont require UN stamps..If u support one group's right to self determination support all others...

It is not merely based on the 'whim and fancy' of the UN, the Governor General of India promised a plebiscite when accession was signed, and India herself accepted the argument of plebiscite in the UN, on the basis of which the UNSC resolutions were passed.

In fact, in the case of Junagadh, where the ruler clearly acceded to India, and India invaded and occupied Pakistani territory, India justifies her annexation of Junagadh by pointing to the 'referendum' she held in Junagadh, in which the majority chose India.

The two faced stance here is therefore that of India's - India held a referendum after invading and occupying Junagadh to claim legitimacy, and refuses to do so in Kashmir, despite agreeing to it via the UNSC resolutions.
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