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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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There is no secular who supports Kashmiri "liberation from tyrannical Indian Army". It just doesnt work that way.

rubbish, desire not to be raped and oppressed somehow does not figure into your thinking

you think by shouting muslim muslim muslim will cover everything

how about not having some indian coward hyena soldier in kashmir preying on innocents, look at what you justifying, where are the rights of these women

The resentment lies NOT with us, but with you.

yes, there is resentment, for indian actions of rape, torture and murder

accept this and we can talk from a basis of mutual respect, until this the struggle continues.....
Why to keep Jammu and Ladakh of the equation after all bhartis are so much confident they will join bharat so you should not be worried over these two areas.

And if the protesting Kashmiris were only power hungry then they would have accepted Indian rule and would have ruled Indian Occupied J&K as Governors just like those traitors Omar and Farooq abdullah

Jana Ji, i am not talking about peacefully protesting kashmiris, or the common kashmiri. But the seperatists, who are not killed only because of the constitution of india, who hide behind it and instigate viloance and turn peaceful protest into a violent one.

What benifit woudl india get by killing people, except the wrath of the people. Even with a guy with peanut size brain can understand that. Only people who gain from this violance is these seperatists. And i am callin them the power hungry.

And my comments are coming from the frustation of seeing kashmir on boil every day. As such i do not want a plebsicte in kashmir under the umberlla of violance.
this thread is about the actions of the indian rapist army, its a widespread disease

what type of men rape do this, i tell you who, these guys

Indian army finds inflatable answer to low morale - Telegraph

Checkout the 200,000 rapes by your brave Pakistani army in 1971. The same one that lifted their hands in the air at the first sight of IA.

Your obsession with the size of the male organ is also typical. I do have a theory for that obsession but won't share it now.

Dude, a few morons who work for IA carry out atrocious acts and you blame the whole Indian Armed forces for that? What an idiotic view!

In that case, since a few 'non state' actors from Pakistan are terrorists, so by extrapolation all the Pakistanis can be considered as terrorists? The acts of few don't define a people or institution.

Next time anyone calls IA as a raping pillaging institution, I shall also extrapolate a thinking to a people or institution. I will post this very argument before saying that.
Dude, a few morons who work for IA carry out atrocious acts and you blame the whole Indian Armed forces for that? What an idiotic view!

In that case, since a few 'non state' actors from Pakistan are terrorists, so by extrapolation all the Pakistanis can be considered as terrorists? The acts of few don't define a people or institution.

Next time anyone calls IA as a raping pillaging institution, I shall also extrapolate a thinking to a people or institution. I will post this very argument before saying that.

a few morons - i wish it was

the number of incidents in relation to the the number of convictions just shows what hypocrites and cowards you are, completely pathetic that you glaze over the violence yet scream democratic ideals on another thread, accept your wrong doings, i hope this struggle continues, these women are brave and strong, facing up to cowards
rubbish, desire not to be raped and oppressed somehow does not figure into your thinking

you think by shouting muslim muslim muslim will cover everything

how about not having some indian coward hyena soldier in kashmir preying on innocents, look at what you justifying, where are the rights of these women

Dont worry about rights of women in India. Look at your own house and rights of women in Sharia law and the manner those laws are implemented. Dont get me started.

Any protesting mob which goes out of control and resorts to acts of violence against public property and govt. assests will be subjected to roit control measures which can and do go to extreme measures.

A mob has no leaders, only instigators. A mob has no control but a mind of its own and unless its dispersed asap, they inadvertently turn violent. Firing live ammunition into the mob is the last resort of any LEO. If you dont understand the ROEs then I am sorry for your ignorance.

Protesters, is they get violent and start destroying public and govt property, deserve what they get. Thats just my opinion.

yes, there is resentment, for indian actions of rape, torture and murder
accept this and we can talk from a basis of mutual respect, until this the struggle continues.....
read again what I posted. I clearly implied that the resentment is because of a sense of frustration due to lack of prosperity and many other factors facing you people which is then conveniently directed against the pagan Hindus by vested interests in your nation.
why should they, its their land?

you indians can get lost back to your india and leave the kashmiri's in kashmir

That is what India wants to tell these protesters "That Kashmir is their Land". But these people like Syed Gilani and Mirwaiz Farukh don't understand this fact. Very recently these guys expressed the desire to make China a part of the discussion on kashmir. When these people were asked that China holds a third of land occupied by Pak in 47', their response was that the land is barren and no one lives there. So going by their sophist logic any such kashmiri land that is not occupied or barren should be gifted to others cause it doesn't make any significant impact on Kashmiris.

These guys are just playing the psychological warfare to lead young kashmiris to death on the instructions of their paskistani masters. Their statements defies logic and are contrary most times. When Pakistan blew the constitution of held-kashmir to hell during the kargil war, these guys didn't say a word. When Pak annexed GB as it's province, these guys were shut.

They are just taking the advantages of India's liberal democracy. Had they been to Xinxiang or Tibet or Baluchistan, they would have known that the pro-freedom guys are killed in daylight and nobody could do anything. Recently 2 bullet riddled bodies were found in Balochistan, and they belonged to persons abducted by the Pak state for their pro-freedom stance. In 2008 lhasa riots many hundreds were shoot dead without airing their grievances. In Xinxiang during the needle attacks many state sponsored attacks by hans took place on the natives.

Moreover Pak is even changing the local complexion of population in occupied kashmir by implanting the punjabis there. Many areas which had upto 90% shias now have upto 60% sunnis. Atleast India is not doing any such thing as also making sure that the human rights of kashmiris are upheld.
Dont worry about rights of women in India. Look at your own house and rights of women in Sharia law and the manner those laws are implemented. Dont get me started.

Any protesting mob which goes out of control and resorts to acts of violence against public property and govt. assests will be subjected to roit control measures which can and do go to extreme measures.

A mob has no leaders, only instigators. A mob has no control but a mind of its own and unless its dispersed asap, they inadvertently turn violent. Firing live ammunition into the mob is the last resort of any LEO. If you dont understand the ROEs then I am sorry for your ignorance.

Protesters, is they get violent and start destroying public and govt property, deserve what they get. Thats just my opinion.

read again what I posted. I clearly implied that the resentment is because of a sense of frustration due to lack of prosperity and many other factors facing you people which is then conveniently directed against the pagan Hindus by vested interests in your nation.

they are complaining about being raped you window licker, a dead body here or there is noting to you, since you care nothing for these people.
Deaths in renewed Kashmir violence - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

It seems violence is resuming......not good at all.....it means more innocent people will die.

That is a July 31st article, there is no curfew today and no deaths since Thursday

Yes that is true but, not anything that is unique to J&K, higher deaths in police firing were noted in other states in India with UP at the highest. Also many of these deaths are those that were done by militants as well. So it is a national problem in India as well as other south asian countries. For example in just four days 80+ people were killed in Karachi.

Here is an article on statistics of Indian protestors shot dead by police
National problem

Fatalities caused by police firing have been far fewer in Jammu and Kashmir than in many other States less threatened by large-scale protests. Police in Uttar Pradesh killed 104 civilians and injured 145 in 608 incidents of police firing in 2008. Maharashtra reported 47 civilian deaths in 89 incidents of police firing.

Police in several States, the data shows, are more likely than their Jammu and Kashmir counterparts to open fire to kill. In 2007, 30 civilians were killed in Andhra Pradesh in 45 incidents of police firing; eight died in Jammu and Kashmir in 47 incidents. Back in 2006, the Andhra Pradesh police killed 72 civilians in 79 incidents of firing, while 138 Chhattisgarh residents were shot dead in 213 incidents.
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a few morons - i wish it was

the number of incidents in relation to the the number of convictions just shows what hypocrites and cowards you are, completely pathetic that you glaze over the violence yet scream democratic ideals on another thread, accept your wrong doings, i hope this struggle continues, these women are brave and strong, facing up to cowards
Give me the numbers. Support your claims by authentic sources, if you cannot, you are just blowing hot smelly wind.

We claim Kashmir as an integral part of India and so the govt is exercising its writ in the territory, as opposed to Pakistan which claims certain areas but even the army is NOT willing to go there for the fear of getting vanquished.

There are NO WRONG DOINGS. They are being given an opportunity to work for their own progress through democracy but if they want to destroy that, so be it. Those people who resort to violence deserve what they get. Period.

I believe that Kashmir's article 370 should be scrapped, protesters once arrested should be granted no rights and should be tried extra-judicially. Lets give them a real reason to protest. People get a govt they deserve. Some dont deserve democracy.

Lol, Look at the number of terrorists in your country. Now what does that tell you if you extrapolate the same logic? Anyway count the number of convictions for terrorists in Pakistan. Doesnt that tell you anything? Calling someone cowards and blowing your own trumpets doesnt help you. You lost all the wars - both militarily and diplomatically, against India for that fallacious belief!
There are NO WRONG DOINGS. They are being given an opportunity to work for their own progress through democracy but if they want to destroy that, so be it. Those people who resort to violence deserve what they get. Period.

I believe that Kashmir's article 370 should be scrapped, protesters once arrested should be granted no rights and should be tried extra-judicially. Lets give them a real reason to protest. People get a govt they deserve. Some dont deserve democracy.

quoted for posterity, you window licker

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