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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I dont know if foriegn media reports it properly for Kashmir but our media always raises concern for both the side. If you are not agreed with me, Please look past 3-4 days news paper "The Hindu". The only point is they don't and won't write your POV which is no where near the reality.

Regarding unrest in Kashmir, It will always be on untill there are few democratic leaders leave blindfold of religion and Independance for their political profit and come on to table for discussion as well as insurgency from neighbours will stop. Remember one point, This will always be 2 way discussion between separatist leaders & GoI and will not included Pakistan on the same.
Well as far as your media is concerned, its raising the concern more of a "OMG, Kashmiris are protesting against us, how do we stop it". Whereas they should be going like "OMG we have finally seen the light the Kashmiris hate us, how do we accept their demands?"
Why can't you hold a plebiscite......doesn't India claim to be a democratic country.....if so then have a referendum and let the people chose in what they want, wheather it be joining Pakistan, or staying with India......it's as simple as that, its nothing to do with who win's.....as the people opinions matter the most.

Democracy and Plebiscite has no co relation. If at all, being a democractic country, India can not allow a plebiscite unless the parliament of India accepts it by majority vote..Which in my view is more difficult than impossible
i think India needs to do both. The 2nd one, more urgently.. It seem to have begun too..

This is the type of Attitude India should adopt....so that it will have less problems to attend to in Kashmir.........because end of the day, the people are the most important thing that should be looked upon.
Do you have proof to back up this statement.

first of all m just fresher so m mot able to post any link
and secondly you are from Pakistan so how can you believe any Indian source

just go and google it you will find out the truth
Well as far as your media is concerned, its raising the concern more of a "OMG, Kashmiris are protesting against us, how do we stop it". Whereas they should be going like "OMG we have finally seen the light the Kashmiris hate us, how do we accept their demands?"

No.. They should be talking about how to integrate Kashmiris in India better.

The question of how only comes if what is accepted, and your version of What is as far as it gets from reality

No need for the OMG.. ;)
Weather there is protest or not the area is still disputed and Pakistan has also not conducted and plebescite there, guess if there are takers of protest there we should fund them.
^^^^Because that is not how we treat our people who are upset with us.

Do you expect the Pakistanis to agree and take a similar line in Balochistan?

I fail to understand how Pakistanis can't fathom how deeply connected the Kashimir issue is to India. Itsnot the US in Vietnam thousands of miles away or the Russians in Afghanistan in a land where they don't share their langauge or religion.

That is why Kashmir is still a part of India when both the "superpowers" had to withdraw.

The Indian media should rightly raise matters of human concern, the HR violations the unnecessary para military prescence now that militancy has reduced and the lack of use on Non-Lethal crowd control techniques among other things.
and secondly you are from Pakistan so how can you believe any Indian source

First of all I'm British......so don't confuse your self.....second when you have a debate its always good to get sources that is not from the parties involved.....but I don't mind if you get Indian sources.

just go and google it you will find out the truth

You shouldn't make a statement that you can't back up......I asked for proof because you boldly said that somebody is funding these protest, so its your duty to provide the sources.
I fail to believe we are actually discussing not a report, not a media article, not a statement....but fancy of a member!!

Oh yes, I agree with EjazR statement.
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Why can't you hold a plebiscite......doesn't India claim to be a democratic country.....if so then have a referendum and let the people chose in what they want, wheather it be joining Pakistan, or staying with India......it's as simple as that, its nothing to do with who win's.....as the people opinions matter the most.

Democracy is not supposed to have the option to separate from the country the system is supposed to allow you to choose amongst the countries political parties..ie Congress, BJP etc....

No where in the world the process allows you to separate your land from homeland....If California wants to not be a part of USA..it cannot simply hold a referendum and separate (theoretically..yes)...

Its alright to sit on your high horse and talk about self determination..its another to realise that India has legitimate rights to J & K..whoch you dispute but that its in its interest to keep J & K ..you cannot dispute that...

Are you okay with Sindh or Balochi's having a separate country? In theory you might be ok...but then it will make Pakistan land locked...ie if you lose Karachi...is that in your interest?

Is it not democracy that 7-8 lac people of Valley should work in the interest of 100 cr Indians?...afterall majority view counts in democracies..its just a matter of who you poll !

Its a different matter that public opinion is starting to turn in favour of a political settlement in Kashmir...which is good news for all.
Its alright to sit on your high horse and talk about self determination..its another to realise that India has legitimate rights to J & K.

And why do you have legitimate rights to Kashmir....when its people clearly don't want to be apart of India......you are holding them in a hostage style situation. When you rape and kill there people, does it still give you the right to govern them.

Are you okay with Sindh or Balochi's having a separate country? In theory you might be ok...but then it will make Pakistan land locked...ie if you lose Karachi...is that in your interest?]

You are going off topic this thread is about India killing Kashmir's......however in my opinion honestly if Pakistan was doing that in Sindh or Balochistan......then the people have a right to have a separate state.....as clearly the goverment is not fit to rule over them......just like India is not fit to rule over Kashmir because of its human right's violations.
Indians deflecting topics to Balochistan, the moon and Mars are all a sign of wimps, and I have nothing to talk to them. Be a man, don't try to derail a thread :).

The problem I have is with the NY Times and Washington Posts of the world. For the past 10 years I've been hearing one big statement after the other against Pakistan. Sometimes we're ranked worse than Afghanistan, sometimes the world's most dangerous place, we're in cahoots with the Taliban, Osama is in Quetta, is in Karachi, is in FATA... I mean god dammit, we're the centre of the universe if the story was told by these news agencies.

What about India? All the BS about Kashmiris being a part of India has come shattering down, why is the western media thunder totally mum? The BBC, the CNN, they are all giving only passing remarks like "Oh btw, in other news, there's something happening in Kashmir too".

When that kid, Prince, fell in a manhole in India, that got more news coverage than the months long protests against the Indian state. What does that tell you about the credibility of these organizations?
Maybe time to go visit AJK and visit the common people instead ofthe army barracks?

FYI, and there are many such articles and reports fromHR organisations. Just because they are not highlighted in the Pakistani media doesn't mean they don't exist.

There is a reason why HR organisations cite Pakistani Kashmir as not free butIndian Kashmir as partly free.

The Other Face Of ISI By Zafar Iqbal

28 January, 2010

It has become an established tradition and social custom in Pakistan controlled Kashmir to express the solidarity with the people of other side of divided State through public processions on different occasions which are considered basic feature and necessary demand of local politics. Since the beginning of insurgency in Indian Kashmir, all major cities and towns in Pakistani part of the State have witnessed hundreds of enthusiastic demonstrations ‘to condemn human rights violations in Indian Kashmir’. These men- led processions rarely show any participation of women , except scant events arranged by non governmental organizations and other campaigners, which occasionally include school children and university girls, but, recently Muzaffarabad-the capital of Pakistan administrated Kashmir sparked with protest demonstrations against the human rights violations by Pakistan’s security agency- Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) whom officials were blamed for detention and torture of four local citizens. Hundreds of veil- clad old aged women and young girls took protest rallies against, what they called ‘atrocities of the ISI by tortoruring and kidnapping our sons and brothers’. At the first time in the history of the region, streets and roads of Muzaffarabad echoed with the feminist but vociferous slogans against the ISI and government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Previously, a rise of demonstrations of traders, students, lawyers and civil society groups were witnessed in the area. The protestors alleged that officials of the premier intelligence agency of Pakistan, which during the recent years have been criticized in home and abroad for its alleged extra judicial activities, have started harassing and abducting locals in Pakistani part of Kashmir. They blatantly accused the agency for interference in private matters of the public and also the intervention of Pakistan’s another security force-the Frontier Constabulary(FC), which has powers of working only in the jurisdiction of Pakistan’s troubled northern province, NWFP.

Profound resentment and anger in the citizens of Pakistani Kashmir started when a Lieutenant Colonel of ISI based in Peshawar, NWFP in Pakistan detained and tortured four Kashmiri youths following a petty financial dispute between a local citizen and one of the relative of the former, it was accused by the family and agitators. As per details obtained by this writer, On November 21, 2009 Lt Col Hamza, accompanied by ten staffers of the FC, went to the residence of Pervez who has borrowed money from a family member of the former. The agency’s senior officer took one young nephew to local police station and then made him hostage in Peshawar when Pervez was not found at home. Lately, four other young friends of the abducted boy -Ali Rathore, Raja Qayyum and Shafiq Butt were also taken away by the Colonel who lately informed the family on telephone that abductees would only be released if Pervaiz is handed over to Colonel.

After few days of the incident one of the abductees- Ali Rathore-22, was released in ill health who revealed shocking details of brutal treatment which was committed under the custody of the ISI officials. He was warned against publicising the details of his friend's capture by the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the Colonel repeatedly continued threatening the family members that remaining prisoners would be tortured more ruthlessly if details of the arrest were released in the media or to the public, however, the news of arrest of locals spread in the town like a fire and people started agitation against the state torture and abduction. Officials of both ageincies have been contacted to know their vision about the issue; however, any reply is not received till filing this script.

Meanwhile, people’s anger and animosity engulfed other cities like Bagh, Mirpur and Rawalakot in Pakistani Kashmir where furious speakers, especially dissent nationalists groups criticized ‘the excessive measures’ of Pakistani intelligence agencies against the people of Kashmir. Some observers term this development as a dangerous blunder of Pakistan’ stalwarts in security regime, which are already, engaged in a deadly war in NWFP and Baluchistan regions against the Taliban militants and Baloch separatists.

After this incident a large section of local population in Pakistani Kashmir believe that this fresh ridiculous clanger of Pakistan’s security spies has turned Muzaffarabad into Srinagar. Local political parties, human rights groups and defenders of civil liberties also have written letters and appeals to the premier of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Chief Justice of region’s highest court to intervene the matter but these appeals went in vain.

According to observers, this situation questions the so called indpendent status and authority of local administration and government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir which constitutionally holds a separate position in Pakistan’s state system, nevertheless, Islamabad has overwhelming influence and powers in the political affairs and administrative matters of the area.

Here, it is pertinent to quote the recent observations of Hong Kong based Asian Human rights Commission, which, denouncing anti people activities of the ISI in Pakistani Kashmir says that this recent occurrence “exposes the limit to Kashmir officials' authority over the ISI”. The AHRC is also calling for intervention of UN Special Rapporteur over detention and torture of these missing persons in Pakistani part of Kashmir.

(The writer is Executive Director of Press For Peace (PFP). He can be accessed via: Press for Peace )

Yeah we dont have protest here and Our Army dont kill innocent Kashmiris and tehn label them as terrorists and dont rape the Muslims Kashmirs women . There is alot of difference between Indian occupied Kashmir and Pakistani Kashmir .

Kashmirs here are more prosperous as compared to Kashmir brothers in Indian Held Kashmir. so there is really no comparison between two.................
Make sure no child is killed in Kashmir, women's group urges - Hindustan Times

"Why has Kashmir lost children to a conflict they don't even understand?" a women's organization that calls itself 'Mothers of India' asked on Friday and urged the government to stop innocent killings in the troubled valley. Calling for a "peaceful resolution to (the) mindless violence" in Jammu and Kashmir that has left nearly 50 people dead in three weeks, 'Mothers of India' called all mothers across India to "make sure that no child is killed in Kashmir, that no mother cries in silence and that violence does not beget more violence".

A statement from the outfit, with signatures from 100 women activists from across India, said the sound of mothers in Kashmir was not being heard even as they were crying "waiting for their children to return knowing that they may not. Wailing, as they wonder why their young ones were killed".

Striking an emotional chord with the bereaved mothers of the Kashmir Valley, it said, "Mothers all over the country need to demand answers. Why has Kashmir lost children to a conflict they don't even understand? We, the mothers, must raise our voices against any kind of extremism. After all we do not give birth to our children to see them killed brutally by bullets. How can we justify the violence on either side? How long can we be mute spectators and not respond to the pain of our sisters in Kashmir?"

"We need to raise our voices for dialogue and debate. We need to look at a peaceful resolution to this mindless violence."

The Mothers of India said the situation in Kashmir could still be retrieved if the government acknowledges that young people are feeling alienated. "Treating it as a law and order problem will only deepen conflict and alienation."

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