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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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:))) Do you accept these ?? and international community at large also includes Amenity International and other Human rights organisations which you just declare un-authentic

When did I declare amnesty international unauthentic. When did i declare UN unauthentic? When did I declare UN declared terror organization list unauthentic?
Who is this Arun Rajnath anyway? For which Indian newspaper he is working? I cant find any of his columns in Indian newspapers.:confused:
The Associated press laid down a string of comments from various ordinary Kashmiri Youth - They are all pretty vocal against India.
I think India can handle militants in today's world since there is this perception that a militant fighting for a cause has to be a terrorist and a government killing that militant is on the side of the good.

However what it can't handle is a whole bunch of people coming out in front of the media and denouncing India. India goes around stating that all is well in Kashmir, but the whole world is watch the reality on their own this time.
Who is this Arun Rajnath anyway? For which Indian newspaper he is working? I cant find any of his columns in Indian newspapers.:confused:

Are you surprised about it?? :azn:
Any other source for this news? It would be big news in India by now.

It was teh IB who released the intercepts of Hurriyat (G) activists, but I guess it could be a damage control exercise as well as some people commentedthat even if Pakistan wasinvolved it should not be mentioned as people have legitmate griveances.
Title of the thread is something that needs more attention than any keyboard warrior opinion of pakistani.

It should be "kashmiri freedom fighters Vs Indian occupation forces"

I shall enjoy the next pakistani soldier dies by the bullet of TTP now since members here are openly declaring there satisfaction of their hypocrite mindset.

Well if that case then we will do likewise when the maosit and other groups in india kill indian soldiers.

I salute the brave Indian Soldiers who have given there life to protect the integrity of my Nation. At least we don't surrender to rag-tag loosers when we are near death. History have proved how we Indians have shown the entire world how capable we are when we are pitched in battlefields.


Some of the members in the recent posts made it clear how much worth the life of terrorist mercenary sponsored by pakistan is. No wonder you can't take Kashmir from us.

It the rag tag indian terrorist running around kashmir that is the problem.......the people are defending there land from an occupation army.

JEO MERAY JAWANO, Our History is full of sacrifices of Brave MEN & WOMEN. No Tom, Dick & harry has the b@!ls to take it from us.

Eeeeh i think you will find that the freedom fighters have the "the b@!ls to take" to take you on and kick you A55 also in the process.


FREE KASHMIR:pakistan:
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i'm not after all this & that about FREEDOM OF SPEECH in india :azn:

Dont worry about our freedom of Speech..atleast we dont have to put fake Indian names to spread the news :angel:
Atleast you admit your statement was ridiculous. I stand by what i said, Indian Army has a well documented track record of killing inoocent people and branding then terrorists afterwards. you can just google or youtube first hand accounts.

ha and the pak army has the world record of killing 2.5million innocent bengali muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND U CALL US KILLERS???HA .
Dont worry about our freedom of Speech..atleast we dont have to put fake Indian names to spread the news :angel:

Fake Indian Names??? But your Indian member Chacha was claiming the reporter an Indian who hates Indian Agencies for harassing him
Indian members please contradict this report with a neutral source.. or finish ranting like 6 yr old girls.

:frown: santro 6 years old gals are atleast innocent and better than these members in arguments
Asia Times Online :: Al-Qaeda aims to cash in on Kashmir
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan-sponsored proxy operations that were largely abandoned several years ago have been revived at both the political level and on the armed insurgency front in Indian-administered Kashmir.

For al-Qaeda, watching from Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area, this provides an opportunity for which it has waited a long time - to hijack Pakistan's "bleed India" operations for its own cause, that is, to pull India into the region's war theater.

The struggle for the right of self-determination in Indian-administered Kashmir, which died down following Pakistan's crackdown on Kashmiri militant groups under American pressure from 2002 onwards, has flared again.

Over the past four weeks, more than 15 people have died in clashes between the local Muslim Kashmiri population and police and paramilitary soldiers, mostly in Srinagar, the summer capital of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Last week, for the first time ever, the army was sent into Srinagar.

Sources who spoke to Asia Times Online say that two militant organizations - al-Badr led by Bakht Zameen Khan and the Lashkar-e-Taiba, whose resources were largely depleted up until 2008 - are involved in the unrest. They have sent people across the Line of Control that separates the Pakistan-administered and Indian-administered Kashmirs.

This marks the second Kashmiri intifada - the first began in 1989 and resulted in more than a decade of some of the worst violence South Asia has seen and on several occasions brought India and Pakistan to the point of war - fighting did break out briefly at Kargil in 1999.

Speaking to Asia Times Online, a senior Western diplomat commented, "A water dispute is the main bone of contention between the two countries. Although we have found that Pakistan's water problem is the result of internal mismanagement and has nothing to do with Indian intrigues as projected by Pakistan, jihadis are now exploiting the issue for recruitment and wrongfully projecting that if India is not controlled, the whole of Pakistan will be turned into a desert."

The dispute centers on the Neelum River that flows from Indian-administered Kashmir into Pakistan. Under pressure from the US to reduce tensions because their rivalry spills over into Afghanistan and complicates efforts to bring peace there, India and Pakistan are scheduled this week to discuss the appointment of a panel of neutral experts. They will consider India's plans to dam the river for a 330-megawatt hydro-electric power project.

Al-Qaeda watches on
By the standards of the long-running conflict in Kashmir, the latest flare-up is relatively low key, involving mostly street protests, in contrast to the bloody militant attacks of previous years.

For al-Qaeda, though, this is a big moment in terms of its Ghazwai-e-Hind, the Prophet Mohammad's promised end-of-time battle for the conquest of India.

Al-Qaeda decided to start its Ghazwa-e-Hind operations by claiming responsibility for an attack on February 13 this year in which a bomb exploded at the German Bakery in the city of Pune, Maharashtra state, killing 17 people and injuring at least 60.

However, at the 11th hour the decision was shelved and responsibility was claimed by a pseudo organization called Laskhar-e-Taiba al-Alami. Later, al-Qaeda leader Mustafa Abu al-Yazid (now killed) announced in a video message that the attack had been carried out by commander Ilyas Kashmiri's 313 Brigade, which is assigned for al-Qaeda's India operations. A few days after the Pune attack, Kashmiri sent an exclusive e-mail message to Asia Times Online warning that more attacks would be carried out in India. (See Al-Qaeda chief delivers a warning February 13, 2010.)

According to well-placed sources in al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda sees the unrest in Kashmir as a "god-gifted" opportunity to steal the Kashmiri insurgency from its Pakistani handlers and use it for its Ghazwa-e-Hind operations. These sources say the next operation will be in the Indian capital New Delhi in October during the Commonwealth Games.

"Al-Qaeda will take responsibility for these attacks and Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri [al-Qaeda's number two] will release a video message on the subject," one source said.

The networks of the Harkat-ul Jihad al-Islami (HuJI - Movement of Islamic Holy War) will provide logistical support. The al-Qaeda-linked HuJI's original mission was to set up Islamic rule in Bangladesh, but its ambitions and geographical spread now cover much of South Asia.

Inside India, according to the sources, the state of Uttar Pradesh will be al-Qaeda's rendezvous point. Here it will work with groups such as breakaway factions of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). SIMI was formed in the state in the late 1970s for the "liberation of India" from Western materialistic cultural influence and to convert the Muslim society to live according to Muslim codes of conduct.

Asia Times Online understands that al-Qaeda's aim is to start a pattern of terror attacks that will initiate a low-intensity insurgency in India's heartlands, including the Kashmir struggle, rather than stand-alone terror attacks.

In the bigger picture, according to the sources, the goal is to sabotage all US efforts to create peace in the region (especially Afghanistan) and draw India and Pakistan into a crisis situation.

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief. He can be reached at saleem_shahzad2002@yahoo.com

Fake Indian Names??? But your Indian member Chacha was claiming the reporter an Indian who hates Indian Agencies for harassing him

You are the one who claimed that he is a reporter from Delhi where as i cant find any reporter named Arun Rajnath other than one in South Asian tribune,which is own by who is well known here..if you think there is a reporter name Arun Rajnath is there ..please show the proof..and also the story of Indian Agencies Harassing Arun Rajnath was also found "surprisingly" :rolleyes: only in a blog written by one Isha Khan ..and reading her blog we can very well understand where she is from :rolleyes:

Isha khan’s Weblog

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