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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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100% Karan.
The problem in Kashmir is because people have divergent view.
1) Some wants Independent Kashmir and these kind IMO are biggest fools, they do not know that it is not possible, Kashmir was independent at 1947 and was attacked by Pakistan. So independent Kashmir is not possible
2) Some who are religious bigots and cannot tolerate or accept the fact that there are people of other religion who are in top post. These IMO are most 3rd class people who cannot think beyond religion. These people were the first ones to revolt.
3) Independent and does not have any strong opinion and can adjust either way.
4) Ladhak and Jammu region firmly with India.

So I think type 2 should understand that it will be better for them if they move to Pakistan.
Now u talk about Srinagar, man o man u are so with Indian/hindu version of events that u wont even bother to think.

I am surprised that out of all the people u continue to tow the line fed to u by Hindus, who never say anything straight forward and alwys twist matters to suit them, this forum is the proof of it.

So it is no use talking to you u r towing Indian line through and through.

With such einsteinian thoughts, are you surprised that no one takes you seriously, much less care for your enlightened opinions.

33 Kashmiris martyred in IHK in June
: report SRINAGAR: The Indian troops have martyred in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) at least 33 innocent Kashmiri people including four children by taking resort to their ongoing interstate terror activities during the month of June, a report said.

According to calculations sent to media from Research Center of Kashmir Media Service, those brutal killings have rendered two women widowed and four children orphans.

Meanwhile, a total of 572 Kashmiris were injured during peaceful protests and mass rallies all over Indian Held Kashmir by Indian troops by taking resort to unprovocative firing, tear gas shelling and carrying out violence in torture cells.

Moreover, as many as 228 people were arrested, most among them were Hurriat leaders. Indian troops raped 8 women during the period, besides pounding 16 residential houses with mortar shells.

Meanwhile, the curfew is clamped over Srinagar, Islamabad, Sopur, Baramula and others in order to undermine protests against illegal occupation.
So you want to expel the Kashmiris from their very own land ?

Nope. Kashmiris are entitled to live in their land. My point is that those who take up arms to resolve their issues just cause futher misery to the people who live in Kashmir. Sometimes innocent Kashmiris become the target of military retaliation. Those who engage in talks and protest peacefully for whatever their cause is serve a better purpose. To those who violently demand cessation of Kashmir to Pakistan, I suggest send them to Pakistan so they may get what they wish. To those who peacefully make demands, I suggest give them a fair hearing and address their concerns. I guess that you would wish the same of any protest group in your nation as well ?
Nope. Kashmiris are entitled to live in their land. My point is that those who take up arms to resolve their issues just cause futher misery to the people who live in Kashmir. Sometimes innocent Kashmiris become the target of military retaliation. Those who engage in talks and protest peacefully for whatever their cause is serve a better purpose. To those who violently demand cessation of Kashmir to Pakistan, I suggest send them to Pakistan so they may get what they wish. To those who peacefully make demands, I suggest give them a fair hearing and address their concerns. I guess that you would wish the same of any protest group in your nation as well ?

There is a cost to everything. Everyone lives on one plant. If one country pollutes excessively, that country will be asked to shut off pollution before it kills the planet. Kashmir at the end of the day is another piece of land on this plant. If asking Kashmiris to choose between settlement in Pakistan or India helps solve the problem, then both governments should seriously consider it. An allowance fund can be setup to oversee which side of India and Pakistan these Kashmiris want to live, much like what happened in the Punjab, I guess. I am truly for reduction of all sorts of wars and hatred around the world. Control for resources has taken its deadly toll on ordinary people around the world - just look at African nations. It is the people of Neelum and Kashmir valleys that have suffered the most. You cannot have a dispute for 50 odd years. Either solve it within 5 or 10 years or else forget about it. If it is running this long, someone else and not the parties to the dispute are benefiting from this.
Make LOC the internationl border and live in peace. 55% of kasmir will be in Pak hands ( counting the Aksai chin area they gave to china) and 45% in india. So why cry now, you go the bigger and better part of kashmir , why fight now.
Please open a separate thread to discuss that. BUT wait that is our Internal matter and not some disputed one under UN resolution.

You bhartis never tired of making up things

learnt it from you guys on this forum :)
i think that yatrees take money frm u ,and go there.i have a lot of things 2 say,but seniors are seniors and religion must be respected.

yeah we should stop copying the saudis or italians
There is a cost to everything. Everyone lives on one plant. If one country pollutes excessively, that country will be asked to shut off pollution before it kills the planet. Kashmir at the end of the day is another piece of land on this plant. If asking Kashmiris to choose between settlement in Pakistan or India helps solve the problem, then both governments should seriously consider it. An allowance fund can be setup to oversee which side of India and Pakistan these Kashmiris want to live, much like what happened in the Punjab, I guess. I am truly for reduction of all sorts of wars and hatred around the world. Control for resources has taken its deadly toll on ordinary people around the world - just look at African nations. It is the people of Neelum and Kashmir valleys that have suffered the most. You cannot have a dispute for 50 odd years. Either solve it within 5 or 10 years or else forget about it. If it is running this long, someone else and not the parties to the dispute are benefiting from this.

Everybody knows about the cost. The kashmir dispute cannot be resolved until all parties compromise on the status-quo. Unfortunately, that is not accepted by some.
The yatra is done in this summer season and that so-called ICe linga melts away so they have to fool the people by forming a fake one.

Please do have a reality check, NO one is insulting your religion. They even had installed air conditioning system to prevent the melting so its not DIVINE in anyway

I am agnostic . I dont deny or accept the existance of god. But religion is crap. Only has led to war. There is no divinity in any place of worship. See the way Rome is minting money by making Vatican the centre and Saudi is minting money by making mecca holy. In india, people waste so much money by giong to temples and pilgrimage. people who go here are fooled into parting with money and only enriching the authorities. Ban religion world will be happy.. My 2 cents.
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Take that discussion to some other thread and i will reply you here it doesnt fit.

Amarnath cave is in Held Kashmir and the yatra there is pure drama that issue is not about religious believes but the issue is Indian cheating and spread of lies by forming fake ice linga and presents it as something divine in the cave.

going by this logic, there are ancient temples in kashmir that was established before islam came and makes it a hindu region. so muslims are guests here and should not cause trouble. hindus were generous to give muslims, pakistan, they can go there if they dont like it

---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

How does any of the above address the issue of the continued violation of India's commitment and promise to the Kashmiris of plebiscite in Kashmir?

Diplomacy alone had not resolved the Rann of Kutch dispute - it was in fact military conflict, in which Pakistan was perceived to be successful to a degree, that possibly pushed towards both the resolution of Sir Creek through greater diplomacy, as well as the Pakistani attempt to replicate that 'military conflict' in Kashmir in 65 to push the Indians to resolve the dispute.

And broader conventional war in 1965 was initiated by the Indians in response to the infiltration attempt - at that point the use of conventional forces by Pakistan was justified lest it lose more Kashmiri territory in the face of a conventional Indian military assault.

there is no plebiscite in kashmir. please forget it. that is now a defunct idea and impossibility.
If asking Kashmiris to choose between settlement in Pakistan or India helps solve the problem, then both governments should seriously consider it.

That solution assumes that the problem lies with the 'fact' of denying what the Kashmiris want. Kashmir, unfortunately, was never about Kashmiris. Kashmir has always been viewed by both India and Pakistan, as a piece of land, crucial for their respective strategic and ideological needs. So the great game of Kashmir is all about denying each other the possession of that piece of land where the Kashmiris are mere pawns and acceptable collateral.

The argument of population exchange is mere rhetoric.
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