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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If you read my earlier post, you will get known that Kashmir was always independent until you attack which force King to annex it to India.

Kashmir was independent but the people wanted to go with Pakistan. The King was pro-India.

Ironic that democractic India should align herself with a tyrant over the wishes of his own people.
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.

Why do you continue hiding behind a Chinese persona?
Are you so ashamed of your Indian heritage?
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists.
The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.

I do agree with the Chinese model. Or for that matter even the Israeli one. We should just eliminate those vociferous voices calling for an armed rebellion. Period. These are the same people who enjoy the fruits of Indian constitution while demonizing our society. Its about time our govt grows some balls, instead of only acting through diplomacy.
Oh and anyway, Indian secularism is constantly under scrutiny in these very forums and apparently the world over - so some believe, so lets give them a real reason to be worried about our secular credentials.
To Hell With Habeas Corpus!

Updated at: 1311 PST, Friday, August 21, 2009
More unmarked graves discovered in held Kashmir SRINAGAR: A rights group has discovered several unmarked graves containing about 1,500 unidentified bodies in held Kashmir valley.

Members of the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) said that at least eight of the graves had more than one body likely of the innocent people killed by Indian paramilitary forces.

"We've found that at least eight are mass graves as they contain more than one body," the APDP’s lawyer, Pervez Imroz told media men here.

"We have found more graves of about 1,500 people buried as unidentified persons in three remote districts during our ongoing survey," Pervez Imroz, said.

The latest report from the districts of Baramulla, Kupwara and Bandipore is part of the APDP's ongoing survey of the northern parts of the held Kashmir . Last year, in a report titled, "Facts Under Ground", the APDP had reported discovery of unmarked graves of about 1,000 people near Uri in Baramulla district.

After that report, the Amnesty International had called for an independent probe into the unnamed graves.
I support Kashmir freedom, if people of pakistan support Srilankan Tamil, Tibet, Taiwan, Freedom.., after all each people has right to choose their way of living and freedom... but somehow., these people only support kashmir, and turns a blind eye for Srilankan Tamil and Tibet.,
Sri Lankan Tamil, Tibet, Taiwan etc. are not claimed as disputed territory by Pakistan, so why should we get involved in them. Pakistan supports a plebsicite to allow the people of J&K to determine their future destiny because J&K is disputed territory between India and Pakistan, as attested by the UNSC resolutions that were passed and accepted by India, Pakistan and the world community.

Your argument is therefore irrelevant.
So Im going to be presumptious here and say that you're implying that somehow the IA is responsible for this???......Any proof that these "unmarked mass graves" were the work of Indian armed forces??

How did anyone figure out that 1 out of 8 bodies was innocent....did the bodies have a stamp or something??

Sorry.....I call BS....I also call this a concocted report by a Geo reporter!!
There are mass graves allright, but further north.

"The people of Gilgit and Baltistan resisted establishment of militant training camps and the use of Baltistan as the launching pad for infiltration into India. Pakistani militants have never been fair with the people of Gilgit and Baltistan. Locals still talk about the genocide of 1988 when the militants attacked Gilgit and massacred innocent people. On their way out, they abducted hundreds of women. Eleven years have passed and no one knows what happened to those women. Further, locals also knew that by allowing their land to become the launching pad for militancy, they were inviting the unwanted wrath of the Indian army. In case war broke out, it was the land and people of Baltistan and Ladakh which were going to suffer the damage and not Pakistan. Given this background, the locals demanded that all the camps should be closed and militants should be moved out. In one incident, people of Skardo town engaged in armed skirmishes with the militants that led to imposition of curfew. In Gilgit, the locals managed to kill some militants who threatened the lives and property of the people. Despite this stiff resistance from the locals, the ISI continued its operation from Gilgit and Baltistan into Ladakh.

::IDSA Strategic Comments:: “Reclaiming Nubra” – Locals Shunning Pakistani Influences by Senge H. Sering ::
Pakistan should press the UN to send a team to investigate the mass graves.....more then likely it will be woman and children killed in cold blood by the indian occupation army.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

There are mass graves allright, but further north.

"The people of Gilgit and Baltistan resisted establishment of militant training camps and the use of Baltistan as the launching pad for infiltration into India. Pakistani militants have never been fair with the people of Gilgit and Baltistan. Locals still talk about the genocide of 1988 when the militants attacked Gilgit and massacred innocent people. On their way out, they abducted hundreds of women. Eleven years have passed and no one knows what happened to those women. Further, locals also knew that by allowing their land to become the launching pad for militancy, they were inviting the unwanted wrath of the Indian army. In case war broke out, it was the land and people of Baltistan and Ladakh which were going to suffer the damage and not Pakistan. Given this background, the locals demanded that all the camps should be closed and militants should be moved out. In one incident, people of Skardo town engaged in armed skirmishes with the militants that led to imposition of curfew. In Gilgit, the locals managed to kill some militants who threatened the lives and property of the people. Despite this stiff resistance from the locals, the ISI continued its operation from Gilgit and Baltistan into Ladakh.

::IDSA Strategic Comments:: “Reclaiming Nubra” – Locals Shunning Pakistani Influences by Senge H. Sering ::

And that somehow compares to the hundreds of thousands killed in kashmir by the indians.
So whos gonna do the "JIhad for peace"...I m sure you 're coming along since you believe in it so deeply

Just as long i see you on the other side i will be there in a flash.
Mass Graves Uncovered In Indian Kashmir

The Associated Press

Rights workers have discovered several unmarked graves containing about 1,500 unidentified bodies in Indian Kashmir, a prominent rights group said Thursday, alleging that some of corpses were likely innocent people killed by government forces.Researchers from the Association of Parents of Disappeared People, or APDP, which represents relatives of people who have disappeared in the violence, says at least eight of the graves held more than one body.
An Indian official said the bodies were likely those of militants killed over the past 20 years in fighting for control of the Himalayan region. But the government has also opened an investigation into such graves.

We have found more graves of about 1,500 people buried as unidentified in three remote districts during our ongoing survey. We've found that at least eight are mass graves as they contain more than one body.
- Pervez Imroz, lawyer for the Association of Parents of Disappeared People
Separatist groups there are fighting for the Indian-controlled portion's independence from predominantly Hindu India or its merger with mostly Muslim Pakistan. More than 68,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed in the uprising and the subsequent Indian crackdown.
Last year in a report titled, "Facts Under Ground" APDP had reported finding the unmarked graves of about 1,000 people near Uri, an area near the de facto frontier that divides Indian- and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir and referred to as Line of Control.
"We have found more graves of about 1,500 people buried as unidentified in three remote districts during our ongoing survey," Pervez Imroz, the group's lawyer, said in an interview Thursday. "We've found that at least eight are mass graves as they contain more than one body."

The latest report from the districts of Baramulla, Kupwara and Bandipore is part of the APDP's ongoing survey of the northern parts of Indian Kashmir, which is near the Line of Control and will eventually broaden to the rest of the state.
After last year's revelations, Amnesty International called for an independent probe into the unmarked graves.
On Thursday, Ramesh Gopalakrishnan, a researcher on the London-based rights group's South Asia team, said there had been no "responsible and serious" response on the subject by either the state or federal governments.

Indian authorities had dismissed the earlier revelations but this year the State Human Rights Commission, a government body formed after widespread allegations of human rights abuses by the army, paramilitary and police in the state, sought information on the issue.

"The state government has yet to respond to our notice," said Farooq Ahmed, an official of the commission said Thursday.
All the state officials reached by the Associated Press declined to comment on the subject.

However, one senior police officer who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said authorities launched an investigation last year when the revelations were first made. "Hundreds of foreign militants have been killed since the militancy started, and many of them have died in gunbattles on borders. Everyone knows they have been buried as unidentified," he said.

Human rights workers have complained for years that innocent people have disappeared, been killed by government forces in staged gunbattles, and suspected rebels have been arrested and never heard from again.
Rights groups say there have been an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 disappearances since the anti-India rebellion began in 1989

Anti-India sentiment runs deep in Kashmir, a region divided between India and Pakistan, but claimed by both.
The government says most of the people who disappeared are Kashmiri youths who crossed into neighboring Pakistan for weapons training.
The state government said Monday that 3,429 people have disappeared from their homes while 110 others disappeared from the custody of government forces in the past two decades.
thats great. 1,500 scum from across LOC 6 feet down under.. :)

Here is something for you

The acknowledgement of the crime against Taleban prisoners by Northern alliance warlords may help to focus attention on the fate of many Pakistani and Afghan Taleban who were flown to India for investigations and are reportedly lying in one of the many mass graves that dot the IHK landscape ; particularly in Baramula district.

The Indian clout that led to transfer of Taleban prisoner to India is linked to her crucial support to Northern Alliance during their rainy days in the period 1996-97.

India was instrumental in cobbling together disparate non-Pashtun Groups including Uzbek Jumbish-e-Milli (Rashid Dostum), Tajik Jamiat-e-Islami (Burhanuddin Rabbani) and Hazara Hizb-e-Wahdat (Karim Khalili) under the overall leadership of the charismatic Tajik commander Ahmad Shah Masood.

When the tables were turned onto Taleban in the wake of the US sponsored assault by Northern Alliance Forces in Oct 2001, India was ready to harvest the windfall. A diplomatic mission headed by their special Envoy for Afghanistan, Satindar Lambah landed in Kabul on 21 Nov 2001; even before inauguration of the Afghan Interim set up. Lt Gen (Retd) Sawhney, ex Chief of RAW, was nominated as the Indian Ambassador and he effectively laid out a formidable network of intelligence ingress in the post-Taleban Afghanistan.

So just as Dostum was consigning thousands of Taleban to death by suffocation and later dumping their bodies into mass graves of Dasht-e-Leili , a team of RAW officials was busy selecting Pakistani and Afghan nationals for flying to India’s own undisclosed Guantanomo to be used as clay pigeons for fake encounters and promoting the thesis of “cross-border-terrorism”. The Indian Team led by a major general was given free access to prisoners held in the Dashtak Jail in Panjshir.

The selected prisoners were shifted to 6 Frontier Corps Headquarters at Kunduz under facilitation by Marshal Faheem and Younas Qanooni. They were flown to Dushanbe by two MI 17 helicopters for an airlift to New Delhi on 25 Jun 2001 by an IL-76 IAF aircraft. According to sources the aircraft had flown for the mission from the Hindon airbase a day earlier. In another incident a batch of 300 prisoners of Pakistani and other assorted nationalities was airlifted by Indian intelligence agencies from the Northern Alliance jails in Shibberghan and Bagram in November 2001.

Having disappeared without a trace, these hapless people in all probability landed in the mass graves – much like their Dasht-e-Leili compatriots – after having been shot in one of the countless fake encounters that keep on coming to surface with a sickening regularity in Indian Held Kashmir.

Kashmiri Mass Graves Demand Attention as well Mr. Obama! | Pakistan Daily
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