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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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All Indians keep mentioning tribesmen as they were aliens who entered kashmir. Stop bring tribesmen, they at the time of Muslim league call decided to join Pakistan even this territory was to go back to Afghanistan after 99years, the Durand line, Since All Pashtuns decided to say in Pakistan at it independence, so they were legally Pakistanis and were fighting for their motherland.
Actually, the UNSC resolutions refer to 'the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals'. The phrase is accepted and used consistently and continuously in all resolutions, wherever any such reference was needed to be made, by the UN. Anyway, thanks for making my point.

Now coming to resolutions, read see for yourself what it says and not what you have written down.

DRAFT 6.2.1948

38 (1948)

47 (1948)
Draft 6.2.1948 was what it was - a draft. It was never adopted. Res 38 doesn't detail out any condition. It simply takes cognizance of Kashmir dispute. Res 47 became irrelevant after the unanimous adoption of the Cease Fire agreement (Res 48 or Doc 1100, passed on 13.8.48) and subsequent resolution for plebiscite (Res 49 or Doc 1196, passed on 5.2.49).
Doc 110/13.8.48 said:
When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistan forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission
Doc 1196/5.1.48 said:
A plebiscite will be held when it shall be found by the Commission that the cease-fire and truce arrangements set forth in Parts I and II of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, have been carried out and arrangements for the plebiscite have been completed
there are many more resolution where this came from, it is funny you post your ideas as if they were on U.N.

Clearly the resolution say that if the force have withdrawn, named tribesmen than Indian must start a process to set up plebiscite plans and procedure and implement with urgency.

But you Indians read and twist it and read and twist it again again. there are billion Indians and billion interpretations of Kashmir resolutions.

You guys do not want peace only talk silly and keep killing innocents, raping women
Ho hum.
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.

Nice going man :devil:, keep it up :tup:
It's obvious that we cannot take Kashmir via force.Is it really worth it to fight for a cause which is not going to change and if anything it might turn Sub Continent to nuclear waste land.I personally believe that Pakistan should give up on Kashmir and offer free citizenship and mass migration to Kashmiris who wish to live in Pakistan as a AZAD Kashmiri.We can certainly help them.If we can accept afghanis then why not Kashmiris.J&K will remain with India and thats a fact unless China does something crazy (highly unlikely) so we should accept LOC as international border and it might even improve our relations with India.All those kashmiris who wish to live with India can remain in J&K while those who want to live in Pakistan can move over and in a decade or so we can even open up both borders.Trust me neither side is going to give up its territory.That's the only solution i can think of.

It's not up to us to impose a solution on the Kashmiri people. They are quite capable of making their own choices -- unhampered by the presence of 700,000 intimidaters.

Ironic, really, that so-called 'democratic India' refuses to let the Kashmiri people exercise their democratic right in this, their most crucial, decision.
It's not up to us to impose a solution on the Kashmiri people. They are quite capable of making their own choices -- unhampered by the presence of 700,000 intimidaters.

Ironic, really, that so-called 'democratic India' refuses to let the Kashmiri people exercise their democratic right in this, their most crucial, decision.

If you read my earlier post, you will get known that Kashmir was always independent until you attack which force King to annex it to India.
what was more awkard for me was when i read this article is that how cud these writers preach being unbiased when they themselves rn't...

"Briefly, I had another thought. I imagined myself standing in the heart of an RSS or VHP rally being addressed by L.K. Advani. Replace the word Islam with the word Hindutva, replace the word Pakistan with Hindustan, replace the sea of green flags with saffron ones, and we would have the BJP's nightmare vision of an ideal India.

I for one hate any extremism on the basis of religion becoz .. if we patronize our religions and let extremists control it... be islam, chritianity or hinudism.. its a defeat for us... I for one strongly object dividing a nation on the basis of religion.... Never in the history except for twice in 1945-1947 has a country got birth or got partitioned based on just religion !!
When Roy sympathizes with kashmiris by just hinting that she finds it ok for kashmiris to chant Pakistan just becoz it is islamic and they believe only Allah but when some otehr organization RSS does that she says it's nightmare !! when its a nightmare becoz of defining an ideal nation based on one religion then even to some extent kashmiri's patronizing pakistan becoz its islamic republic too needs to be called nightmare !! 2 yardsticks !!! bit****.......

The difference is that the RSS uses religion as a jingoistic tool to assert supremacy over others. The Kashmiris use religion as a uniting force to fight occupation and oppression.

The RSS wants to impose Hinduism on everyone. The Kashmiris don't want to convert anyone. They just want to be left alone.
Not just India but any country on the face of earth rejects seperatists movements... what wud u say if some balochs protest pakis saying even they were not involved merging their province back then !!!

All people have the right for self-determination.

Pakistan mistreated the Bangalis and they left. If we continue mistreating the Balochis, and a sufficient majority of Balochis want to leave Pakistan, then Pakistan would need to do some soul searching and address the issue. Either address their concerns or let them go.

India should do the same.
All people have the right for self-determination.

Pakistan mistreated the Bangalis and they left. If we continue mistreating the Balochis, and a sufficient majority of Balochis want to leave Pakistan, then Pakistan would need to do some soul searching and address the issue. Either address their concerns or let them go.

India should do the same.

For me, I don't Balochis ever want to leave Pakistan. It's just they want Justice. Similar is with India, they want Justice but it has been hide by Terrorism.
The difference is that the RSS uses religion as a jingoistic tool to assert supremacy over others. The Kashmiris use religion as a uniting force to fight occupation and oppression.

The RSS wants to impose Hinduism on everyone. The Kashmiris don't want to convert anyone. They just want to be left alone.

Again you have put Religion in the matter of Land. Now as you have put, let me add that 300000 Kashmiri Pandit because of Terrorism. What you claim this ? India has Article 307, which restrict anyone to settle in Kashmir.
Lol matey, I chose not to reply to that one because it was another piece of blogged junk!

Indian organization report (Sachar Commission), Indian Christian groups, US and International organizations' reports, first-hand interviews with relatives of Sikh victims...

Yep, it'all blogs, mate. And I bet all these organizations are owned by ISI. The Sikh woman was an ISI operative for sure...:rofl:

I can understand why you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the realities from which you were shielded throughout schooling and mainstream Indian media.

Oh, happy days....
Again you have put Religion in the matter of Land. Now as you have put, let me add that 300000 Kashmiri Pandit because of Terrorism. What you claim this ? India has Article 307, which restrict anyone to settle in Kashmir.

I did not inject religion.

I was responding to the claim by one of the posters that AR is showing double standards re: RSS and Kashmiris.
Like the poor common man really has a choice when facing the business end of a Kalashnikov!!

With 700,000 Indian thugs around to enforce 'loyalty' to India, the Kashmiris are brave indeed to keep on resisting.

I really dig fiction!

Well, then, you just keep right on reading the mainstream Indian media...

It's all one giant Bollywood Incredible India commercial. :rofl:
Sri Lanka, Tibet and Taiwan are not flying Pakistani flag.
Kashmiri people are.

who is flying pakistani flag can go to pakistan thats simple..
if i fly the american flag then can america say the indian land is mine?:rofl:rofl:
For me, I don't Balochis ever want to leave Pakistan. It's just they want Justice. Similar is with India, they want Justice but it has been hide by Terrorism.

Both India and Pakistan can do a lot better to try and keep their people happy.

If India uses soft power to woo the Kashmiris, then they may well change their mind and decide to stay with India, and Pakistan will have a much harder time finding separatist supporters.

Same goes for Pakistan and Balochistan.
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