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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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As long as you are from Kashmir you are a Kashmiri and Azad Kashmir is Kashmir.

Every province of Pakistan has different kinds of people. Its like saying only Jatts are Punjabis and Syyeds are not Punjabis.
I have Kashmiri lineage, I strongly support Kashmir's right of self-determination. I consider myself first and foremost a Pakistani!
I know a Kashmiri family here in U.S. Their grandparents migrated from India Occupied Kashmir to Lahore after partition. They are very patriotic Pakistanis and yes they can still speak the Kashmiri language and teach their children the language too but they are more fluent in Urdu like most Pakistanis.

There are many Kashmiris living in Lahore. Khawaja and Butt are famous Kashmiri surnames and those surnames are very common in Lahore and other parts of Pakistan.
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i have met a decent amount of Kashmiri and most feel they have nothing in common with Indians infact many have shown a deep hatred for anything Indian. Some of my own family who are born in Srinigar in a place called Nowhatta love Pakistan with a passion but don't want to leave their ancestoral home and although they have a great resentment for India and Indians in general most love the muslims that reside in that country extremely passionately.

So you mean their hatred to India has more to do with religion than any other thing! Sorry, couldn't be sympathetic or respectful towards your friends in Srinagar.
Thousands protest "staged" killings in Kashmir

(Reuters) - At least 28 people were hurt in Indian Kashmir on Saturday when police fired teargas shells at thousands of demonstrators protesting the killing of three villagers in an alleged fake gun battle by security forces, witnesses said.

The fresh "staged" killings could trigger widespread protests across the Muslim-majority region where rebel violence is waning but anti-Indian sentiment still runs deep.

Late last month, army said its soldiers killed three Muslim militants while trying to cross over to Indian Kashmir from Pakistani side on Line of Control, a military control line that divides the disputed region between two nuclear armed rivals.
But three families in north Kashmir's Baramulla area said the slain men were innocent relatives who had gone missing days before the border clash.
Authorities in Kashmir on Friday ordered a probe and into the killings and also exhumed the three bodies, which were found to be those of the missing men, an official said.

"Army has already ordered a high level internal enquiry into the incident to bare the facts transparently and to bring to book anybody if found guilty," chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, said in a statement.

"Allah-hu-Akbar (God is great), down with Indian forces," the protesters shouted, as they marched with the bodies of slain men in Baramulla, 50 km (31 miles) north of Srinagar, Kashmir's summer capital.

Government forces in the revolt-torn Himalayan state in the past have been accused of murdering innocent civilians in staged gun battles and passing them off as separatist militants to earn rewards and promotions.
Officials say more than 47,000 people have been killed after a revolt against Indian rule broke out in 1989. Human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000.

Thousands protest staged killings in Kashmir | Reuters
Late last month, army said its soldiers killed three Muslim militants while trying to cross over to Indian Kashmir from Pakistani side on Line of Control, a military control line that divides the disputed region between two nuclear armed rivals.
But three families in north Kashmir's Baramulla area said the slain men were innocent relatives who had gone missing days before the border clash.

Are these the infiltrators that IA proudly kills.For their Personal glory and promotions.
Are these the infiltrators that IA proudly kills.For their Personal glory and promotions.

yes i would like to ask the same questions to some of the Indian members here... specialy when they say that we pakistanis are not sincere to kashmiris and all those indian media stories are told about AJK "not" free. Then what about this ... Killings of inocent kashmiris just to blame pakistan for Cross border terrorism and get promotions...
Fake Encounters , Are Not actually Encounters which are created for the Purpose of rivalry nor anything personal....

This is the birth of Such Encounters, Separatists have the habit of hiding terrorists, and Army breaks In And engages in A Battle with them Based Only on the Intelligence Inputs, Some Go wrong, which End Up as Fake Encounters, We need better Intelligence Inputs....

every Battalion has its own Intelligence Source, And They carry out operation without Informing the higher Officials as to keep it secret and Its not against the protocol, so The officer Leading the battalion is Solly responsible, and When Wrong , They end Up a Police enquiry and Later On deal with the Military consequences
Always hate hate hate.....:angry:

Why dont u discuss abt this..?


No Army in the world,especially in insurgency prone areas are free from this fake encounters......:agree:

Thats what i said to an indian members in an another thread related to kashmir... but the hate is too much that no one tries to accept the reality or accept what is wrong and unjustified. I have seen Indian members just argue for nothing. No matter what you tell them they will just reply with their hatred... and finally this was my first thread and it was just to Open some indian members eyes and just to show them that everything is not right in indian kashmir. Please don't take it as hatred or flaming post.
I am sure that the families of actual terrorists will also never submit that their relatives were really terrorists. Whether these guys who were killed were terrorists or not will be determined by an inquiry if one is ordered. THere have been enough cases of punishments handed out to defaulters in the security forces if the encounters are really fake. Till then, for me these 3 who were killed were what is claimed by the IA.

Its foolhardy to expect IA involved in counter insurgency operations in the area to first look for proof and then engage the terrorists. The rules are simple.. If fired upon, take them out.

Are there innocents that get caught in the cross fire.. sure.. Very unfortunate but unavoidable in a COIN operation as civilians in Afghanistan and NWFP as well know to their cost..
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