Can you tell me how Pakistan and India was divided ? Areas with most muslims will go to Pakistan and other will go to India right ? 99% of Kashmiries were muslims but Mahraja was hindu. He betrayed his ppl and gave Kashmir to India. When Pakistan relasied that they sent there troops and captured area which is called Azad Kashmir now. UN asked bother countries to stop war and let kashmiri ppl decied. Both countries agreed on that term but since that India has not done what they promised.
So i am woundring why India agreed on UN terms if it was there area ? Why UN let Pakistan keep Azad Kashmir and asked for election which India rejecting now. What are u afriad of ? After 60 year Kashmiri dont call them Indias.
Why India is interrested in Kashmir ? Its is because they want to controll water noting else.
in that case if you invade a lan because it has more muslims, why did you not invade afghanistan and capture it?