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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The presence of thousands of Indian forces with latest equipment, the extra judicial killings of Kashmiris, the raps of Kashmiri women, the killing of Kashmiri youth in fake encounters. and so on.

After so many decades still India failed to curb voices of freedom rather its not freedom its strugle for getting back their own land which was occupied by India.

Claim you made was that Balochistan wants to stay with Pakistan...it was'nt wrt Kashmir....so in other words how do you 'know' that they want to stay with Pakistan.

Claim you made was that Balochistan wants to stay with Pakistan...it was'nt wrt Kashmir....so in other words how do you 'know' that they want to stay with Pakistan.

Why don't you wake up and smell the coffee ... you don't even know the issue of Balochistan and want to compare Kashmir and Balochistan!

Balochistan has always voted for Pakistan and it is an undisputed territory. Kashmir is a disputed part as accepted by the UN, Pakistan, India and most importantly by the Kashmiris!!

India will need to sit down and resolve Kasshmir with Pakistan!!!
My friend...if there was no India.....what the hell was Christopher Columbus doing trying to find "India"....and why are the natives of Americas called "Red Indians"????
Care to explain? The way I see it....there was no Pakistan before '47, there has always been an India.....and will live forever.....
In fact no one would have known what Pakistan even is if it wasnt for Afghanistan and the soviet occupation.....

Please dont throw non-sensical arguments....
Even if there was no one ruler ruling India, the lands from the Indus to the Brahmaputra and from the Himalayas to the Kanyakumari was called India......
With your theory, half of Europe should be called Germany because the germans occupied them during WW2
Another way to look at it is....why did the British choose the name Bristish India, if India never existed???

Its one thing to fight over Kashmir....now you want us to give up our history as well??? Thats plain bonkers!!!

This whole region was always called 'Hindustan' ... India is an English word used by the people who didn't know crap about this region so feel free to go by their history.

Now Hindustan was also a name used to identify the limits of the Mughal empire anything out of that area was always called by the original name, e.g the kingdom of Tipu Sultan and Haider Ali ... The Marhatas ... Ranjit Singh's area etc.

You are ashamed of calling yourself a Hindustani that is probably why you are so inclined to use the word India ... kawa chala hans ki chaal aur apni chaal bhi bhool gaya This is a common problem with Hindustanis these days.
Sigh ... back to this old issue. 200 people waving Pakistani flags doesn't prove anything. There will always be Talibanized elements, even in J&K.

Plebiscite in Indian Kashmir cannot be held as a matter of principle. Separatists are welcome to contest elections to demonstrate their support. If they win elections that would be a great moral victory for them. They always have the option of not taking the oath.

The contrast is really striking - on the Indian side, India wants separatists to contest elections but they don't have the guts, being worried about their hollowness being exposed. On the other hand, on the Pakistani side, parties like JKLF want to participate in elections but Pakistan does not allow them to do so, because they refuse to support merger with Pakistan.
As a matter of principle? What the Indian constitution stands for breaking contracts and treaties?

The plebiscite would involve the general people not just separatists. It's India that's not showing guts because no one would vote for them. Contesting elections? What validity does armed hostage takers, rapists and murderers have to organize elections?

---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

Sigh ... back to this old issue. 200 people waving Pakistani flags doesn't prove anything. There will always be Talibanized elements, even in J&K.

Plebiscite in Indian Kashmir cannot be held as a matter of principle. Separatists are welcome to contest elections to demonstrate their support. If they win elections that would be a great moral victory for them. They always have the option of not taking the oath.

The contrast is really striking - on the Indian side, India wants separatists to contest elections but they don't have the guts, being worried about their hollowness being exposed. On the other hand, on the Pakistani side, parties like JKLF want to participate in elections but Pakistan does not allow them to do so, because they refuse to support merger with Pakistan.
As a matter of principle? What the Indian constitution stands for breaking contracts and treaties?

The plebiscite would involve the general people not just separatists. It's India that's not showing guts because no one would vote for them. Contesting elections? What validity does armed hostage takers, rapists and murderers have to organize elections?
Atrocities in kashmir must stop, freedom of assembly and of expression must not be abused by India, amnesty international must be allowed to enter Kashmir to assess the false claims by India about peace in Kashmir.

India must allow people of kashmir the right of self determination, if not than we the Pakistanis on this forum should boycott all Indian who support the occupation of Kashmir and stop discussions till they agree to support the choices of kashmiris about Kashmir.

All Pakistanis, if you agree sign yes for me. remember this is a non violent way of us telling Indians to put their money where their mouth is. And that is to allow Democratic and God given right to all Kashmiris to choose their destiny freely or stop claiming to be the biggest Democracy of the world.

free and fair elections in Kashmir. We are ready for all options but i guess Pakistan is not ready for a separate state of kashmir. which most of the ppl of kashmir really want.

Plebiscite abandoned

in the 1950s, the Indian Government distanced itself from its commitment to hold a plebiscite.

This was

firstly because Pakistani forces had not been withdrawn and secondly because elections affirming the state's status as part of India had been held.

Independence option

But there was a split between those demanding a plebiscite in order to determine allegiance to either India or Pakistan and those who stated that a third option should be added: Independence.

Ladakhis do not want to join Pakistan

Pakistan has consistently called for the issue to be resolved by means of a plebiscite and has blamed India for reneging on its pledge.

But although it supports the Kashmiris "right of self-determination," Pakistan has never accepted the third option as a possible outcome.

It is also now evident that holding a plebiscite that assumes Kashmir becomes a united state might not produce an equitable result, given its cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir's forgotten plebiscite
free and fair elections in Kashmir. We are ready for all options but i guess Pakistan is not ready for a separate state of kashmir. which most of the ppl of kashmir really want.

Pakistan is more than willing to have an independent Kashmir, even if it means losing parts of the Kashmir valley from Pakistan!

Only India has problems, don't drag Pakistan into it.

Plebiscite abandoned

in the 1950s, the Indian Government distanced itself from its commitment to hold a plebiscite.

This was

firstly because Pakistani forces had not been withdrawn and secondly because elections affirming the state's status as part of India had been held.

Independence option

But there was a split between those demanding a plebiscite in order to determine allegiance to either India or Pakistan and those who stated that a third option should be added: Independence.

Ladakhis do not want to join Pakistan

Pakistan has consistently called for the issue to be resolved by means of a plebiscite and has blamed India for reneging on its pledge.

But although it supports the Kashmiris "right of self-determination," Pakistan has never accepted the third option as a possible outcome.

It is also now evident that holding a plebiscite that assumes Kashmir becomes a united state might not produce an equitable result, given its cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir's forgotten plebiscite

All decisions made by Indians on their own, if a plebiscite would've said Kashmiris don't want to separate then it would be believable. Conducting a farce of an election doesn't prove anything.
Just tell me this, if you guys are so confident about the results then why don't you just hold the plebiscite.

All this pussyfooting around it. You should be saying "Yes we know Kashmiris hate us, but we're going to keep the nation hostage with force". Thats the bottom line.

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

Just tell me this, if you guys are so confident about the results then why don't you just hold the plebiscite.

All this pussyfooting around it. You should be saying "Yes we know Kashmiris hate us, but we're going to keep the nation hostage with force". Thats the bottom line.
Pakistan is more than willing to have an independent Kashmir, even if it means losing parts of the Kashmir valley from Pakistan!

Only India has problems, don't drag Pakistan into it.

Plebiscite abandoned

All decisions made by Indians on their own, if a plebiscite would've said Kashmiris don't want to separate then it would be believable. Conducting a farce of an election doesn't prove anything.

hope u have read the article which clearly states that Pakistan is not interested in an Independent Kashmir

and answer this

why are some parties not allowed to contest in elections ? in so called Azad Kashmir ? is your Kashmir Azad after all ?

yes am talking abt JKLF :sniper:

At least we allow the separatists to contest in elections.And they dont coz they know they don't share the support to win an election .

i hope u wont tell the elections are rigged coz there are international observers involved.

Dude your attitude of an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. " You don't want Kashmir to accede to Pakistan but what ever happens it should not be in the indian federation" These are just sentiments of hate :cheesy:
Not only Kashmiris but Nepalis also observed Indian Independnt day as protest day.

Nepalis have also demanded of the Indians to free their land which was occupied by India.
hope u have read the article which clearly states that Pakistan is not interested in an Independent Kashmir

and answer this

why are some parties not allowed to contest in elections ? in so called Azad Kashmir ? is your Kashmir Azad after all ?

yes am talking abt JKLF :sniper:

At least we allow the separatists to contest in elections.And they dont coz they know they don't share the support to win an election .

i hope u wont tell the elections are rigged coz there are international observers involved.

Dude your attitude of an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. " You don't want Kashmir to accede to Pakistan but what ever happens it should not be in the indian federation" These are just sentiments of hate :cheesy:
Pakistanis will be more than willing to let go Kashmir if the Kashmiris choose so.

We have always put forward that the Kashmiris be allowed to hold the plebiscite, which includes the independence option. Only India cowers away from that stance.
Srinagar, Aug 14 (PTI) Police lobbed teargas shells and used batons to disperse a group of youths who set ablaze a tricolour and hoisted Pakistani flags at a few places and raised slogans in favour of the neighbouring country on the occasion of its Independence Day today.

Securitymen swung into action after over 200 youth took to the streets outside Jamia Masjid in downtown Srinagar shortly after Friday prayers, burst crackers and clashed with police personnel, official sources said.

Chanting "Long live Pakistan" and "We want freedom", the youth pelted stones in retaliation to the teargas and cane charge triggering clashes, they said.

As the situation became tense, security reinforcements were rushed to the spot to check violence from spreading to other areas.


Read this article and you will realize who are these ppl who raised the Pakistani flag

Where is Kashmir's conscience?:Free Kick:Tushar Srivastava's blog-The Times Of India

:sniper: The point is these are elements implanted in the society the separatists. So what say do they have a conscience ?:cheers:
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.
So what is your resolution or plan to solve the Kashmir issue? With the end result of Kashmir being fully liberated, not half, not partial, but fully.

Chances of this turning to a nuclear war maybe quite limited as it will be India with the most to lose and in fact annihilated. You know if India even brings nuclear weapons into the equations imagine the immense nuclear response of China and Pakistan against India, India would become a hotbed of radioactivity, it cannot afford to take such measures... The goal of the joint-military operation is to liberate Kashmir not to necessarily destroy all of India, if that were the goal then perhaps it would be reasonable for India to use nuclear weapons, as it's life would be on the line and ability to function day to day...

This is true that "nobody likes loosing their territory", but if India introduces Nuclear weapons into the equation, then how would it like to loose all of it's nation? See there is a bigger price to be paid on India's behalf. They can afford to loose Kashmir (geographically, politically, and militarily speaking), obviously it's not theirs...

You must understand yes this is a nasty business, yes it is bloody, yes it is tricky, yes it is very dangerous, but the success rate is on Pakistan-China side (referring to the Sino-Pakistan joint-military operation).

P.S I did not post my complete plan or analysis for privacy and secrecy reasons, simply don't want to discuss it in the public forum. I assure you there is more to the strategy then what I have publicly proposed...

I am sure there many war room plans lying around on how to snatch Kashmir from india through mitiary means...they usually falls apart with the first shorts fired...we saw what happened in 65 ,71 and more recently in kargil in yr 99.

Where was china in during 71 war??
Okay, and what was the reaction of china during kargil conflict??
Chinese response clearly disappointed pakistan big time.

Now china going to war with india on Arunachal pradesh and that too to the level of nuclear confrontation is in the realm of scary fiction for both india and china.

Do u think china gonna risk nuclear destruction of its cities which it bulit over the dacades of hardwork?? No never.

And also never remain in the false impression that india wont use its nuclear weapons over kashmir .U must remember that Kashmir is both integral and crtitical part of indian territorial unity.

Why the hell we are holding on to barren Siachen glaciers inspite of huge human and financial costs??

So if there were ever be a situation like u have conjured up...and india is pushed to corner by China and pakistan from both sides them Nuke birds would fly lot sooner than expected.

But thats no gonna happen anytime soon ,not atleast over Arunanchal pradesh as i believe the tradition of fidayeen strategies havent found any meaningful ground in chinese military parlance so far.
I feel the only way for India to control Kashmir is the way Chinese control Xinjiang..
Summarily execute all the separatists. The Hurriyat people are too pampered. They are openly doing anti-India activities within Indian territory without fear of any repercurssions. Just machines gun down these Pakistani flag waving people. No country can tolerate such activities. There will be cries from human rights groups for some time.. and then everything will go to normal.
If a bullet is fired from a village/town.. just carpet bomb that village/town. Re-settle patriotic Indians in Kashmir, like the Han Chinese do in Xinjiang. Instead, the Kashmiri pundits are driven out of their ancestral homelands. The situation has to be reversed. India has to become more aggressive. Learn from the Chinese how they control Xinjiang and Tibet.
India should not be too worried about Pakistan. Just treat it with indifference. Pakistan will be doing anti-India activities, no matter what is the situation in Kashmir. I think India can handle whatever worst Pakistan can throw at India. Pakistan has tried everything to grab Kashmir, and failed. Today India is stronger militarily, politically and economically than it was ever was in last 60 years.

Well, as u know we are not china ,we are a liberal democracy where everyone has right to express his/her feelings as long as they do it in a peaceful manner.

Anyway we dont hesitate to gundown armed terrorists making them martyr for their cause.

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