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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Ahem, sorry to have popped in.

Perhaps you're confusing terrorism with military aggression. 71 was a official war between the Military forces of India and Pak (just like 65), which Pakistan happen to loose. However, the instrument of terrorism the poster was referring to was, perhaps, to the non-military goons, who had been (mind it I used had, not has) armed and trained covertly by Pakistani Govt agencies and allowed to use Pakistan's soil to wage a so called Jihad against India.

First of all there is no Counter Insurgency Opn (COIN) involved in this case at all. Even the methodology too is definitely not similar to India's 71 methology. I am also more then 100% certain that PA will not wage another offensive like IA did back in 71. May be a Kargil here and there, but definitely not a all out offensive.

You guys can carry on now. Good luck.

Try to have little bit of more research and study about why it led to the 71 war. It wasn't that the Pakistani leadership woke up in the morning and decided that just for fun lets attack India. There was a reason, factors which led to a war with India.

Similarly, when non state actors attack inside India and you Indians start war mongering and call for war or surgical strikes.

Same happened in 71, difference that time the Indian State machinery was behind the terrorism and supported it, which led to the war.

India isn't so innocent, as you guys like to portray it.

Lets hope the US leaves the region soon, InshAllah we will then take our pending revenge.
wah wah.. What sentiments. 100% agree. Make Imran Bhai the President/PM of Pakistan and me the PM of India for i week. We will solve this within that week. :cheers:

so then i have mushy powers? presedent\pm :P pablic will say dactator hay hay hay shame shame on imran:lol:
I will just repeat something which i had posted somewhere else on the forum, I think it's more revelant here

(1) Pakistan gives up on terrorism as a state weapon (i.e. Dismantle terror infrastructure and groups, hand over India's most wanted to India, take care of LeT, Jem.......etc)

(2) India agrees to a time bound (say 5-10 years) period to resolve the Kashmir issue which will be acceptable to all parties, even rope in a neutral mediator say Norway for the same

and then probably we can live happily ever after :cheers:

And who gets to control the rivers ?

Water is the important issue in the future of Kashmir.

Try to have little bit of more research and study about why it led to the 71 war. It wasn't that the Pakistani leadership woke up in the morning and decided that just for fun lets attack India. There was a reason, factors which led to a war with India.

Similarly, when non state actors attack inside India and you Indians start war mongering and call for war or surgical strikes.

Same happened in 71, difference that time the Indian State machinery was behind the terrorism and supported it, which led to the war.

India isn't so innocent, as you guys like to portray it.

Lets hope the US leaves the region soon, InshAllah we will then take our pending revenge.

Taimi, the term non-state actors is too easy to use and pretty convenient. Do you think people here are fools that they will believe that no ISI help was involved? A retired ISI general is seen at JuD meetings with terrorist honchos. What does that suggest?Salahuddin and Masood Azhar roam about openly. And terrorism has been a state policy of GoP for years, irrespective of the civilian or military govt. in power.

And don't count on the Americans leaving soon. Thank your country's stars that they are here in the first place. Otherwise Pakistan would have still been ruled by a military junta with Musharraf as its ring leader and the country would have been a pariah. Pakistan was of no use to the US after the cold war. Its was 9/11 that made Pak important for US. Thank your stars for that.
Lets hope the US leaves the region soon, InshAllah we will then take our pending revenge.

Can you elaborate on how exactly you will take your revenge, without self-destructing yourself? Revenge is a lovable word, should be used cautiously.
Some interesting points up up by the indian members and i would like to answer a few if i could.

1.Kashmir belongs to india.

I think we all know that that british india was divided was along the lines of religion with the majority muslim areas making up pakistan and the majority hindu areas making up india.
Going of off this simple logic it is obvious that kashmir should go to pakistan.....after all it is a majority muslim area.If kashmir can not go to pakistan then the people of kashmir should at least have the choice between india,pakistan or independence.

2.The maharaja gave to kashmir to india.

The case of hyderabad junagadh come to mind......do i smell double standards?

3.The UN resolution (international)

It was you indians that took it to the UN in the first place.

4.Shimla accord.(bilateral)

After the invasion of sachin by india the shilma accord is void.

5.Chinese bit of kashmir.

So india has no problem with this becoming a trilateral issue?

As the indian members love telling us how much kashmiris love india why are you guys not willing to put it to the test and have a vote on the issue.

Thats exactly the problem. British made the mistake and we were desperate for freedom, so we accepted breaking up of India into two parts based on religion. But now, we are free and we wont allow this breaking up under religious lines any more. People belonging to any & every religion are most welcome to live peacefully in India as an Indian. Those who dont want that- are free to move to Pakistan. But - our land will remain our land. Kashmir will be in India, those who dont want to be Indians are free to embrace any country's citizenship. After all people choosing to live in US for example, dont take their land to US with them.
Try to have little bit of more research and study about why it led to the 71 war. It wasn't that the Pakistani leadership woke up in the morning and decided that just for fun lets attack India. There was a reason, factors which led to a war with India.

Similarly, when non state actors attack inside India and you Indians start war mongering and call for war or surgical strikes.

Same happened in 71, difference that time the Indian State machinery was behind the terrorism and supported it, which led to the war.

Well, since this isn't about the 71 war, I will refrain from dissecting it here. However I only wanted emphasize the fact that 71 situation and Kashmir terrorism isn't the same. If you think or know other wise, lets leave it at that and let us agree to dis-agree on this.

Request once again, not to generalize as you Indians. It's solely about me "hembo" and I do not represent the whole India.

India isn't so innocent, as you guys like to portray it.
Yes, I agree that HUM BHI DUDH KE DHULE HUE NEHI HAIN (Our hand's are also not that clean that most of us would like to believe.

But I like I said in some other thread, Newton's third law prevails: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". In this case much larger and opposite reaction.

Lets hope the US leaves the region soon, InshAllah we will then take our pending revenge.

Will that be a overt operation (direct military combat like 65 & 71) or covert (like ISI opn) or proxy (like L-e-T/ J-e-M)? What's with couple of the moderators threatening revenge/ attack in the last few days?

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I think your getting yorself confused with yourself.

India has a superiorty complex issue whereby it assumes everything it says about its neighbour are correct AND Pakistan should ACCEPT it.

If you cannot have an adult conversation and discuss matters whereby respecting other persons views then You Sir are in the wrong place

ya true, we should tell others must accept..:cheers:else:sniper:

GoI to decide not we are else
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Take Kashmir by force? what a joke. When have these fools ever succeeded in their so called 'jihad'? They've been beating their chests and shouting slogans for 2 decades now, what have they achieved? The PA could only watch as we carpet bombed an entire regiment out of existence, and they'll take Kashmir by force?? with what?? :rofl::rofl:

Let them come. We have 700,000 friendly soldiers eagerly waiting their arrival. We have tens of billions in reserve, over a million men in the paramilitary, reserves and active service each (~3.5 million) and 1.2 billion people behind them.

We'll see how far they get, they know where Kashmir is, come get it.
Same old crappy Indian banta........Pakistan sponsoring terrorism, Pakistan this and Pakistan that........Why do Indians just not get....we both feel the same about each other. Pakistan feels India sponsoring terrorism. This argument will never end and both sides will come out with their arguments...........point is....

We do we go from here
The Consolidated List established and maintained by the 1267 Committee with respect to Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden,and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them

Last updated on: 25 January 2010

Composition of the List

The list consists of the four sections specified below:
A. Individuals associated with the Taliban
B. Entities and other groups and undertakings associated with the Taliban
C. Individuals associated with Al-Qaida
D. Entities and other groups and undertakings associated with Al-Qaida

Your government is right.Its a terrorist organization as UN has already declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group.:devil:
I'm not talking about lists, I'm talking about the basis on which those lists were formalized.
I'm not talking about lists, I'm talking about the basis on which those lists were formalized.


But the basis would have been discussed to death before formalizing those lists.. Isnt it.. Also if most pakistanis believe that those basis were inaccurate, shouldnt then you work on getting those lists and status of JuD changed instead of simply ignoring them. After all its your democratic govt that validated those lists...
Take Kashmir by force... Is this some kind of Joke!!

If India act like what America did in 1970 & 80 with its CIA... all these leader will be wiped out from the face of the earth. But again our politician and babus :taz::coffee::woot::bounce: are bunch of craps...

I think Hafiz Sayeed and his colleague know this every well... they all are doing this "Its a simple word Collecting Donation which are not accountable " in the name of Kashmir and India.

So lets ignore these people are not even good for Pakistan " Why can't they say lets take out RAW and its fighter (as per ISI and foreign office) out of Baluchistan and save our home.

They can't earn and bring people's attention.

God bless innocent people of Pakistan and Kashmir :yahoo:
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