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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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This pic proves that more than anti-India this rally is anti-Pakistani.
Now don't ask me how? Samajdar ko ishara hi kafi hai.....:coffee:

Calling them kids is an insult to the intelligance, they are 18 and over and are fit for soldiering.

Learn some factsssssssssssssssss. Dude.

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Thats exactly the problem. British made the mistake and we were desperate for freedom, so we accepted breaking up of India into two parts based on religion. But now, we are free and we wont allow this breaking up under religious lines any more. People belonging to any & every religion are most welcome to live peacefully in India as an Indian. Those who dont want that- are free to move to Pakistan. But - our land will remain our land. Kashmir will be in India, those who dont want to be Indians are free to embrace any country's citizenship. After all people choosing to live in US for example, dont take their land to US with them.

British made a mistake, R. u. serious man. U seem to know little about British or u r. trying to cover up the reasons behind this by saying silly thing such as British made a mistake.

Wow. U need to learn about British lot more, Man.
One question? Why are sensible people in Pakistan(assuming forum members) supporting this, when it means WAR. If there is a direct F2F war , both Pakistan and India will suffer, B. If its a Covert war Pakistan will suffer more, dont tell me our intelligence agencies are that impotent.

So good and sensible people talk to solve the problems, but India has been not forthcomming on it, uses all kinds of excuses such as Hafiz Saeed etc etc.

Take Kashmir by force? what a joke. When have these fools ever succeeded in their so called 'jihad'? They've been beating their chests and shouting slogans for 2 decades now, what have they achieved? The PA could only watch as we carpet bombed an entire regiment out of existence, and they'll take Kashmir by force?? with what?? :rofl::rofl:

Let them come. We have 700,000 friendly soldiers eagerly waiting their arrival. We have tens of billions in reserve, over a million men in the paramilitary, reserves and active service each (~3.5 million) and 1.2 billion people behind them.

We'll see how far they get, they know where Kashmir is, come get it.

and guns do not fire by themselves, someone with courage has to do it,

Let me tell u a story about courage.

Jawan Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed

Date of Shahadat: 10 sep 1971
Age: 22 years


Born 18th June 1949 in Dhok Pir Baksh (now Dhok Mohammad Husain Janjua). Enlisted as a driver on 3 September 1966. Although only a driver in the 20th Lancers, when war broke out in 1971, Sowar Mohammad Hussein took an active part in every battle in which his unit was engaged unmindful of any danger, no matter how grave. When he spotted the enemy digging in along a minefield near the village of Harar Khurd in December 1971 on his own initiative he directed accurate fire at the enemy resulting in the destruction of sixteen enemy tanks. But while directing fire from recoilless rifles, he was hit in the chest by a burst of machine-gun fire and died on 10 December 1971 at the age of 22.

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Calling them kids is an insult to the intelligance, they are 18 and over and are fit foer soldiering.

Learn somr facts Man.


you are missing the 8 year old in the left most corner
Jud vows to take kashmir by force ? How? just the way they tried Khalistan.....or any other *******tan....do these suckers have balls to confront army face to face.....all these semi bearded.....fatsos.....are not even worth a bullet....let them rot in Pakistan....and let pakistan feed them.so that they can create more troubles for their creator.
Thats what India expects from Pakistan........
Please.....Please .......Please dont allow any terrerist activity from Pakistani soil against India. Let alone Kashmir, if you can do this much our relations will improve more than half way.......:cheers:

We shall talk if u stop killing innnocent kashmirs and raping Kashmiri women and allow freedom to the Kashmiris to choose their destiny.

And o hes withdraw you 500,000 soldier, This an indication that Kashmiri populous do not agree to stay with India, so India send half million of its soldiers to the valley.

If u think they accept Indian rule, why than u have 500,000 soldiers in Kashmir.

It is clear indication of opression and nor freeedom.

Is it too hard for you to see this. I wonder about your ligic. dude.

:taz: :flame::no:
It is people like u Karen who are not interested in solving world's problems without Wars. We call them War Mongers
If you want to call defending your country's sovreignity as war mongering then so be it. In which case, I am a war moger and bl*ody well proud of it..

Next war will not be fought in the shadows of Traiters of East pakistan or will not be fought when dum leaders are ruling Pakistan as in the case of Yahya Khan, it will be a senario in which WMD's will be a viable OPTION for Pakistan considering the ground realities of the front.

India never did and never will win against Pakistan but u guys assume too much, And u know what ASSUME means.
same as above

Your assume that all kashmiirs are happy to live under Indian rule. Wrong. Kashmiris have been demandinf freedom from India for 60 years. 90,000 have been killed so far and u assume it is peacefull inb Kashmi. Wrong.

I have said it before, saying it again. Whoever does not want to live in India is free to leave. No one is forcing anyone to stay.

You assume that you hold elections in Kashmir. Wrong they are mock elections.
We didnt have to request international observers like Pakistani Elections. So at least our elections were not the worst of the lot

you assume that you won all the wars wrong.


You assume that India will retain the control on Kashmir fior ever . Wrong.

So Karen learn to live peaxce with your neighbours and solve the problems by negotiations and by threats.

:pakistan: :no:

Would love to, but Kashmir is non negotiable and any one trying to snatch it from India is a fair Kill (Asim, dude, I love the term you coined..)

btw , the name is KarAn and not Karen..
Telling us that Bal Thackerey is an A&& means nothing, Charge him and jial him. Talk is only clever, to make it beleivable charge him and jail him and not leave him as he is to do his dirty work by allowing him freedom to contnue to do his dirty work.


unfortunately, we dont have any credible proof against him that can stand scrutiny of our courts.. just like Mr Saeed:azn:. So despite the fact that most Indians dislike him, we cant jail him
I agree, all the talk against Hindu fundos is never matched by actual jail time ever.
and guns do not fire by themselves, someone with courage has to do it,

Let me tell u a story about courage.

Jawan Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed

Date of Shahadat: 10 sep 1971
Age: 22 years


Born 18th June 1949 in Dhok Pir Baksh (now Dhok Mohammad Husain Janjua). Enlisted as a driver on 3 September 1966. Although only a driver in the 20th Lancers, when war broke out in 1971, Sowar Mohammad Hussein took an active part in every battle in which his unit was engaged unmindful of any danger, no matter how grave. When he spotted the enemy digging in along a minefield near the village of Harar Khurd in December 1971 on his own initiative he directed accurate fire at the enemy resulting in the destruction of sixteen enemy tanks. But while directing fire from recoilless rifles, he was hit in the chest by a burst of machine-gun fire and died on 10 December 1971 at the age of 22.

YouTube - Nishan e Haider (1) - Documentary

My salute to the brave soul. We have a lot of similar stories on our side too. Its such a shame that people of these qualities have to die such deaths for us to feel proud of them.
unfortunately, we dont have any credible proof against him that can stand scrutiny of our courts.. just like Mr Saeed:azn:. So despite the fact that most Indians dislike him, we cant jail him

U have all the proof such as that of Gujrat riots, but you choose to ignore it, on the other hand we have asked u many times to send the proof against Hafiz saeed to us, u have failed to do it. we believe that u r not sending us the proof because it will expose your extemeist group who killed Karkarey.

Can u see the differance Dude, what ever u r.

Sorry. It is Karan.
U have all the proof such as that of Gujrat riots, but you choose to ignore it, on the other hand we have asked u many times to send the proof against Hafiz saeed to us, u have faile to do it. we believe that u er notr sending us the proff becausse it will expose your extemeist group who killed Karkarey.

Can u see the differance Due or Dudet, what ebver u r.

Please at least try to talk logically. If Hafeez Sayeed is sitting in Pakistan and master minding the attacks from there, how in h ell would proof be in India . The proof will be where the culprit is.. But its all a moot point.. Pakistan will never arrest or try him since he is doing their dirty work.
British made a mistake, R. u. serious man. U seem to know little about British or u r. trying to cover up the reasons behind this by saying silly thing such as British made a mistake.

Wow. U need to learn about British lot more, Man.

Please teach me the truth about British then. Dont talk silly, ok. If you want to oppose my words, give alternate thoughts or facts. dont show ur attitude.
Whoever was responsible for the partition of India and birth of Pakistan, I dont care anymore. All I want to say is that- those who dont want to be Indian and dont want to live in India are free to move to any country of their choice. But, as I said earlier, Land belongs to the nation, not to any individual. Geographically Kashmir is India's territory, If some ppl want to join pakistan, allow them to come to pakistan and give them pakistani ctizenship. Or keep your mouth shut rather then shedding crocodile tears about plight of Kashmiris.
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