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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Ask the kutha to come to New Delhi to hold talks. Thereafter perhaps we can send him to address a rally in Mumbai where the masses will await his arrival :D
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

What? Can you be more precise , and Tell what Can pakistan Army do About it?
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

Well if you are suggesting a war between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue then offcourse Indian soldiers will be fair kill to the Pakistani army and likewise Pakistani soldiers will be a fair kill to the Indian army. In a way I actually support a war between India and Pakistan should the talks fail. It is about time that the issue of Kashmir is laid to rest. Perhaps a conventional border war and the victorious army could rightfully claim ownership of Kashmir while the defeated army could accept that Kashmir belongs to the victorious nation. Hopefully that would shut the losing side up for once and for all and the two nations could go along with their business without any further antagonism. :undecided:
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Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

PA never has nor will ever achieve any thing by these bunch of Thugs, In-fact they have caused more harm.
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

This type of thinking just increases the problems.
It is your perspective. Than we can say, from our perspective that Pak occupied Kashmir belongs to us, or elements helping terrorism in India should be killed by surgical strikes or whatnot. You wont like that, would you?

None is practical, or right. We have a issue which cannot be solved by militaries. It has to be solved on a table, talking.

Pakistan already has to devote large chunk of its gdp just to maintain deterrence. If the economies of both countries grow at same rate, it would be very hard for Pk to do this for long time.
Talking is good for India, much better for Pk.

It is long term interest of Pakistan to suppress JuD and likes of it.
Afterall, it is the common man who suffers the most.
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

did you just say that we should fight and decide who gets Kashmir??
have you still not accepted the results of two or three similar Pakistani ventures in the past?
and indeed use of force would be preferred by us..as we won't ponder over the "provided it will work" aspect...if you are not happy with the status quo...war is a good option indeed.
did you just say that we should fight and decide who gets Kashmir??
have you still not accepted the results of two or three similar Pakistani ventures in the past?
and indeed use of force would be preferred by us..as we won't ponder over the "provided it will work" aspect...if you are not happy with the status quo...war is a good option indeed.

i too accept this, 6 decade's of talks produce no results so we also try 3 wars & 1 limited war but still no result... a full fledged war only solve this problem,

If as per India or GoI the J&K is a state of India, then why the wait till now to other country that occupied it:what:, its our right to get back the full state under GoI, but no Indian Politicians have this guts to speak like this i know?:what:
Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir are a fair kill. Use of force should however only be warranted by Pakistan Army. The use of force would be a valid method of taking Kashmir provided it can work.

So if i hear this right, you are saying that militant (note I am not saying terrorist) attacks on Indian Army in Kashmir is a fair kill since Kashmir is a disputed territory. With that logic will you also agree to the recent spate of bomb attacks, specially the one that killed a bunch of security personnel in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (while defusing the bomb) as a fair kill if planned by Indian establishment since by your definition that part of Kashmir is disputed too..??
back to the default position in Kashmir as Afganistan settles. The freedom fighters will continue their struggle until the people of Kashmir get their basic human rights under the UN resolutions.
back to the default position in Kashmir as Afganistan settles. The freedom fighters will continue their struggle until the people of Kashmir get their basic human rights under the UN resolutions.

Send them in and they will be sent right back at you :sniper:
So if i hear this right, you are saying that militant (note I am not saying terrorist) attacks on Indian Army in Kashmir is a fair kill since Kashmir is a disputed territory. With that logic will you also agree to the recent spate of bomb attacks, specially the one that killed a bunch of security personnel in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (while defusing the bomb) as a fair kill if planned by Indian establishment since by your definition that part of Kashmir is disputed too..??

The difference is the people of Azad Kashmir have their rights and treated as Independent by Pakistan. They have their own parliament, chief justice, and President even their own Azad Kashmir regiment supported by Pakistans Army against Indian aggression. You give the same rights to your part and we can let the two parts decide their own future in accordance with the wishes of the people of J & K.
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