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In J-K, jobless to get money to set up business
Mon, Nov 16 06:21 AM

Lack of money will no longer keep unemployed youth in J&K from starting business units. The state government, under a new scheme to be launched soon, will fund businesses of young entrepreneurs who can't find government jobs, the main source of employment in a state where private sector jobs are almost non-existent.

Under the scheme, likely to be launched by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on December 5, the birth anniversary of National Conference founder Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, unemployed men and women between 18 and 37years of age will get Rs 3 to 10 lakh to set up income generating units in the state. Entrepreneurs would get Rs 3-5 lakh as margin money and seed money which they would not have to pay back. For building common facility centres — cold storage facilities for flowers and fruits, collection centre for packaging and grading of fruits, labs for agriculture and food items — entrepreneurs would get assistance amounting to 50 per cent of the project cost or a maximum of Rs 10 lakh.

The scheme, however, comes with a rider. Those who get the funding can't seek government jobs. In fact, they will have to undertake the same in writing through a government employee. In case, the person takes up a government job resulting in closure of business, the guarantor employee will have to refund the money along with interest. "We have made it mandatory for youth that they can't take up a government job after receiving the money. This is to ensure real self-employment," J&K's Labour Minister A G Malik said.

Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) will prepare project reports, release money, identify viable businesses and assist in setting up as well as running of the business. Though all modalities of the scheme have not been disclosed yet, the youth have been asked to register for the scheme. Omar too has reportedly directed his partymen to get the youth registered.

About 4 lakh unemployed youth have already registered with the employment department since August when Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather announced the government would launch the scheme.

ISRO to set up satellite stations in J-K schools

SRINAGAR: THE Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has decided to set up 1,000 satellite receiving stations in J&K to make education accessible to people living in the remote border regions of the state.

ISRO said it was impressed with the "good use" of Edusat, a satellite devoted exclusively to long-distance learning, by J&K since the services were launched in the state in 2007 which led to the decision to establish the stations.

ISRO will set up 500 stations each in schools and colleges in Kashmir and Jammu. A good number of these stations will also be established in Ladakh region. "These stations will come up in every district," Director School Education, Kashmir, Shagufta Parveen said. "We have already established these stations at Karnah,Keran, Ladakh and Anantnag. We have also set up one such station at Women's College in Srinagar."

The project would benefit around 10.23 lakh students in the Valley and Ladakh alone.

Ishfaq Naseem
Ah! again Same thing again and again without evidence or proof...:sick:
Same thih I can say-
You are looting baluchis of their resources for decades.
You are looting pashtunis off their land..

All is BS without proof..
Wonderful - more proof the Kashmiris love India and hate Pakistan!

How about that UN plebiscite now ...

No, no, no, you are mistaken about plebiscite. It has no validity now, because Indians will say that because Kashmiris are voting in all the elections, therefore, this participation itself is a manifestation of their eagerness to stay with India.
No, no, no, you are mistaken about plebiscite. It has no validity now, because Indians will say that because Kashmiris are voting in all the elections, therefore, this participation itself is a manifestation of their eagerness to stay with India.
and tatay vanish.

Wow! Nice to see some rustic Punjabi behind those mind numbing UN resolutions! :tup:

Of course we all know whose tatte vanished where and when ..... or were they congenitally undescended to start with?

Cheers, Doc
Pakistan always supported what Kashmiris want. If they want to be with India, Pakistan or want to be Independent, Pakistan has accepted all these options only if Kashmiris want.

Now its Indian turn to have some guts and hold referendum under neutral observers, UN.

We are ready to accept Kashmir as an Indepenednt Country if Kashmiris vote for that.

So does India have any guts to face the neutral referendum

We doubt that. We understand you support kashmir cause for your own benifit and probably give a revenge for bangladesh. How else can you look at it when you have no qualms about aksai chin and how you convinently seperated northern areas from azad kashmir.

So your attitude india doesnt trust. And pakistanis hate indians guts. Many kashmiris are fed up and wants be independent and are suffering from the proxy war conducted by you. And also frustrated by the indian armys presence in the daily life of kashmiris as a resultant of that proxy war.

So as two nations no body can afford to budge to terrorsim and india is certainly not going to buy the other wise logical point raised by pakistan of the self determination of kashmiris as india cannot fail against the proxy war by pakistan. It is as simple as that. Unfotunately it seems kashmiris are going to be the sufferers for a very very long time..!!!!
Azad Kashmir is part of Pakistan and their residents are accepted as Pakistanis by every country, including China and India.

India or China do not issue separate visas to Pakistanis of Kashmiri origin.
In other words,

1. People of 'Azad' Kashmir are not really 'Azad' (Independent).

2. All dispute regarding 'Azad' Kashmir has vanished into thin air, courtesy some mysterious Djinn.

3. China is giving serious competition to Pak, in the game of hypocrisy.

Thanks for the clarification.
Hmm...so its not really Azad, is it? Just given a fake name to grab land and resources?

See below...

In other words,

1. People of 'Azad' Kashmir are not really 'Azad' (Independent).

They are azaad, i.e. free, of Indian domination.
Hence the name Azad (free), as opposed to Indian occupied Kashmir.

2. All dispute regarding 'Azad' Kashmir has vanished into thin air, courtesy some mysterious Djinn.

Courtesy of the fact that, compared to IOK, there is no comparable movement in Azad Kashmir seeking independence from Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't need to position 600,000 soldiers to quash any indepedence movement.

well may be u need to correct ur perceptions.. we don't yet recognize pak's kashmir as integral part of Pakistan....

What Pakistan and India say about Kashmir doesn't matter. Pakistan has been trying to internationalize the issue, while India is adamant about keeping it strictly bilateral. The whole point of China's visa action is to make it crystal clear to India that China (a third party) considers Kashmir to be an international issue, thus supporting Pakistan's position.
No, no, no, you are mistaken about plebiscite. It has no validity now, because Indians will say that because Kashmiris are voting in all the elections, therefore, this participation itself is a manifestation of their eagerness to stay with India.

The residents of British India also voted in elections under the British Raj.

At a basic level people want governance.

Elections reflect their desires in terms of how they wish to be governed, a plebsicite would reflect their desire of which nation they owe allegiance to.
nuclear shower for just economic war.:sick:

where will you hide after nuclear attack?:lol::disagree:
never knew will hear this kinda statement from thinktank.

Cutting off water is not 'just economic war'.

Feel free to cut off trade ties all you want, but given that around 60% of Pakistan's population is involved in agriculture, you might as well be lobbing nukes at Pakistan when you cut off the water flow, and the response will be equally drastic.
There's nothing 'far right' about my post. If one can talk about initiating a nuclear war for no reason, then I think its only fair to bring them back to reality.
Cut the BS - cutting off the water supply to Pakistan is hardly 'no reason', as I explained above.

Watch the warmongering next time.
IHK traders slam FICCI for advocating economic attacks on Pakistan
attacks not terrorist attack right ?

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