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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I have no anger u should keep your self in check before you reck yourself and face reailty and the facts i care less what u think or say what i speak of are facts based on everyday life your country is killing these people wana try to tell these peope to keep there anger inside how would you like it if your people were dieing each and everyday from someone for no damn reason they don't want to be part of your country nor want anything to do with it there voice has been heard way to many times now india let these people live in peace for GOD's sake.:tdown:

You don't have to worry. They are our people, we will take care of them and their grievances.

It's not that I cannot reply to your post in a more 'detailed' manner per se, actually, I see no point in doing the same thing that has been done over and over again by nearly every single Indian member on nearly every single Kashmir related thread. I'm starting to get bored of hearing the same cliched rhetoric from you guys over and over and over again. So unless you have something new or exciting to discuss, don't waste my time. :wave:
You don't have to worry. They are our people, we will take care of them and their grievances.

You are useless to even go back and forth with and imatture forsure .. hahaha they are not your people nor ever will be and if they were your peope do you kill your own people you must be sick in the damn head there so many videos and pics and voices that clearly say they hate india and they want india out ! now face the facts and don't come back to me with your dumb comments with no facts hater...
we already know that what's new?????????:sick:

What a shame, you know it and still speaking ill.. Ever met a Kashmiri? Not a fake one.. Just go to Facebook, search for "Frontline Kashmir", see what Kashmkiris think of India...

Who are you fooling guys? You know Kashmir is/was NOT a part of India, India is occupying it illegally..
from several weeks, SMS service in kashmir is off, the reason is that the youth cannot communicate and throw some stones on Occupying forces..

This is the biggest Democracy of the world.. Shame!
You are useless to even go back and forth with and imatture forsure .. hahaha they are not your people nor ever will be and if they were your peope do you kill your own people you must be sick in the damn head there so many videos and pics and voices that clearly say they hate india and they want india out ! now face the facts and don't come back to me with your dumb comments with no facts hater...

What a shame, you know it and still speaking ill.. Ever met a Kashmiri? Not a fake one.. Just go to Facebook, search for "Frontline Kashmir", see what Kashmkiris think of India...

Who are you fooling guys? You know Kashmir is/was NOT a part of India, India is occupying it illegally..

for ur kind inf. countries don't run like that. if india started fullfilling everyone wishes then there will be no india itself. so keep aside the emotions then think. if u r still not getting imagine ur country like this. it is easy to dictate terms to others.
^ In my country, there is NO area where my more than 700,000 Troops are battling innocent people who throw stons at them.. C'mon! It's not about emotions.. this is a reality, kashmiris have been struggling for Freedom and they are doing it now..

You cannot stop them.. this new intifada is not supoorted/funded by Pakistan, what made the youth to come on roads and sacrifice their lives..

More than 100 young guys have been martyred by your occupying forces in last 4-5 months..
just because few bunches of people said, they want separate nation, India won't give them their own separate nation, espically when these idiots don't even know how to run a nation.
and that land will get in wrong hand will probably be used against india. ;)

if india give them separate land today, than other in India will ask for their own land. and India will NOT divide herself, because of religious conflict once again.
^ In my country, there is NO area where my more than 700,000 Troops are battling innocent people who throw stons at them.. C'mon! It's not about emotions.. this is a reality, kashmiris have been struggling for Freedom and they are doing it now..

You cannot stop them.. this new intifada is not supoorted/funded by Pakistan, what made the youth to come on roads and sacrifice their lives..

More than 100 young guys have been martyred by your occupying forces in last 4-5 months..

Dude FYI the supposed intifada (whateva crap that means) has dissipated already.

How many days can they shout Azadi without earning to eat their daily bread. ??

We know that and thats why we let them to shout --- Shout how much loud they can --- Eventually they have to get back to their jobs and move on.

:welcome: to the ways of the cruel Bhartis.

ps.: Read my signature to undestand the ground reality.
Dude FYI the supposed intifada (whateva crap that means) has dissipated already.

How many days can they shout Azadi without earning to eat their daily bread. ??

We know that and thats why we let them to shout --- Shout how much loud they can --- Eventually they have to get back to their jobs and move on.

:welcome: to the ways if the cruel Bhartis.

Ouch! That's gotta hurt. :oops:

P.S. Karthic, don't you get bored? See my post at the top of the page.
P.S. Karthic, don't you get bored? See my post at the top of the page.

When they dont get bored of chasing a chimera that never existed or is never going to, why should I when I am very much grounded in reality.

Its a good pastime too. :pop:
A post on Frontline Kashmir!!

Frontline Kashmir As a response to Farooq Abdullah's today's rant, we just want to tell him that not a single true kashmiri can accept the proposal of development, roads, education, electricity bla bla at the cost of Freedom. Our dignity comes before Developments. Our Islamic values come before development. we place the blood of martyrs above all. " Koi bhi sacha Kashmiri tumharay khandan ki trha apni ghairat ka soda nahi kr sakta"
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