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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Farooq attacked in Chandigarh :lol:

Was this guy thinking before came to Chandigarh ???
Kashmiri pandit gave him what is deserve:smitten:
I think he has to stick to only srinagar where those 2% paid protesters support him

this incident will erode our credibility dude....what happened to peaceful and law abiding Indians??
Nobody is above the law, the people who assaulted this guy need to punished.
I want make a note of the fact that, advocating sedition from India in Indian land(Kashmir being an exception, IPC is not applicable to them) is illegal. So Mirwaiz was indulging in an illegal activity. Not that I'm supporting the physical assault, but is supporting violent protesters, protesting against someone who's indulging in an illegal activity, a bad/unlawful act?
Well this is not the 1st time a Kashmiri leader is being attacked while in gathering... well there is a saying
"Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth. "
their was high security at the event
but the attack was so spontaneous and fast that no one could stop it
every1 pounced on him

b/w in first article its given 'indian' pandit
well thats a shame coz its 'kashmiri' pandits
now with support of hindu right wing groups to the pandits i dont think seperatists would be able to hold any seminar in rest of india
event is unfortunate though

No difference between Indian and Kashmiri Pandit.. The Kashmir they are refering to is within Indian borders :)
this incident will erode our credibility dude....what happened to peaceful and law abiding Indians??
Nobody is above the law, the people who assaulted this guy need to punished.

So any one is allowed to talk anti-India BS????

Why law followed only to those innocent kashmiri pandits ?????
So any one is allowed to talk anti-India BS????
Why law followed only to those innocent kashmiri pandits ?????

Let me clear one thing first, I do not know much about this guy but based on other people's comments he is probably a moderate.
That said, if he makes any illegal comments, charge him and take him to jail.

Breaking his nose only increases his public image back in Kashmir and solidifies Anti-India sentiment.
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Not true. There could be supporters of RSS among Kashmiri Pundits, but I don't think all Pundits are RSS or RSS posing as Pundits. There's supporters of RSS among all Hindu subgroups, Pundits aren't an exception. As far as I know, most if not all Pundits are pro-India.
And anyone pro-India has to resort to violence? If you have the guts, let him have his say.
The laws of the land doesn't allow this...civilians don't have the right to take law in there hand...Its an other fact that not only kashmiri pandits but also kashmiri sikhsmanhandled him...for god sake this is a democracy even hurriyat has right to protest if its nonvoilent way...but what separatist do in kashmir is paying youngsters for stone pelting 150-200rs/day...Mirwaiz is also a indian citizen so he has the right to protest in any part of india...
And anyone pro-India has to resort to violence? If you have the guts, let him have his say.

Precisely, he should be allowed to voice his opinions as long as he doesn't break the law. After all we allow Ms.Roy to say all kinds of controversial things.
With the kind of politics Huriyet is playing in Kashmir, indulging in stone pelting, burning public property, it was bound to happen . Kashmiri Pandits are very angry and in words Omar Abdullah " I don't condone it"
Precisely, he should be allowed to voice his opinions as long as he doesn't break the law. After all we allow Ms.Roy to say all kinds of controversial things.

Actually he kind of breaks the law. But we should let him talk and engage with him constructively.
And anyone pro-India has to resort to violence? If you have the guts, let him have his say.

You can judge the strength of Indian democracy from the fact that the separatist are able to hold an anti India rally in India, while Indian police is preventing India citizens from entering the rally.
There you go, this is what India has earned by attacking Mirwaiz

Mirwaiz assaulted, clashes in Old City

Srinagar: Clashes rocked several parts of the Old City in Srinagar, considered to be a stronghold of the Hurriyat Conference (M) Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, after the news of 'assault' on him at a Chandigarh seminar spread here this afternoon.

Eyewitnesses told Kashmir Dispatch that a spontaneous shutdown was observed in old city, considered to be the bastion of Mirwaiz Umer Farooq when the news of assault on Mirwaiz by a group of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Panun Kashmir activists spread this afternoon.

Groups of youth took to streets at Rajouri Kadal, Saraf Kadal, Gojwara, Kawdara and other areas of the old city and staged pro-freedom and anti-India demonstrations. Chanting “We want freedom,” “Go India Go Back,” the youth were protesting against the attack on Mirwaiz.

The protesters also clashed with the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and police personnel who were deployed in strength in the areas. The clashes were going on when the last reports came in.

“The rumor that Mirwaiz has got injured at a function in Chandigarh is totally false. The Mirwaiz is completely safe. The miscreants have been arrested,” a police spokesman said.

It is clear that it was not just the Panun Kashmir (a Kashmiri Pandit activist group), but also the notorious Vishwa Hindu Prasad. The same terrorist organization responsible for the Gujarat Massacres.
Mirwaiz has shown he has guts, I hope he keeps up his program to give his seminar in Kolkata, then Lucknow and finally Delhi as well.

He was btw, not campaigning for Azadi but giving an account of the human rights violations faced by the Kashmiris.
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