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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Correct - violence in terms of the death toll is at its lowest, given that Pakistan shut off support for insurgents crossing the LoC during Musharraf's rule, but anti-India sentiment, as seen from the multiple demonstrations over the last couple of years, remains as high as ever, and that is really what counts - the refusal of the Kashmiris to accept Indian occupation of their land and people.

Yeah, yeah...whatever. Since when did Pak stopped supported terrorism ??? Didn't the Mumbai attacks took place with planning, training and close co-ordination by ISI and Pak army ???

It is quite the opposite. People have realized the futility of helping these terrorists in Kashmir and thus they are helping the Indian Army in their counter-terrorism efforts. Thus the terrorists are more easily killed with active support from people.

On the other hand there are just a handful of Pak sponsored separatists who are playing with people's emotion in a failing effort to project kashmir as an oppressed state. But in long term people are realizing that India is a much better option than the sufferings that Pak has to give to them. And thus most Kashmiris are taking good jobs in India rather than wasting their lives in fighting against the state.
Correct - violence in terms of the death toll is at its lowest, given that Pakistan shut off support for insurgents crossing the LoC during Musharraf's rule, but anti-India sentiment, as seen from the multiple demonstrations over the last couple of years, remains as high as ever, and that is really what counts - the refusal of the Kashmiris to accept Indian occupation of their land and people.

How does one measure sentiment?
Correct - violence in terms of the death toll is at its lowest, given that Pakistan shut off support for insurgents crossing the LoC during Musharraf's rule, but anti-India sentiment, as seen from the multiple demonstrations over the last couple of years, remains as high as ever, and that is really what counts - the refusal of the Kashmiris to accept Indian occupation of their land and people.

Indian govt have given dossier and proof of 48 terrorist camps running and nearly 2000 terrorist are ready to cross the LOC , violence are low because of fencing of loc, proper Surveillance by the army using hi-tech equipment from Israel. yes anti- India sentiment is there mainly by separatists, but kashmir vally is 1/6 of the total J&K. just a small part of the state J&k is at unrest, it does'nt means total J&K is burning . Jammu and ladakh are living a normal life
Anti-India demonstrations erupt in restive Kashmir on biggest Muslim festival, Eid al-Adha


ha... guess markthebullshit.com has taken a new approach... what kind of source is it... someone opened a google account... and typed in this crap..

atleast for sure nothing happened during this eid.... some nice online news is provided by Rising Kashmir Daily English Newspaper, Latest News of Kashmir, Breaking News of Kashmir, News Update from Kashmir, Kashmir News and kashmirobserver.net even though they are all pro-separatists..

i seriously have doubts on this particular news story...
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Like Mao the Professor of Guerilla Warfare, described the people as the sea, that the resistance flow like fish through, this massive support for freedom insure, that there will always be cadres willing to resist, and there will always be people willing to support them.
How does one measure sentiment?

As the crowd continued to swell I listened carefully to the slogans, because rhetoric often holds the key to all kinds of understanding. There were plenty of insults and humiliation for India: Ay jabiron ay zalimon, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Oh oppressors, Oh wicked ones, Get out of our Kashmir.) The slogan that cut through me like a knife and clean broke my heart was this one: Nanga bhookha Hindustan, jaan se pyaara Pakistan. (Naked, starving India, More precious than life itself - Pakistan.)
As the crowd continued to swell I listened carefully to the slogans, because rhetoric often holds the key to all kinds of understanding. There were plenty of insults and humiliation for India: Ay jabiron ay zalimon, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Oh oppressors, Oh wicked ones, Get out of our Kashmir.) The slogan that cut through me like a knife and clean broke my heart was this one: Nanga bhookha Hindustan, jaan se pyaara Pakistan. (Naked, starving India, More precious than life itself - Pakistan.)

Put that in a quantifiable number and present it as a chart to show that the sentiments have always been high or have soared to greater heights according to the poster I replied to...

Besides...the quote is by Arundhati Roy...NOT a Kashmiri and hence a reflection of her own account.....not taking into account the exaggeration that comes with her writing...
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Put that in a quantifiable number and present it as a chart to show that the sentiments have always been high or have soared to greater heights according to the poster I replied to...

People in their tens of thousands, on the streets facing indian thugs, firing on innocent civilians, and still they come.:yahoo:

Naxalite's and indian intellectuals supporting Kashmiri right of self determination, traditionally marginalised indian people supporting the cause of Kashmiri :wave:
How could you get that?By Indian type dailly bluffing?Lol:rofl::rofl:

like I said...call it a bluff/blah blah/whatever if you think your mighty superpower China has the will and the means to endure a full fledged nuclear war with India.
Call it blah blah if 'Superpower' China has the will and the means to endure a full fledged Nuclear war for that's how the war will end if India is at the breaking point.

Lol,Do you know the difference between nuclear device and weaponlized warhead? Show me Indian w88 like warhead?Otherwise how could you fight a respect nuclear war? By you dailly bluffing?
Mostlikely pathetica India will be wipped out before it lauched its stupid heavy nuclear device.:woot:
like I said...call it a bluff/blah blah/whatever if you think your mighty superpower China has the will and the means to endure a full fledged nuclear war with India.

Lol,we dont need a nuclear war.A CONVENTIONAL ONE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH.:woot:
Yeah, yeah...whatever. Since when did Pak stopped supported terrorism ??? Didn't the Mumbai attacks took place with planning, training and close co-ordination by ISI and Pak army ???
No they did not, and there is no credible evidence to support that ludicrous contention.
It is quite the opposite. People have realized the futility of helping these terrorists in Kashmir and thus they are helping the Indian Army in their counter-terrorism efforts. Thus the terrorists are more easily killed with active support from people.
In fact, as the IA itself admits, cross-LoC insurgent activity have dropped dramatically, because of the decisions taken by Pakistan during Musharraf's rule, and that has subsequently affected the insurgency in J&K. In the absence of the insurgency, we now have these very large protests expressing the same anger towards India and rejection of its occupation of Kashmiri land and people, that fueled the insurgency.

The anger and refusal to accept India is still just as strong, it has merely shifted from expressing itself through a violent insurgency to largely peaceful protests.
On the other hand there are just a handful of Pak sponsored separatists who are playing with people's emotion in a failing effort to project kashmir as an oppressed state. But in long term people are realizing that India is a much better option than the sufferings that Pak has to give to them. And thus most Kashmiris are taking good jobs in India rather than wasting their lives in fighting against the state.
Pakistan does not have to project anything so long as India continues to forcibly occupy J&K and deny its residents the right to self-determination promised them repeatedly by the Indian leadership, and committed to internationally by India in the UNSC.

And if Indians and the GoI truly believed this balderdash of yours about 'Kashmiris realizing India is a better option than Pakistan', then it would be Indians and India that would be pushing for a plebiscite in J&K to end the dispute in India's favor.
OMG and the spamming continues for the second consecutive day..





Dude make it ur signature or something.. already half of the people here from that side have "india and India related things" all over their signatures. It would help not to further spam on forum.

Dude, are you like stalking me!!!:woot: jk aside.....

I genuinely think it's an important point to bring up, what is going on in IOK is well known to people in the know.

But until that famous article in the Guardian newspaper by Ms Roy, people internationally were not aware of the strength of feeling of the Kashmiri people. It is a powerful reminder of the failure of indian state policy.
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