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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Anyone got any sauce on whether it was intentional as StreetHawk implied on Page1 or whether it was genuine mistake of omission?

If it was intentional to take Kashmir issue off the list, then what are the implications for the issue as a dispute between India and Pakistan? Would the UN resolutions still hold valid?

Would there be a fresh start to Indo-Pak talks or would it continue from where it stopped? Would India choose to totally ignore Pakistani calls for resloving the issue?

This raises more questions than settle an issue. IMHO, presently the status quo is more beneficial to India, given the present circumstances.
Good news for the world peace.

In future within 5-10 years when our economy grow more and also the world specially EU and US will depend on us for any reason economic, environmental, diplomatic, military etc. then we can dictate our terms more boldly.

And settle the case of Kashmir which is currently under pak's control.
Dude please, I don't speak Hindi and you know it, why make things hard for me?

Oops again, I forgot you are Chinese. Sorry.

All I said was that what's in a name, it dosen't matter if Brown said it or Cameron said it or for that matter even if Blair said it, all matters is that the PM of UK said it.

Maybe there has a deal struck behind the doors, and the recent visits by UK PM and US President may have got to do something with it. Perhaps!
Good news for the world peace.

In future within 5-10 years when our economy grow more and also the world specially EU and US will depend on us for any reason economic, environmental, diplomatic, military etc. then we can dictate our terms more boldly.

And settle the case of Kashmir which is currently under pak's control.

??? UNDER PAK'S control >? u Talking aBout P.O.K
And how many International disputes have this double standard useful for nothing organization resolved anyway??? ... If some people were still hoping that innocent blood of Kashmiris mean anything to the international world, this should serve them as a wake up call ...

For India, they can try sending the rest of their army to J&K as well but they will never win the heart of Kashmiris ... It is all political bullshit ... None of Pakistan, China or India give a damn about innocent people there ... Kashmir is a dispute because of its location .... Anyone with a firm control on it will have a major strategic advantage in Asia ... I say everyone get the hell out of there to India, Pakistan and China and let those innocent souls take a breath of fresh air ... but i know it will never happen nor will this issue ever resolved by talks ... and it is by far the most dangerous place to the safety of this earth as any next arm conflict could very easily spread into a nuclear war and possibly third world war .... Well they can plan all they want but nature has its own plans ... surely one day prayers of those innocent souls will be answered ....

The real truth of Kashmir is about water and who controls it as well as the obvious national pride issue due to the countless deaths both in Pakistan and India for this cause. The only solution is the one proposed by Musharraf and Vajpayee that will end this saga and make life better for Kashmiris and for South asia.
Yeah alright I get your point. (thanks for the translations everyone) I was too concerned with preciseness and technically correctness, I suppose.
I am curious as to why China did not ensure it is in the list of disputes? Did China get anything in return?
Who cares UN anyway? does it makes any difference to the JK problem, nothing.
Eight pages of discussions and all that has come up is whose is bigger?? mine or yours. Thanks god even then it was in a more or less civilized manner.

On the topic it is surprising to me that SM Krishna had the balls (sorry to say but Indian Govt does act and look spineless wrt China) to say this.

It is always important between two nations to have no communication gap, let us see India has stated its intentions. The reaction from Chinese would explain their stance.
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I think the world is realizing that the defunct UN resolution, that gave Pakistan an opportunity to keep raising the bogey of plebiscite and hence torpedoing any chances of a Kashmir solution. The sooner this is formally thrown out (i mean the K Resolution) the earlier we will solve this 60 year old issue..
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