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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Hey Oct, can you clarify what you mean by this post above? 你有问题吗?

What does Jiang Zemin's attempts at speaking English have to do with the topic?

He was at that time a little bit of angry about the questions asked by Hong Kong journalists, so he burst out such words. I personally don't think it is a proper way to communicate with gentlemen from the Hong Kong press as a national leader. But I have to admit that, if my words embarrassed you I apologize, the words fit the situation here.
Actually, China's opinion doesn't really matter either, because the areas of Kashmir that India wants belong to Pakistan only, not China.

The Aksai Chin plateau is claimed by India only as a bargaining chip. As soon as you withdraw your illegitimate claim to Arunachal Pradesh, we will withdraw our claim to Aksai Chin.

Bargaining Chip...........No, It is much more than that. If the Chinese can still claim Taiwan and hold a grudge against Japan for some 60 year old history, then we can also have a bit of fun ourselves. Aksai Chin might be a perfectly useless piece of land that will not benefit India in any way whatsoever, but still India will continue to claim it. Countries have even gone to war over less trivial matters. If India doesn't hold a few trump cards like the Aksai Chin dispute or his Holiness the Dalai Lama, China will try to dominate the entire region. India claims Aksai Chin for the same reason America protects Taiwan, not because of any maternal love, but simply to keep China in check. If we simply hand them over places like Aksai Chin or expel the Dalai Lama, they will take things for granted and then think of taking a swipe at Arunachal or maybe even Sikkim.

As much as I love the idea of the Asian century, and India and China rising hand in hand, it would be foolish to take things for granted. As much as China tries to portray itself as a benevolent developing country, I firmly believe that it is carefully studying all the options it has to make sure that India will never become a threat. Even while China smiles at India, they have also applied the age old logic of our enemy's enemy is our friend. If their ever growing friendship with our other neighbor is just the regular alignment of 2 like minded countries, then I guess I should be able to grow wings and fly soon. Only a deluded individual would see this as a mere friendship, it is a very clear statement of intent. And India should be smart enough to recognize the message.

We love you China, and our two nations seem to be destined to get into bed together. But if you think we are silly enough to let you screw us, you like many others before you, have greatly underestimated what our Pakistani friends refer to as the "cunning Indians".
That is the very reason the OIC was created because UN is loosing ground.
He was at that time a little bit of angry about the questions asked by Hong Kong journalists, so he burst out such words. I personally don't think it is a proper way to communicate with gentlemen from the Hong Kong press as a national leader. But I have to admit that, if my words embarrassed you I apologize, the words fit the situation here.

Ok nevermind, 没问题. :tup:

I was not bothered when Jiang Zemin said that anyway.
Bargaining Chip...........No, It is much more than that. If the Chinese can still claim Taiwan and hold a grudge against Japan for some 60 year old history, then we can also have a bit of fun ourselves. Aksai Chin might be a perfectly useless piece of land that will not benefit India in any way whatsoever, but still India will continue to claim it. Countries have even gone to war over less trivial matters. If India doesn't hold a few trump cards like the Aksai Chin dispute or his Holiness the Dalai Lama, China will try to dominate the entire region. India claims Aksai Chin for the same reason America protects Taiwan, not because of any maternal love, but simply to keep China in check. If we simply hand them over places like Aksai Chin or expel the Dalai Lama, they will take things for granted and then think of taking a swipe at Arunachal or maybe even Sikkim.

As much as I love the idea of the Asian century, and India and China rising hand in hand, it would be foolish to take things for granted. As much as China tries to portray itself as a benevolent developing country, I firmly believe that it is carefully studying all the options it has to make sure that India will never become a threat. Even while China smiles at India, they have also applied the age old logic of our enemy's enemy is our friend. If their ever growing friendship with our other neighbor is just the regular alignment of 2 like minded countries, then I guess I should be able to grow wings and fly soon. Only a deluded individual would see this as a mere friendship, it is a very clear statement of intent. And India should be smart enough to recognize the message.

We love you China, and our two nations seem to be destined to get into bed together. But if you think we are silly enough to let you screw us, you like many others before you, have greatly underestimated what our Pakistani friends refer to as the "cunning Indians".

Do you know China has a good condition to solve the territorial issue in 90s.?You are really silly, completely living in a self-suggestion.
Jammu and Kashmir removed from list of 'disputes' under UN

United Nations: In a significant development, Jammu and Kashmir has been removed from the United Nations(UN) list of unresolved disputes, giving a setback to Pakistan which has been asking the world body to intervene on the issue.

The omission of Jammu and Kashmir from a list of disputes under the observation of the UN Security Council was noticed by Pakistan whose envoy has lodged a protest.

"Jammu and Kashmir dispute was not mentioned in the context of unresolved long-running situations," said Amjad Hussain B Sial, Pakistan' acting envoy to the UN.

"We understand this was an inadvertent omission, as Jammu and Kashmir is one of the oldest disputes on agenda of the Security Council," he added.

Sial was speaking at the UN General Assembly session, which was discussing the functioning and reform of the Security Council. It was organised by the UK that holds the presidency of the Security Council this month.

Pakistan has been asking the UN to intervene to help resolve the issue but India has always maintained that it has to be resolved bilaterally between the two countries.

Speaking earlier at the General Assembly, the UK envoy to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, said that "some long-running situations, including in the Middle East, Cyprus and Western Sahara remain unresolved, as do issues where the Council has become engaged in recent years, including Nepal and Guinea Bissau."

"Huge challenges remain in Sudan, Somalia and the DRC," he added.

Pakistan repeatedly raises Kashmir as an issue for the UN while India asserts that it is an internal matter.

While expressing concern about the unrest, Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon said that the UN will not intervene until requested by both parties.

"As far as this role of good offices is concerned, the United Nations normally takes that initiative when requested by both parties concerned," Ban said in October.

"India and Pakistan, they are neighbouring countries, important nations in that region - peace and security would have important implications," he added.

At the debate in the General Assembly, the UK also repeated its support to see India on as a permanent member of the Security Council.

"On the Council's structure, we continue to support permanent membership for Brazil, Germany, India and Japan, as well as permanent representation for Africa," said Philip Parham, deputy envoy to UK.

"We look forward to working with many of these countries next year when they join the Security Council," he said, referring to the entry of India and Germany on the Council next year as non-permanent members for a two year term.

While Japan will leave the Council in 2011, Brazil will serve out one more year.

The UK representative also suggested "an intermediate model" of reform, which would create new seats with a longer mandate than the present two year term.

Then, at the end of this period, a review would be done to see whether these seats should be turned into permanent ones.

Pakistan, which objects to India being on the Council, argued that the new council should include a few large states, a number of medium sized States and a majority of smaller States.

"We support the position of the Organization of Islamic Conference demanding adequate representation of Muslim Ummah in the Security Council," said Sial.
India got good future..................
If Jammu and Kashmir is no longer dispute
so here on PDF its also considered as Internal Part of India according to forum rules

And people causing problem their treated as terrorist
Oh please don't scare me. What China should do to ensuring peace from india in an 'Andian century' ?

Should China cede Chinese white sand to india as tribute and step off the way of your annexation of pakistan for the sound 'Sino-Indian friendship'?

Should China keep silence when all the Sub-continent state 'self-willingly' join the Indian federation?

Should China obey if the then Indian government asked Tibet to become the 'buffer region' and make some 'necessary border correction' in Xinjiang as Qing kowtow to the British Empire?
India's rise? You even do not have a true understanding , well , this is PDF, not on behalf of other Indians.
If Jammu and Kashmir is no longer dispute
so here on PDF its also considered as Internal Part of India according to forum rules

And people causing problem their treated as terrorist

didn't make sense to me :undecided:
why should it become part of forum rules?
What is more interesting in all these conversations is that both India and Pakistan shoould reevaulate their positions bases on the dividend that each of these countries would reap.

India - given its size and the number of countries around it would not make tangible reductions in its defence budget.
But it would certainly make it to the UN, be recognized as a world power and will be able to gain access to Central asia through Pakistan.

Pakistan will be the biggest benefactor - it would be able to bring down its defence expenditure (obviously will not be able to eliminate it) and will be able to achieve faster economic growth rate.

India will have to uplift 500 MIllion people out of poverty.. wherease Pakistan need to eliminate only 150 million out of poverty..

Any thoughts ?:yahoo:
The fact that China issued separate Visas for Kashmiris states clearly what China's view and policy is on Kashmir. Special political maps used by Chinese institutions both civil and military clearly display Kashmir separate from India.

I think it's naive to believe some last minute drawn up analogy is going to change the minds of Chinese government officials and strategist who have planned for the century.

Chinese media reported published papers by a Chinese think tank which stated in the long run China has no interest in seeing India as a "rising power" and it would be best to eliminate any future threat by India. This can be searched online.
didn't make sense to me :undecided:
why should it become part of forum rules?

Because now Jammu and Kashmir is no longer dispute so if Pakistani member talk about Kashmir so we can also free to talk about Pakistani parts.... right ???

Pakistani members always give this excuse that J&K is dispute and not a internal part of India but now this excuse no longer available for them
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