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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Non Binding. And the recent statements from Ban ki Moon indicate what the whole world including UN thinks of those resolutions.

No UN mediation in Kashmir until both parties ask: Ban Ki-moon - The Times of India

All United Nations General Assembly resolutions that are not about matters internal to the UN (such as the structure of the UN or the creation of UN agencies) are inherently and explicitly (in the UN Charter) non-binding.

You have been given this quote a few times so why do you keep asking the same dumb question again and again.
You got an answer so ask a question that has not been answered hundred times before.
Do you really believe US goes by what UN mandates? The bogey of UN resolution is just that.. A bogey.. Do compare the civilian deaths in Kashmir and Balochistan (including the 100 in Kashmir in last 4 months) in last 5-7 years and you would know which area would a "GOOD MAN" in White House look at first..

So either stick to morality or to UN resolution. Flip flopping between the 2 niether does justice to the cause nor to the discussion..

Why dont we go for peroid of time say over 20 years and compare figures.......or do you want the time frame to cover days and weeks so it fits your agenda?
The funeral north of Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir was just like those of countless others who have died violently over the past 20 years.
A Muslim killed in the insurgency was laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard in the village of Dub, north of Srinagar, on Tuesday, surrounded by thousands of mourners.
What made the ceremony unusual was that this was no militant who had died fighting the Indian army.
This was a Kashmiri who served with the Indian army and died fighting the militants.
Shabir Ahmed Malik was among eight Indian soldiers killed in a gun battle earlier this week with separatist militants in Kupwara.

Over the past two decades, hundreds of Kashmiris have died while fighting for India.

Mr Malik was a dedicated soldier of the Indian army
Among them are police officials and Ikhwanis, or "renegade" militants who have been persuaded or coerced - depending on who you believe - to abandon militancy and instead work for the Indian security forces. Most Ikhwanis were or are pariahs.
But Shabir, 21, joined the Indian army after passing his 12th class examination. He studied at the Sainik (army) School at Ganderbal.
Shabir's family and neighbours are proud of his army service.
"He has become a hero. He died an honourable death. I am so happy, although I am also pained at his separation," says Mohammad Yasin, a neighbour and friend of the dead man.
Mr Yasin says he still regrets not being able to join the Indian army with Shabir.
"I too went with him that day. But only three boys were selected. I was not taken because I was over age. I still feel so bad about it.
"Even now, I have a passionate desire to do something for my country like Shabir has done."
Mr Yasin says that the moving send-off given to Shabir has inspired many more youths in the village to join the army.
"I am 28," says Showkat Ahmed. "I have never in my life seen such a funeral. Such death is pride-worthy."

Mr Malik's village showed huge pride in his army service
Such well-attended funerals are usually the preserve of militants killed by Indian troops.
Shabir's body was kept outside the "imambara" (Shia place of worship) and the villagers mourned beside it.
They beat their chests but unlike at the funerals of militants there was no slogan shouting.
The fact the villagers are minority Shia may in part explain their pro-India loyalties. Kashmir's insurgency over the past two decades has mostly been waged by Sunni militants.
Part of the Shia community has stayed away from the separatist campaign, although some leaders of the separatist movement do belong to the Shias.
The coffin was draped in India's tricolour before it was carried to the graveyard.
Shabir's brother, Ghiulam Mohammad, says: "I wanted him to become a doctor. But he had a passion for joining the army and was determined to complete his graduation so he could become an army officer.
"He was patriotic from his childhood. He wanted to do something for his country. His ambition has been fulfilled."
The villagers have been sharing the family's grief as well as its pride in what Shabir fought for.
"Every family here is bereaved. Every family is mourning," one villager said.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmiri Shia mourn India patriot
Just one thing for brave souls

Taqat watan ki ham se hai
Himmat watan ki ham se hai
Izzat watan ki ham se hain
Insaan ke ham rakhwale
Pehredar himalay ke ham
Jhonke hain toofan ke
Sun kar garaj hamari
Seene phat jaate chattaan ke
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
Seena hai faulaad ka apna
Phoolon jaisa dil hai
Tan me vindhyachal ka bal hai
Man me Taj Mahal hai
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
De kar apna khoon seenchte
Desh ki ham phulwari
Bansi se bandook banate
Ham wo prem pujari
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
Aa kar ham ko kasam de gayi
Rakhi kisi behan ki
Denge apna sheesh na denge
Mitti magar watan ki
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
Khatare me ho desh are to
Ladna sirf dharam hai
Marna hai kya cheej
Aadmi leta naya janam hai
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
Ek jaan hai Ek pran hai
Sara desh hamara
Nadiya chal kar sabhi ruki
Par kabhi na Ganga dhara
Aa ha haaaa haaa ha ha ha
Taqat watan ki ham se hai
Himmat watan ki ham se hai
Izzat watan ki ham se hain
Insaan ke ham rakhwale

Jai Hind
very sad

Do not worry my Kashmiri brothers Pakistan
..........................................................will save you.:pakistan:
very sad

Do not worry my Kashmiri brothers Pakistan
..........................................................will save you.:pakistan:

Just like Pakistan has been saving them in the past?
And you know,what the result of the wars have been.

Present India is far ahead of Present Pakistan.
So Pakistan can try saving them:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:,if it wants its own destruction.

The Kashmiris being discussed here are the ones who laid their lives,for their mother India.

Proud of those Kashmiris(Indians)!

Geelani vows to continue till end to Indian rule


Sunday, 14 November 2010 15:04

Srinagar, November 14, 2010: All Parties Hurriyat Conference Chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, has vowed to continue "Quit Kashmir Movement" till end to India's illegal rule in Occupeid State of Jammu & Kashmir (OSJK).

Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who is under house arrest, in a statement issued in Srinagar, denounced the continued illegal detention of pro-freedom leaders and activists including Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Aasiya Andrabi, Ghulam Nabi Sumjhi, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Peer Saifullah and Firdous Ahmad Shah.

He said that India’s polices towards Kashmir are full of contradictions. “On one hand, India claims about talks and peace, and on the other, the occupation forces have launched massive crackdowns and search operations besides unlawful detentions of Hurriyat leaders,” he said.

Pointing out that the detained pro-freedom leaders and activists are being subjected to third degree torture in jails, he demanded immediate release of all the Kashmiri prisoners before Eid-ul-Azha.

Meanwhile, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, talking to a delegation of New Delhi-based civil rights group, said, the Kashmiris will continue peaceful agitation till India accepts Kashmir as an international dispute, withdraws its troops from the territory, repeals all draconian laws, release illegally detained pro-liberation leaders and activists and punishes the troopers involved in the killings of innocent Kashmiris.

APHC Chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani had said that he apprised the delegation about ground situation in the OSJK and the crimes committed by armed forces of India to crush the Kashmiris’ just struggle. He announced to offer Eid-ul-Azha prayers at Dargah Hazratbal.

On the other hand, the spokesman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, in a statement said, “Geelani’s residence has been turned into a prison for the past two-and-a-half months. He is not allowed to see anyone.”

Terming the illegal house arrest of Syed Ali Shah Geelani as sheer act of state terrorism, the spokesman warned the authorities of serious repercussions if the veteran leader was not released from house arrest.

Indian armed forces personnels used force to quell pro-freedom demonstrations in Bandipore town. Scores of people, mainly youth, staged pro-freedom and Anti-India demonstrations when two of the three interlocutors appointed by India appeared at main chowk of Chitarnaar in the town. The protestors demanded withdrawal of Indian troops from Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir (OSJK). The armed forces of India resorted to brute force and lobbed teargas shells to disperse the protesters.

Similar protests were also held in Baramulla town where clashes were witnessed between the demonstrators and the troops. Meanwhile, complete shutdown was observed in Sangrama area of Baramulla district to mourn the death of one Manzoor Ahmad Khan, 20, killed by Indian armed forces in Sopore on Friday. People from various areas of the district visited Sangrama and expressed solidarity with the bereaved family.

Indian armed forces, in their fresh act of state terrorism, martyred two innocent Kashmiri youth in Poonch district, today. 5 Maratha Light Infantry (MLI) of armed forces of India killed the youth during continued violent military operations at Krishna Ghati in Mankote area of the district. On the other hand, four persons were killed in separate road accidents in Poonch, Kathua, Budgam and Kangan areas of OSJK.

The annual Urs of 13th century Iranian saint, Mir Syed Ali Hamadani, was observed throughout OSJK with traditional devotion and fervour. Exalting functions were held in mosques and shrines on Saturday and the largest gathering took place at the Khanaqah-e-Mualla in Srinagar, which resounded with hymns and recitations throughout previous night.

A large number of the devotees were treated to a glimpse of saint’s relics after dawn prayers, and the ritual was held after every prayer through the day. Thousands of people braved a cold night to pay obeisance at the shrine and the number swelled to over 50,000 at noon prayers on Saturday.

In view of the Urs areas around Khanqah-e-Mualla, originally constructed by Sultan Sikander (1389-1413 AD) in the memory of Mir Hamdani who had after his arrival in Kashmir from Iran stayed there for meditation and preaching, witnessed an extraordinary rush of devotees through the day.

Meanwhile, All Parties Hurriyat Conference leader, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, in a statement issued in Srinagar, paid rich tributes to Syed Ali Hamadani, describing him as a great benefactor of Kashmiris in the truest sense. Mirwaiz said that the blossoming of faith, Islam and morality in the entire Kashmir was a miracle of the spiritual attainments of Syed Ali Hamadani, regarded as the forbearer of Islam in Kashmir.

In a message on the occasion, the Mirwaiz said that the saint had not only altered the history of the land but also its destiny. "Because of the formidable personality of Syed Hamadani, Kashmir not only got the priceless gift of Islam, but countless avenues of trade, commerce and crafts were opened that brought about a welcome revolution in the economic sphere," he added.

Mir Syed Ali bin Shahab-ud-Din Hamadani was an Iranian S?f?, a prominent scholar and reformer. Born on Monday, 12th Rajab 714 AH (1314 A.C) in Hamadan, Syed Ali died in 786 AH (1384 A.C) in Kunar and was buried in Khatlan in Tajikistan. He was very influential in spreading Islam in Kashmir and has had a major hand in shaping the culture of the Kashmir Valley.

Geelani vows to continue till end to Indian rule
Anguish of Kashmiri People: Are we Listening?

Written by Dr. Ram Puniyani
Friday, 12 November 2010 18:57

Statement of Arundhati Roy (Nov 2010), that Kashmir is not a part of India, did raise more than storm in a tea cup. The BJP demanded that court case should be initiated against her, BJP affiliate Mahila Morcha vandalized her house in Delhi and BJP’s storm troopers, Bajarang Dal, threatened her in various ways. This statement came as a shock to many and talk of arresting her under the charge of sedition was in the air for some time. One knows that Kashmir has become a raw nerve in the emotional make up of the large section of people for various reasons.

There may be lot of differences with Roy on the solution of Kashmir problem, but two points need to be noted and conceded. Number one, Kashmir never merged with India as it only ‘acceded’ with the proviso of total autonomy except in the matters of defense, communication, currency and external affairs. And two that the statement of Roy and her other writings and speeches on the issue of Kashmir show the pain and anguish of Kashmiri people as a whole.

The attacks and criticism of Roy are based on the ignorance about the history of accession of Kashmir to India. The ultra nationalists groups, especially the one’s who are followers of the ideology of Religion based nationalism, and a thinking of a section of people is guided by a sort of patriotism, blinded by emotion. This patriotism wants to put the problems of people under the carpet.

How did Kashmir Accede to India? One does remember that there were many princely states at the time of Independence. Most of these states were merged into India barring the ones of Junagadh, Hyderabad and Kashmir. The mandate to princes was that they are free to merge with either India or Pakistan but while taking such a decision they should keep the feelings of there subjects and consider their geographical location. The princes of these three states had their own calculations in not merging in to India.

Junagadh Nawab wanted to merge with Pakistan. Nizam Hyderabad wanted to remain independent or at worse merge with Pakistan. Pakistan offered more powers to the princes. Geographically also merger of Junagadh and Hyderabad was a bit out of the place their borders were not contiguous with border of Pakistan, and the composition of population of the percentage of Hindu population in these states was overwhelming. India closed the chapter in these states by military means.

Kashmir was uniquely located in an area which had proximity to Pakistan and India both, it had large communication with Pakistan and 80% of its population was Muslim, fitting well into the scheme of ‘Two nation theory’ of communalists.

Maharaja Harisingh refused to merge with either country. Pakistani army disguised as tribal invaded Kashmir. The difference in Kashmir was the presence of movement of National Conference which was very secular and its leader Sheikh Abdullah recognized the comparatively stronger presence of feudal sections in Pakistan ruling classes. Maharaja Harisingh when faced with the aggression left for Jammu for his safety and sent his emissary to Delhi to request India to send army to dispel the aggression from Pakistan soil. Indian Government wanted to have an agreement before sending the army.

It’s here that treaty of accession (not merger) was devised giving full autonomy to Kashmir except in the matters of defense, communication, currency and external affairs. By the time Indian army began its work, 1/3 Kashmir was already occupied by the Pakistan army. Ceasefire followed and later Indian part of Kashmir went on to have elections, Sheikh Abdullah becoming its first Prime Minister (not Chief Minister).

To understand the plight of Kashmiris, Pundits included, the issues one needs to focus are, as to how the US had designs to dominate this area through the proxy of Pakistan, were operating all through. This was the major determining factor for things which happened in this region. Kashmir was Central to US anti Communist strategies- Russia on one side China on the other.

US kept supporting Pakistan through and through to keep its presence in the area and to keep the issue on the boil. On this side of the border the communal elements were assertive and demanded for full merger of Kashmir into India. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, the founder of Bhartiya Jansangh, the previous avatar of BJP was very vociferous in demanding this total merger.

Shiekh Abdullah’s trust in Indian republic’s secular values was shaken with the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. Sheikh had great faith in the secularism of India, in Gandhi and Nehru. After Gandhi murder and the pressure built by communalists to forcibly merge Kashmir into India further disturbed Sheikh Abdullah. He started introspecting whether it was a mistake to accede to India. Nehru at this point of time was saying that what is important is to win over the hearts of Kashmiris, while ultra nationalists, pseudo nationalists, wanted to forcible merge Kashmir into India. Sheikh Abdullah started talking to US ambassador and also with China on the other. Under pressure of Nehru got Sheikh Abdullah arrested and put him behind bars, starting the process of alienation of Kashmiri people at large.

Later Pakistan backed by US played its own role in encouraging the dissident sections and by helping them in all the ways. The problem really got worse due to the entry of Al Qaeda in the decades of 1980s. With their warped training of distorted version of Jihad and Kafir, in the Madrassas set up by US, to train Al Qaeda, the situation got communalized. It worsened the situation by communalizing the issue and by playing politics in the name of Islam.

Indian army did the rest. Starting from trying to curb militancy, it entrenched itself in to the civilian life of Kashmir. So many incidents of killings of innocents at the hands of army have taken place. Brutality of army is disguised as defense of Nation. Army lives with the dictum that power flows through the barrel of the gun.

This dictum is glaringly obvious when army stays there for long enough time in a civilian area. This army occupation acts as a trigger to further alienate the people of the region. Victims of army’s highhandedness are the innocents of the region, women and children suffering the worst ignominies. The process of violation of civic norms and disruption of civic life has led to a situation where the average helpless person vents his anger by throwing the stones.

Kashmir is a vexed issue defying easy solution due multiple interested parties. US backed Pakistan army, the intense pain and suffering of people of Kashmir at the hands of militants and army, both. There is a need to respect the expression of pain and anguish of Kashmiri people. Dialogue within and outside, reduction of army’s presence, deepening democracy and understanding the complex logic of the area is what could sooth the wounded psyche of Kashmir.

The aggressive reaction of the type manifested by politics wearing the clothes of religion will add salt to the wounds and worsen the problem rather than contributing anything to its resolution. Layers of democracy, within the state need to be strived for and people’s voices of dissent need to be listened carefully rather than insulted and blindly opposed without understanding the logic of their statements and suffering of the people of Kashmir.

Editor's Note:

Dr. Ram Puniyani is India based Human Rights activists, a prefessor and a well known supporter of Indian Secularism.

Anguish of Kashmiri People: are we listening?
Why dont we go for peroid of time say over 20 years and compare figures.......or do you want the time frame to cover days and weeks so it fits your agenda?

You cant base present decisions on what happened 50 years back. Like it or not, recency has its effect on policy decisions..
getting tough on a wound, only makes it worse and worse, until eventually you have to cut that part of body to avoid spreading disease in other parts ;)

Amputation is passe.. Laser cauterization does the job pretty well these days..;)
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