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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The US is showing its friendship to india, by arming to the teeth, its strategic adversary, with state of the art weaponry, wow with a friend like that who needs enemies. :)

History has shown us, even in South Asia, that people can not be held captive by bullets and bombs.
If the US was in the habit of shooting themselves in the foot, they would done so long ago, on a certain matter of Tibet.

You seem to forget that there is no UN resolution on Tibet while there is one in kashmir.
The indians where the ones that took the matter to the UN in the first place and got a UN resolution passed which they have failed to act on it and now want to be part of the UNSC.
Now why on Earth would the US urge India to talk to Pakistan about an internal matter?

Because, currently Jammu and Kashmir is India's integral part but when we say Kashmir it means the whole Kashmir including occupied Kashmir with china, pakistan, gilgit baltistan etc. etc. ;);)

So, J&K is undisputed part of India and occupied Kashmir under china and pakistan is disputed. :wave:
But security of minorities in Kashmir depends on Gelaani and his groupies.

The minorities in Kashmir will get the same security as the minorities in india get......is that standard okay?
Anywhere where the UN mandates the right to self-determination that should be given. Only Kashmir fits that description.

Do you really believe US goes by what UN mandates? The bogey of UN resolution is just that.. A bogey.. Do compare the civilian deaths in Kashmir and Balochistan (including the 100 in Kashmir in last 4 months) in last 5-7 years and you would know which area would a "GOOD MAN" in White House look at first..

So either stick to morality or to UN resolution. Flip flopping between the 2 niether does justice to the cause nor to the discussion..
Musharraf backs gradual shutdown of militants

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has advocated a gradual approach in trying to shut down anti-India militant groups fighting in Kashmir, noting the popularity of such groups among Pakistanis.

Speaking at the Atlantic Council this week, Mr. Musharraf also praised the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba's (LeT) charitable wing, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, for having done the "best job" in relief operations after the 2005 earthquake in the part of Kashmir claimed by Pakistan and an "excellent job" in the aftermath of the recent floods.

Mr. Musharraf said militant groups like LeT, Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Hizb-ul-Mujahedeen are popular in Pakistan because they oppose India's military. "When they go and fight in Kashmir, it is very popular with the people of Pakistan. They are mujahedeen, and they are fighting the Indian army," he said.

He added that successive Pakistani governments have been reluctant to shut these groups down because they are so popular.

According to U.S. and Indian intelligence agencies, LeT was behind the 2008 Mumbai attack in which 166 people, including six Americans, were killed.

Pervez Musharraf
The Obama administration has been pressing the Pakistani government to sever ties to terrorist groups, including LeT and JeM. In a meeting in Washington last month with Pakistan's chief of the army staff, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, President Obama sought to censure Pakistani tolerance of or support for terrorism.

Mr. Obama conveyed his concerns about "ticking time bombs" that could spell catastrophe for the U.S.-Pakistan relationship, said Bruce Riedel, who conducted a review of U.S. policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan for Mr. Obama, at the New America Foundation this week.

Mr. Riedel described the two time bombs as "a mass-casualty terrorist attack inside the U.S. postmarked Pakistan" and LeT carrying out "another 26/11 somewhere in India."

India refers to the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which began on Nov. 26, as 26/11.

In the past several months, potentially devastating acts of terrorism have been foiled, including failed attempts to bomb Times Square in New York and place bombs on Washington's Metro transit system. Pakistani Americans were involved in both cases.

As president, Mr. Musharraf had banned some militants groups, but they continued their activities under new names. Shutting down the groups "is easier said than done," he said.

But Islamabad does not abet the creation of safe havens for militants, Mr. Musharraf said, adding that the U.S. needs to develop a better understanding of Pakistan's army and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency before blaming them for sheltering insurgents.

Western intelligence officials say Taliban and al Qaeda fighters are being provided safe haven in Pakistan's lawless tribal belt, especially around the cities of Quetta and Peshawar.

"While these refugee camps may be a safe haven for any kind of activity, it is not government-sponsored," Mr. Musharraf said. "There is no safe haven created or no abetting with the Taliban to come and stay there."

Mr. Musharraf said there are a dozen such refugee camps in Pakistan. "Terrorists must be coming and staying in these camps, there must be people who are harboring them," he said.

U.S. officials say ISI continues to maintain linkages to militant groups, including the Pakistani Taliban, LeT and the Haqqani Network.

These concerns were reinforced by the confession of Pakistani American David Coleman Headley on the role the ISI played in planning the Mumbai operation. Headley pleaded guilty to helping LeT carry out the Mumbai attacks by carrying out surveillance of targets.

A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the information, said terrorist safe havens in Pakistan are not confined to the northwestern region straddling the border with Afghanistan.

"There are terrorists in Pakistan outside the frontier areas, which is definitely contributing to the threat against U.S. troops in Afghanistan and against Pakistan itself," the U.S. official said.

A second U.S. official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, said: "Everyone's eyes are wide open … to the complexities of the Pakistanis' historical relationships with certain players in the region."

In his new memoir "Decision Points," former President George W. Bush writes that some in the ISI retained close ties to Taliban officials, while others wanted an insurance policy in case the U.S. abandoned Afghanistan and India tried to gain influence there.

In 2005 and 2006, sanctuaries in Peshawar and Quetta aided the rise of the insurgency, Mr. Bush said.

By 2008, he got tired of reading intelligence reports about terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan and hinted that he sanctioned the covert Predator drone strikes in Pakistan.

"Over time, it became clear that Musharraf either would not or could not fulfill all his promises" to deny al Qaeda safe haven in Pakistan and break ties with the Taliban, Mr. Bush writes, adding that part of the problem was Pakistan's "obsession with India."

Mr. Musharraf described Kashmir as the root cause of terrorism in the region and lamented the fact that Mr. Obama did not raise the issue on his recent visit to India. "The solution is the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. Not because Pakistan wants it, it is necessary for the world to fight terrorism and extremism," the former Pakistani leader said.

On the use of Predator drones to kill militants hiding in Pakistan's tribal areas, Mr. Musharraf said the use of the unmanned aerial vehicles pose a dilemma since the drones kill militants but their indiscriminate use has caused collateral damage.

Mr. Musharraf, who has launched his own political party, is exploring the possibility of returning to Pakistan and running for the office of president — a position he held for seven years after seizing power in a bloodless coup in 1999. He was forced to resign in 2008.

Musharraf backs gradual shutdown of militants - Washington Times
Musharraf acknowledges that Pakistan backed terrorists

After returning to big politics, former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has made a number of sudden revelations. For example, he has recently said that Kashmiri terrorists were trained in special camps in Pakistan. Several days ago, he said that “the US and Pakistan were taking part in a jihad against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s”.

An old saying has it that every secret sooner or later becomes public. Speaking at the Atlantic Council, General Musharraf said that the United States and Pakistan called their war against the Soviet troops a jihad (a Muslim word meaning “holy war”) to attract mujahedins from all over the world. The general also mentioned that the US and Pakistan trained Talibs, supplied them with weapons and sent them to Afghanistan.

Mr. Musharraf’s revelations only confirm what the Pakistani authorities tried to conceal for many years, but what, in fact, was nobody’s secret. The former Pakistani authorities not only didn’t prosecute terrorists, they let them openly form all kinds of gangs, open training camps in the country and collect money. In fact, Pakistani borders were open for all kinds of terrorists – Chechen and Arab militants, Kashmiri separatists, Afghan talibs, al Qaeda leaders and the like. Some people even openly collected donations for Chechen terrorists or held rallies in their support in some Pakistani cities.

“In fact, in the tragic events of 9.11 and other terror acts, Americans only reaped the fruits of their former politics in Afghanistan. In the years of the Cold War, the US itself supported Afghan mujahedins. When the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, Pakistan was the first to recognize them as a legitimate government. For many years, Pakistani authorities never hesitated to give shelter to terrorist organizations of all kinds – and, judging by everything, they are still flourishing in Pakistan. Even some high-ranking US politicians, including State Secretary Hillary Clinton, acknowledge that.”

There is another ancient saying – evil always comes back to the one who’s committed it. It is well known that it was the mujahedins, once backed by the US, who spread the ideas of Wahhabism in the Middle East. It is due to the popularity of these ideas that the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in 1996, after which the country turned into a hotbed of terrorism. The ones who suffered most from all that were Americans themselves – remember 9.11 and the bloody war in Afghanistan and in the Pakistani north-west, which hasn’t stopped yet.

Well, let’s hope that at last one good thing will come out of these most sad events - that they serve as a lesson for future US politicians.

Musharraf acknowledges that Pakistan backed terrorists: Voice of Russia
Hasn't this been happening ever since Independence? Haven't they learned that whatever they're doing isn't working? Whatever, the more militants we kill the better.
you people are reviving a 3 y/o thread and bashing a guy banned 2 years back? man this is ridiculous.
Kashmir to get tough with separatists - Hindustan Times

In a bid to restore a semblance of order in the troubled Kashmir Valley, the Jammu and Kashmir government has decided to get tough with separatists, according to official sources. Top separatist leaders like hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani and his rival Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and their hardcore supporters are said to be on the police 'wanted list'.
According to the sources, all the supporters of the separatist leaders as well as middle-rung leaders would be arrested to isolate them "and make them non-functional", a reliable source told IANS.

"This strategy has been adopted to create a situation which takes fear out of the minds of the people who have been harassed by the street protests engineered by the separatists," the source said.

More than 110 people were killed in clashes with police and paramilitary forces in the past five months in the valley. Many more were wounded.

The last paragraph should read 110 people have been killed by the Indian police!

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