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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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and 1 more advice 4 u m8 ,Be a pak sher in here too not a coward ,btw do pakistan have sher in zoo only dont know what your national animal ?

How do you know he is a coward, how brave are you to call some one that when he is not online
yea! ! I am sad that they matyr without giving fitting reply to cowards ,as positiond in market at defensive mode.

you need to spell martyr right first, don't you have spell checker.

And the indian's soldiers are repressing innocent Kashmiri civilians they are the true cowards.:angry:
and 1 more advice 4 u m8 ,Be a pak sher in here too not a coward ,btw do pakistan have sher in zoo only dont know what your national animal ?

Though proud to come from a military family for generations. Many of my family members have had the honor to kill many Indian soldiers and shoot down several IAF planes.

One should not forget their own history, we people of subcontinent struggled against british raj, we died, we tried, but in the end we got our independence after countless sacrifices, we credited Bhagat Singh and many more, Britishers labeled him and many more as terrorists. Kashmiri's are the same breed, as we are, they struggled with us then, only difference is that their struggle is still going on, and they will get what is their birth right, rightfully theirs, for what they are fighting for, dying for, for what we fought and died for, INDEPENDENCE

So good luck to you aswell.

lol I find the naivety of Pakistanis so amusing. After 63 years of struggling for Kashmir, you have not come to grasp one single difference between us and the brtish:

The british DID NOT consider British India as their integral territory whereas we Indians do consider Kashmir to be our Integral part and it's not a rant or something, we actually mean it....WE MEAN IT!

India was a colony for the british and a means of exploitation whereas Kashmir for us is same as Haryana, Punjab or Kerala i.e. AN INTEGRAL PART OF INDIA.

Now, let me get this to your head, British were not willing to use all means at their disposal to keep India colonised, while we Indians ARE willing to use all means (military/economic/diplomatic) at our disposal to keep Kashmir firmly as an integral part of our country.

You and those asking for freedom have only two options:

1. Fight a nuclear war with us, prevail over us and then take Kashmir.

2. Accept LoC as an international border.

Although those asking for autonomy or other such demands are free to protest using all non-violent means at their disposal.
Though proud to come from a military family for generations. Many of my family members have had the honor to kill many Indian soldiers and shoot down several IAF planes.


I guess your family members used the same gun to kill many Indian soldiers and shoot down several IAF planes. Bollywood, please take a note of it. Nice plot. :hitwall:
lol I find the naivety of Pakistanis so amusing. After 63 years of struggling for Kashmir, you have not come to grasp one single difference between us and the brtish:

The british DID NOT consider British India as their integral territory whereas we Indians do consider Kashmir to be our Integral part and it's not a rant or something, we actually mean it....WE MEAN IT!

India was a colony for the british and a means of exploitation whereas Kashmir for us is same as Haryana, Punjab or Kerala i.e. AN INTEGRAL PART OF INDIA.

Now, let me get this to your head, British were not willing to use all means at their disposal to keep India colonised, while we Indians ARE willing to use all means (military/economic/diplomatic) at our disposal to keep Kashmir firmly as an integral part of our country.

You and those asking for freedom have only two options:

1. Fight a nuclear war with us, prevail over us and then take Kashmir.

2. Accept LoC as an international border.

Although those asking for autonomy or other such demands are free to protest using all non-violent means at their disposal.

The freedom of Kashmir will come. There may be dispute between Koreas or a dispute on Falkland Islands but a resolution will come. Kashmir will be free in the years to come. Now everyone in the world knows there is a Kashmir problem.
Everyone knows Kashmir is one of the oldest conflicts but all major nations say it is an internal matter for Pakistan and India to resolve and even Obama said himself this whilst in India. Therefore no 3rd party will try to act like mediator in this matter.
I guess your family members used the same gun to kill many Indian soldiers and shoot down several IAF planes. Bollywood, please take a note of it. Nice plot. :hitwall:

Comparing the heroes of Pakistan with the kunjars of bollywood can only come from a veggie mind, since too many veggies cause a special gas that can get to the brain sometimes causing slow and permanent brain damage. :victory::sniper:
the world knows there is a Kashmir problem.

Exactly! The entire world may know that there is a 'problem' and that's where the awareness ends.

Even India agrees that Kashmir is a 'problem' or an 'issue' but not a 'dispute'. :nono:
Not 'freedom' pre se but yes an agreeable solution may be found.

For freedom, you'll have to fight a nuclear war with us and then prevail over us.

Thanks for the suggestion and understanding, but 2 pending UN resolutions are there and India will have to abide by them sooner or later.
Thanks for the suggestion and understanding, but 2 pending UN resolutions are there and India will have to abide by them sooner or later.

No we don't have to.

1. The resolutions are not binding.

2. The resolutions do not offer any option for 'independence'. The only options available are to join India or Pakistan.

3. The Simla agreement (Simla Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) supersedes the UN resolutions and thereby making them null and void.

4. A part of J&K was ceded to China by Pakistan, namely, Aksai Chin.

5. Pakistan has allowed people from pakistani mainland to settle into the UN recognised territory of J&K and hence causing an imbalance in the number of people who were originally from Kashmir.

For Pakistan to harp on UN Resolutions is both morally and legally untenable.
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Comparing the heroes of Pakistan with the kunjars of bollywood can only come from a veggie mind, since too many veggies cause a special gas that can get to the brain sometimes causing slow and permanent brain damage. :victory::sniper:

So acurate description confirms, you inhale those gases frequently. Good for you. :yahoo:

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