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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Pakistan lost Bangladesh because of Kashmir? Kashmir issue was the cause?

Pakistan's Kashmir obsession is the reason why India and Pakistan are enemies..and it can be debated, had you not interfered in Kashmir in 1965 .. India would not have interfered in East Pakistan.
Only if Muslims again rule india like we did for over 1000 years.
hahahaha r u kidding...
in bharath we had muslims kings and hindu kings also...and sikhs also...it doesn't mean u ruled whole india.lol
and by the way its not the india 1000 years back..
u can just open ur mouth here on internet on dreaming of ruling india...instead,do u r leaders have that GUTTS to tell it to india in real world...do ur leaders have the GUTTTS!!!!!!
Our leaders have said"Don't export terror pakistan",so that the whole world has heard...
so just wake up from ur wet dream baby...live in real life
Pakistan lost Bangladesh because of Kashmir? Kashmir issue was the cause? And Kashmir issue is cause of majority of Pakistan's problems? WTF are you smoking? Besides the issues with India, it isn't the cause of any other problem. I see that you're just another bharti who has mixed correlation with causation.

Great :cheers: you guys are on the perfect path and it couldn't have been better...for us :D

Keep up the good work guys :tup::tup:
u wanted kashmir,u lost half of ur nation,now also u want kashmir,lets see wat u will lose this time......

OCTOBER 27 was observed in Pakistan, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Indian Occupied Kashmir and by the Kashmiri Diaspora across the world as “Black Day” since this the day, Indian troops illegally occupied the Valley of Kashmir, commenced their massacre of the predominantly Muslim population of Kashmir and tried to change the demographic dispensation of the Valley. The Indian Independence Act as well as the Partition Plan of 1947 for the Indian Subcontinent had declared that accession of the princely states with Hindu rulers but Muslim subjects or Muslim Rulers with Hindu subjects, would be decided by the people of the state. The Indians trampled this principle under the boots of their military. They forcibly occupied Hyderabad, Junagadh and Kashmir three princely states, to which the principle of accession was to be applied. Indian government made Maharaja Hari Singh sign the letter of accession to India at the point of a bayonet. The accession was totally illegitimate because the Hindu Ruler did not have the authority to sign away the future of the Kashmiris who were predominantly Muslim; moreover the accession was obtained under coercion. Many neutral observers opine that such a letter never even existed. Pakistan tried to upset the balance by sending its troops to help the Kashmiris get liberated. Pakistan and India went to war over Kashmir. Seeing the ill-equipped Pakistani forces advance towards Srinagar, India cried foul and approached the United Nations, who instituted a cease fire. After deliberations, the UN declared Kashmir as a disputed territory and passed Resolutions calling for the people of Kashmir to decide their own fate, whether they would opt to join Pakistan or India through a UN sponsored plebiscite. India’s prime minister then was Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, himself a Kashmiri, who not only accepted the UN Resolutions but promised to implement them at the earliest. However, he was speaking with a forked tongue since he not only reneged on his promise but went to the extent of constitutionally declaring Kashmir as an integral part of India. This act is not only illegal but illegitimate, since it is in direct contravention of the UN Resolutions. Pakistan and India went to war twice more in 1965 and 1971, but the fate of the Kashmiris did not change and they continued to be suppressed under Indian rule. In 1989, Kashmiris arose enmasse in a freedom struggle, to throw away the yoke of Indian tyranny and slavery. India retaliated by sending over seven hundred thousand troops to crush the just struggle. Over one hundred thousand Kashmiris embraced shahadat, Kashmiri women were raped, their houses and shops were looted and thousands were incarcerated. India tried to hoodwink the world by labelling the freedom struggle as an act of terrorism and falsely implicating Pakistan as harbouring, training and arming the Kashmiris. Unfortunately the Kashmiris are no nearer the end of their struggle than they were in 1989. Having sacrificed thousands of precious lives, they still yearn to see the fruition of their dreams but even the world is becoming oblivious to their plight. What the world needs to recognize that Kashmir is the main bone of contention between India and Pakistan, who since 1998 have declared themselves as nuclear weapons capable states. Kashmir is a flashpoint, which is on a short fuse which could erupt into a nuclear war, engulfing not only the region but devastating the whole world.

President Obama, in his prescience had recognized this acute threat during his presidential election campaign and promised to help resolve the crisis. However, after taking oath of presidency, Indian lobbyists and propaganda machinery have made him forget his promise. He will be visiting India on November 5th and if he is truly a man of conscience, he owes it to Kashmiris, nay the whole world to save the Kashmiris from their dark and dank life of slavery as well as avert the danger of world annihilation. Mr. Obama can spare a thought for Tibet, which is not even a real issue, but he chooses to be oblivious of the Kashmir issue. The Daily Mail urges the US President to keep his word on Kashmir, since by resolving it, he would also expedite the process of the return of peace in Afghanistan too, besides the Indo-Pak Subcontinent.
but sunday comes every week right and that day will be our time to strike....lol:rofl::lol:

Strike?.... good for u fanboy..... enjoy ur sundays.... our last sunday was in the 80s... even tht we let u enjoy in the en.... but ur next holiday wont be sweet if u went on oing ur usual ..


ISLAMABAD, Oct 27 (APP): Kashmir Black Day was observed in Jakarta, Indonesia on Wednesday with a seminar jointly organized by Kashmir Solidarity Forum, Jakarta and Dewan Dawah, Indonesia, a prominent socio-religious organization. Attended by over 200 invitees including women participants, scholars, media representatives, students of the educational institutions maintained by Dewan Dawah and prominent socialites, the seminar underscored that granting the right of self-determination to the Kashmiri people in the light of UN resolutions was the only way to address the Kashmir issue once and for all.

Charge d’ Affaires, Pakistan Embassy, Syed Sajjad Haider who addressed the seminar as a special guest speaker said Pakistan had all along supported the Kashmiri cause politically and morally and had an unflinching belief in the just struggle of Kashmiris for their right to self determination, according to a message received here on Wednesday.

He said that more than six decades ago India had agreed to the proposal of holding a plebiscite to allow the Kashmiri people decide their own fate. The UN was a witness to this fact and if someone thought that since six decades had elapsed and the UN resolutions were a forgotten tale, he was sadly mistaken.

He said the international community, specially the Muslim countries, more so, Indonesia must use their influence to facilitate the settlement of Kashmir issue.
He said the people of Kashmir looked to the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia to lend them support in seeking their right to self determination.

Dr. Zahir Khan, Chairman, Kashmir Solidarity Forum dwelt in detail on the historical background of the Kashmir issue saying Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world at present was with the Kashmiri people in their just struggle.

He lamented that international community, particularly the US had not accorded the due importance to the issue of Kashmir otherwise it would be easier to reach a worthwhile solution to this burning issue.

Representing Dewan Dawah, Dr. Ali Bajri also called for international support to resolve the issue of Kashmir. He said he had recently been to Pakistan and saw a great deal of sympathy for the Kashmiri brethren.

He said India had always forgotten its own promise for a plebiscite in Kashmir and such a situation could not be allowed to go any further because the number of deaths and destruction in Kashmir had surpassed all records of ill treatment to human beings.

He urged that Pakistan like the past should keep up its support to the Kashmiri cause because that was what mattered the most.

The seminar concluded with a Question and Answer session. Charge d’ Affaires Pakistan Embassy, Syed Sajjad Haider answered queries from the Indonesian guests.

To a question he categorically stated that associating the just cause of the Kashmiris with terrorism was itself criminal thinking and a failed attempt to misguide the international community that supported the Kashmniri struggle.
He said it was a totally indigenous movement and would ultimately reach a successful stage whereby the Kashmiris could achieve their right to self determination.

To another question he said the UN resolutions formed the basis of a true solution of Kashmir issue and this fact could not be ignored no matter what amount of time had elapsed since the UN passed these resolutions.
Strike?.... good for u fanboy..... enjoy ur sundays.... our last sunday was in the 80s... even tht we let u enjoy in the en.... but ur next holiday wont be sweet if u went on oing ur usual ..

Dream on Babe.....
there is huge balance of power between India and pak,and it favours india,as we know..
so dream on..:taz:


Pakistani activists of the Kashmir Freedom Movement protest in Lahore yesterday to mark Black Day. Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control are observing Black Day, which marks the anniversary of Indian troops arriving in Kashmir on October 27, 1947, after the Himalayan region’s Hindu ruler requested help to fend off an invasion by Pakistan-backed tribesmen.
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