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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Indian authorities imposed a curfew in Srinagar and other towns of Kashmir Valley on Wednesday to foil a march towards the UN Observers Office in Srinagar to remind the World Body that it had failed to implement its resolutions on Kashmir.

In a bid to prevent the march, Indian agencies placed Hurriat leaders, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Farida Behenji and other Hurriatt leaders under house arrest during a crackdown against APHC activists arrested several leaders and activists including Yasmeen Raja.

A huge contingent of police and paramilitary forces cordoned off the residences of leaders Tuesday night and informed Hurriat leaders that they have been placed under house arrest.

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) and all across the world are observing Black Day today to convey to the international community that despite Indian state terrorism, they reject its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

It was on October 27 in 1947 when Indian troops invaded Kashmir in total disregard to the partition plan of the sub-continent and against Kashmiris' aspirations.

Call for observance of Black Day has been given by the All Parties Hurriat Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and veteran Kashmiri Hurriat leader, Syed Ali Gilani. Rallies in support of Kashmiri liberation struggle will be held in Muzaffarabad and world capitals.
So you are fulltime searching on google with word Kashmir?
Very Smart way to Increase # of posts!!! :tup::tup::tup:

Even Mods won't object on it! :bounce:

---------- Post added at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

For those who criticizes Indian's failures. "Girte hain sheh-sawar hi maidan-e-jung mein. Woh tifl kya gire jo ghutnon ke bal chala karte hain"

I love your signatures, btw!!!!

ISLAMABAD, Oct 27 (APP): Pakistan will continue extending its political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir in their struggle for the right of self-determination. This was stated by the Ambassador of Pakistan to Kuwait Iftekhar Aziz in a ceremony held at the embassy on Wednesday to observe the Kashmir Black Day, said a message recieved here from Kuwait.

The Ambassador, in his address said that October 27 was observed all around the world as Black Day against the illegal occupation of Kashmir by India.
He said on that day the Indian troops invaded Kashmir in 1947.

He said the Kashmiris never accepted the illegal Indian occupation and waged an independence struggle from day one. The valley has witnessed a new wave of protests this summer by the Muslim youths who are fed up with the oppressive Indian rule.

They are demanding independence. The Indian security forces have responded with brutal force and have killed more than 100 protesters, mainly teenage Kashmiris.

He said that Pakistan had raised the issue of Kashmir before the International community on every available forum. He said that Pakistan will continue extending its political, moral and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir.

He also highlighted Pakistan’s principled stand on this issue that the people of Kashmir should be given a chance through a free and fair plebiscite, to decide about their future, as promised in the UN Resolutions. No lasting peace was possible in the region unless Kashmir issue was resolved. he added.

The ceremony was attended by members of Pakistan community and officials from the embassy.
Agitation to continue till Delhi accepts Kashmir as dispute: Geelani


Lastupdate on : Wed, 27 Oct 2010 21:30:00 Mecca time

Srinagar, Oct 27: The Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Wednesday
said the agitation would continue till New Delhi accepts Kashmir as a dispute.
In a statement, Geelani said he would not leave any stone unturned to take the ongoing movement to its logical conclusion. “In the past even some of our own people let us down and harmed the movement. Now time has come to take the movement to its logical conclusion. Come what may our agitation will continue till New Delhi accepts Kashmir as a dispute,” he said.
Geelani strongly condemned the use of force on people at Bandipore, Palhalan Pattan and Pulwama saying India wants to suppress Kashmiris through the barrel of gun.
Meanwhile, Geelani condoled the demise of brother-in-law of Greater Kashmir photo editor, Habib Naqash. He expressed solidarity with the bereaved family.

Agitation to continue till Delhi accepts Kashmir as dispute Geelani Lastupdate:- Thu, 28 Oct 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com
When u come to Delhi u will not survive if the same government ur protesting against do not protect you.
Nothing to be worried about for India. Assuming Omar made his best effort(I am sure he did), all the bad press is from Pakistani sources. At least international media is not obsessed with the situation real time now.
Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Syed Sumsam Ali Bukhari said on Wednesday that Pakistan was incomplete until the liberation of whole state of Jammu and Kashmir from Indian occupation.
So the cat is out of the bag eh? Not that it was ever in the bag, but for those bleeding heart 'freedom' e-fighters, claiming that their country supports 'azadi' (independence) of Kashmir, it is probably time to take off their blinkers.

After all those keyboard battles, here is a minister nakedly expressing his country's irredentist/expansionist desire. Suddenly, the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people no longer matters. What matters is how Kashmir will complete Pakistan. How convenient.
Only if Muslims again rule india like we did for over 1000 years.

But why do you include yourself with the people who ruled India? You must be one of the people who got scared and converted to their religion. Remember.. the person you have as your avatar is a second generation convert too. Just converting to the ruler's religion does not make you a ruler but a slave who obeyed the ruler.
Pakistan was more complete back in 1971 than it is now.

This is what happens when you stop concentrating on internal matters and try poking nose in others business....

More Kashmiri than actual Kashmiris

More Arab than actual Arabs

More Palestinian than actual Palestinians

More Afghan than actual Afghans

More Iraqi than actual Iraqis

More Iranian than actual Iranian

Gosh....they seem to have issues with half of the World,irrespective of their capacity to pursue.....

What happens when it comes to being a Pakistani and work for the development of your own nation for a change????

All the enthusiasm seems to die down at that point....

It is so,because the political leaders have always used various international issues which have no direct impact upon Pakistani society to keep the youth of the nation distracted and without a focus,reasons being multiple,corruption being the prime......
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