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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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There is Difference b/w Cry & protest

If subject is Pakistan or China, verb should be Protest;
If subject is India, verb should be CRY

Let me sum up your 600+ post of glorious career on PDF

[GIBBERISH] :smitten: :pakistan: :china:

So let me get this right, molesting means painting rocks, dropping pork cans and stealing fuel? :rofl:

Its festival season here, send your army of one child policy. we have lot of painting jobs.

At the least, we dont drop our pants on seeing the enemy.:woot:

Did you happened to drop your pants in 1962 ? HaHaHa
P.S. Thankyou for reading my 600 plus post :smitten:
Did you happened to drop your pants in 1962 ? HaHaHa
P.S. Thankyou for reading my 600 plus post :smitten:

Were you even born in 1962......:lol:
this thread is going garbage !!!!!

senior members and older members must refrain from posting - trolls and keep the emotions in check..

its happens way more now a days.

not just from chinese but also from indian and even pakistani memebers. lets not kill this thread like - many others.

no matter what our leadership says.

but chinese and paksitani friendship is way more than - indian -chinese trade.

we can not just talk them or pressure them to act accordign to our wishes in pakistan.

the only way is to stop trade and work some pressure. thats the only way - which "might" give some results.
since the world will get india's back,india should start the war tomorrow,china is very expecting it

india would not attack china , neither we have a reason to attack , but we are very much prepared to defend ourself in any misadventure by china.

chinese will be replied in a fittign manner . and will be reminded before the end of world that- it wasnt really worth it.

india leadership is not as educated or smart as chinese, if it will coem to war , it will be end of days to this whole world.

but thank god !! these bloggers cant take countries to war, because we are too gutless to fight without a virtual weapon , keyboard and safety of hididng behind computer screen.
I just dont understand y we 're so interested in kashmir, even tho we treated bangalis the same way when they wanted independence? we 've got balochis to worry abt 'nd we 've got nwfp to worry abt, havent we learnt yet that our own interest comes first? just see what meddling with others has done to us
Yup.. agreed. Kashmir is not a part of India similar to how Earth is not a part of the Milky Way galaxy. The ancient Martians used a High Intensity Gravity Gun to suck Earth from Andromeda Galaxy into the present solar system.

I think I should leave the ancient Martians alone. They might get pissed at me.

On a more serious note, when was Kashmir ever a part of Pakistan? Oh wait... the ancient Martians allocated Kashmir to Pakistan. Damn you ancient Martians!

As normal...... a spaced out indian talking about azad kashmir:pakistan:
My message to the Chinese:

Most of the developed countries already hate you guys for:
1.Endangering their economies with your cheap products.
2.Arming rogue countries like Pakistan-North Korea-Iran with nukes.

Those countries are just waiting for an opportunity to kick your ***, so go ahead... make their day... come and get AP and see how the world supports us to shove your **** and your cheap goods up your ***.

we don't really care
this is not the first time that china has been hated by usa and russia
and here we are now
we have been through that situation when we were much poorer and weaker

do you know some time it's really sad there is no one even bother to hate you
india would not attack china , neither we have a reason to attack , but we are very much prepared to defend ourself in any misadventure by china.

chinese will be replied in a fittign manner . and will be reminded before the end of world that- it wasnt really worth it.

india leadership is not as educated or smart as chinese, if it will coem to war , it will be end of days to this whole world.

but thank god !! these bloggers cant take countries to war, because we are too gutless to fight without a virtual weapon , keyboard and safety of hididng behind computer screen.

no, just end of days to both countries,no other countries will join this war ,they will wait,then pick their interest
Do you think anything will change on the ground if GOP raises kashmir issue in UN / IOC - they are just talk shows nothing much.

If they are just talks, they should not be hurting you. Are they? In this case Pakistan should talk of Kashmir and Indian Human Rights Violations in Kashmir more often.
no, just end of days to both countries,no other countries will join this war ,they will wait,then pick their interest

no aim - both these countries have weapons of mass distruction. so a war between these two means.

end of days for this earth. and we havent even found water on moon yet. ( lol )

result of this war will be too much to handle for the world.

i would not even like to imagine such consequence. i think - the best intrest for both the countries - rest in - having a peaceful existence with each other and respecting eachother.

try to develop together - if not at least - try to ignore each other. and live in their own space.
I dont think Pakistanis will accept it just for sake of their behaviour.

The Jammu Kashmir National Liberation Front, Jammu and Kashmir National Awami Party, Kashmir Freedom Movement, Jammu Kashmir Plebiscite Front, Kashmir Liberation Organisation, Association of British Kashmiris, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Y),Jammu Kashmir Peoples National Party and the Kashmir National Party were among the parties that were present at the demonstration. (ANI)..... are all groups that have more support in europe then they do in kashmir and even then the majority of kashmiris in eurpoe do not support these groups but laugh them as off as "uncles with nothing better to do".
AM we ALL know what such "Independence" would actually mean, and how long it would last. So beyond the "jee hazoor, present sir, two bags full sir" customary parroting of the "official" line, I don't see what other purpose it would serve.

Whats better is that the people in the eye of the storm, the Kashmiris, know it too and are waking up from their religiously brainwashed slumber and speaking up.

All good things wouldn't you agree ...... especially since you (and all of us) want what's best for the Kashmiri man (and woman)?

Cheers, Doc

Kashmiris have always made the distinction - the banners proclaiming 'No India No Pakistan, Independent Kashmir' are not recent constructs.

The difference between the Indian and Pakistani official positions, given that neither support independence, is that the Pakistani position in based on the right of the Kashmiri people to determine their destiny out of the two options provided, whereas the Indian position is to refuse the Kashmiris the 'freedom' to do so, and impose Indian rule through force.

"Religiously brainwashed slumber" has nothing to do here, other than to assuage Indian sentiments and help define the separatist sentiment in a form that Indians can easily demonize. Sort of how the West would (and to some extent still does) brand anything counter to their perceived positions/interests as 'Commie's/Communism'.
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The UN resolution is the UNs leverage( that's to be used during nuclear tests, human rights abuses, trade wars etc.), not Pakistan's. Needless to say, Pakistan has no leverage over the UN. I.e. Pakistan has no leverage over India via the UN route. UN's resolutions have been diluted due to father time,lack of will and Pakistan's "moral and principled stand".
About the later, it has only served to keep international pressure off India's back. Nobody wants to appear to be supporting jihadis, even assuming that it was all a cunning Hindu fabrication.

About Pakistan's direct leverage over India, well, that has been unwisely expended. What India did not give up to 4 wars and terrorism, it is not about to give up to some negotiations,resolutions or transit barriers. IPI is also not going to materialize due to leverage mathematics. Nuclear blackmail would be about the best leverage Pakistan has at the moment.
I have no clue what that had to do with my post ...:confused:
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