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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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China's Response= :rofl::rofl: .The projects are already inked with China.Besides, WHAT can India do if China does not stop?

Well I don't know. I just took a look at my Chinese dictionary, it says in Chinese, "we will think about it" means no. And no miraculously means no in Chinese too. I think India will get alarmed. :rofl:
Some more threads, where Kashmiri demonstrates against Pakistan's occupation.


This kashmiri must be in fear that if Pakistan didn't made Azad Kashmir really azad, then there land will be in the hands of Taliban.

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:29 PM ----------

She is a brave woman.
Unlike some Indian loser who hides behind the French flag on the internet. :rofl:

Anything, Anti-pakistani is Indian. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Think, time will tell you.
Nothing ..only stop trade and Chinese missions and companies in India, Dont forget, China exports to India are huge!!! and tilted more towards Chinese side.
India asks China to stay out P-o-K ?

Sure, you can ask whatever you want,

Do you think China will give a damn what you ask for ?

But i do give GOI credit to give out such a brave speech though !

Nothing ..only stop trade and Chinese missions and companies in India, Dont forget, China exports to India are huge!!! and tilted more towards Chinese side.

:yahoo: when are you doing that if at all you have guts to do that
Yes... and the Moon is not a natural satellite of Earth but a giant earth observation satellite built by ancient Martians who are now extinct.

When was the last time Kashmir was part of India??????????????

get over your Orange media and your orange minded politicians who always do poom poom poo
2007/04——2008/03 India-China trade nears $37.8 billion

China’s exports to India

1、electrical machinery and equipment($7.6 billion )
2、Non-electric machinery and equipment($3.2billion )
3、Steel and iron ($1.9billion )
4、Organic chemical industry ($1.7billion )
5、Coal, coke class ($1.2billion )

India’s exports to China

1、Iron ore ($5.3billion )
2、Cotton ($1billion )
3、Other minerals ($1billion )
4、Non-ferrous metal (0.4billion)
5、Plastic and linoleum product (0.33billion)
When was the last time Kashmir was part of India??????????????

Yup.. agreed. Kashmir is not a part of India similar to how Earth is not a part of the Milky Way galaxy. The ancient Martians used a High Intensity Gravity Gun to suck Earth from Andromeda Galaxy into the present solar system.

I think I should leave the ancient Martians alone. They might get pissed at me.

On a more serious note, when was Kashmir ever a part of Pakistan? Oh wait... the ancient Martians allocated Kashmir to Pakistan. Damn you ancient Martians!
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I just dont understand why the Indians always twist the facts kashmir is a disputed territory which has been recognised by the UN security council resolutions, which is yet to be implemented and yet these Indians are behaving as if nothing is going on that part of the region just shove it under the carpet.

India has no business telling china what to do or not as regards to Pakistan.
Like how China keeps crying about Arunachal Pradesh? Hmm... China surely is very inspiring in this regard... :lol:

Correction India is Champion when it comes to Crying :smokin:
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