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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Yes... and the Moon is not a natural satellite of Earth but a giant earth observation satellite built by ancient Martians who are now extinct.

Really, its an artificial satellite? Oh no....how will Indian astrologers make a living schmoozing people now? :azn:
india would not attack china , neither we have a reason to attack , but we are very much prepared to defend ourself in any misadventure by china.

chinese will be replied in a fittign manner . and will be reminded before the end of world that- it wasnt really worth it.

india leadership is not as educated or smart as chinese, if it will coem to war , it will be end of days to this whole world.

but thank god !! these bloggers cant take countries to war, because we are too gutless to fight without a virtual weapon , keyboard and safety of hididng behind computer screen.

sentimental ho gaya ray :)
An independent Kashmir would have no value between Pakistan and India, no existence rather. I am sure there would be no independence of Kashmir, and not now and for future Kashmir will be unificated. They either have to merge with India or Pakistan or may be divided between them.

Neither India is going to let waste her resources nor Pakistan.

I think the unification of Kashmir is not at all practical. First let India leave and than a referendum can sort out things. This would tell what Kashmiris want.

Independence means leaving them in the hell. Any other country will attack and wil take over. Also, UN resolution doesn't allow that. Also, you will give away anything such way to his enemy. LOC looks final deadline but something mutual agreements relating to Both side must be made for benefits of Kashmiri.
Interesting how 'P.O.K' in the thread heading has changed to 'Azad Kashmir'. Too bad for some people that Indians cannot be removed from Kashmir just as easily:rofl:.

Coming back... I think our Govt's remark to China was unnecessary. There were other ways to react to China's objection to our PM going to AP. We should have had our PM go back again to AP and give an address to the Nation from some prominent landmark in AP. Or may be we should have conducted a summit meeting in AP between our PM and the Dalai Lama about the future of C.O.T. (China-Occupied-Tibet):bounce:. That would have truly been a very fitting response.
Interesting how 'P.O.K' in the thread heading has changed to 'Azad Kashmir'. Too bad for some people that Indians cannot be removed from Kashmir just as easily:rofl:.

Coming back... I think our Govt's remark to China was unnecessary. There were other ways to react to China's objection to our PM going to AP. We should have had our PM go back again to AP and give an address to the Nation from some prominent landmark in AP. Or may be we should have conducted a summit meeting in AP between our PM and the Dalai Lama about the future of C.O.T. (China-Occupied-Tibet):bounce:. That would have truly been a very fitting response.

Then came the total silence of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and PLA...
I could not wait to see it. :smokin:
OK - enough of the crying part already.

Is there anything legitimate to discuss here or should I close the thread now?

My observations:

India's objections on Chinese investment (or any other nation for that matter) in Kashmir are invalid since the only international guidelines on Kashmir are those of the UNSC Resolutions.

The Resolutions do not prevent investment in the disputed territory by either the controlling entity or other nations. The people of Kashmir cannot be forced to live in caves and mud huts now can they?

India herself has invested a tremendous amount in the disputed territory under her control to try and win the loyalty of the Kashmiris. If anything, this opposition to Chinese investment would imply that India does not want the people of PaK to benefit from economic development, which is a very negative position to take, and is unlikely to win any support for India from the people of G-B or Azad Kashmir.
When countries start issuing separate visas to Pakistanis from Azad Kashmir, the way China is doing to people in Indian occupied Kashmir, then you can be happy.

Until then...

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I think I posted this in the wrong thread yesterday. Its more relevant here. So apologies for a repost, but let me post important snippets of the article. Rest of the article and post in Links below:
Subir Roy: How to handle negative Chinese vibes

Re: India China Border Dispute
Negative vibes between India and China are growing. It would be calamitous if this leads to greater military spending which will inevitably take away resources from fighting poverty. For their part, both the governments have sought to underplay rising temperatures, with the Indian government asserting that the border has been the “most peaceful” and there is machinery to sort out incursions.
The other is that it seems a Chinese design to spread its “soft power”, widening its influence using culture as a tool, “camouflaging the Confucius Institute in the language proposal.” And what is this horrible institute? It is like the American Centre. Even the Canadian Security Intelligence has doubts on the centre, saying in a declassified intelligence report, hold your breath, “China wants the world to have positive feelings towards China and things Chinese, which … (is a sign of) desire for soft power.”
Why have temperatures risen lately? A recent milestone is the failed Chinese attempt to prevent an Asian Development Bank $ 2.9 billion country loan to India as it included $ 60 million for a project in Arunachal Pradesh. India went all out to muster international diplomatic support— it could hardly have done otherwise— and the Chinese lost face. They hate doing so and India should expect and react in a measured way to Chinese sniping to inflict retaliatory humiliation on India.

But Chinese animosity towards India predates that misadventure of theirs and runs deeper. Experts trace it to the India-US nuclear deal which they see as taking India into the American orbit. This cannot be good news for China. Emerging China takes its global role seriously (witness the show of might at the 60th anniversary of its revolution) and will not tolerate an alternative pole in Asia.
India’s response? It should take a leaf out of the Chinese book and play long term. It has to build its economic power as diplomatic and military power are built on that base. China leads India in virtually every respect— GDP, the fight against poverty, literacy, life expectancy, higher education and research— with perhaps one exception, software exports. Against this, if there is a single weakness which China is rapidly developing, it is hubris.

India must lie low in the short and medium term, build its strength (only a confident nation can strike deals) and hope that conditions in both countries will be ripe for striking the deal which Deng Xiaoping had offered in 1988 but which India had declined— accepting the status quo, the line of actual control, as the international border between the two countries.

IMVHO, the article makes a lot of sense.
My observations:

India's objections on Chinese investment (or any other nation for that matter) in Kashmir are invalid since the only international guidelines on Kashmir are those of the UNSC Resolutions.
If that's the case, why would you refer to Kashmir under Pakistan's control as "Azad Kashmir"? When for purposes and intents, it is under Pakistani "occupation", with its govt, foreign affairs and military being under Pakistani control? Doesn't that sound hypocritical?
You very well know that Kashmiris want freedom, an independent state and while UNSC resolutions do not provide a provision for independence, you still want to stick to it? Is that what your support for kashmiris mean? So it actually translates to "be a part of Pakistan or be in a restive state till you do so."
No thanks, UNSC resolutions will not work till Pakistani troops leave the occupied territories. Period. No ifs and buts. Stop claiming moral high ground, a farce imho, till you abide by the rules which you claim to want to implement.
The Resolutions do not prevent investment in the disputed territory by either the controlling entity or other nations. The people of Kashmir cannot be forced to live in caves and mud huts now can they?

India herself has invested a tremendous amount in the disputed territory under her control to try and win the loyalty of the Kashmiris. If anything, this opposition to Chinese investment would imply that India does not want the people of PaK to benefit from economic development, which is a very negative position to take, and is unlikely to win any support for India from the people of G-B or Azad Kashmir.
Of course my friend. So, similarly, it thus translates that when China blocks aid for the development for Arunachal Pradesh, their intentions for the people of AP are not good. They dont want those peoples lives to improve! Excellent point AM.
Beware of the Chinese then, dear Indians from AP, for they do not want a developed state there!
If that's the case, why would you refer to Kashmir under Pakistan's control as "Azad Kashmir"? When for purposes and intents, it is under Pakistani "occupation", with its govt, foreign affairs and military being under Pakistani control? Doesn't that sound hypocritical?
Why does what sound hypocritical? How does a name change the status of the territory, when the GoP continues to accept the UNSC resolutions - its n like we are arguing that just because we call it 'Azad kashmir' it is not disputed territory and the UNSC resolutions do not apply.

Nor do the UNSC resolutions prevent the controlling entities from developing governance systems for the disputed territory until the dispute is resolved.
You very well know that Kashmiris want freedom, an independent state and while UNSC resolutions do not provide a provision for independence, you still want to stick to it? Is that what your support for kashmiris mean? So it actually translates to "be a part of Pakistan or be in a restive state till you do so."
No thanks, UNSC resolutions will not work till Pakistani troops leave the occupied territories. Period. No ifs and buts. Stop claiming moral high ground, a farce imho, till you abide by the rules which you claim to want to implement.

Off topic, the resolutions and associated issues have been discussed threadbare elsewhere - I am merely pointing out that Indian complaints have no bearing internationally given that the UNSC resolutions remain the only internationally agreed framework to view Kashmir.
Of course my friend. So, similarly, it thus translates that when China blocks aid for the development for Arunachal Pradesh, their intentions for the people of AP are not good. They dont want those peoples lives to improve! Excellent point AM.
Beware of the Chinese then, dear Indians from AP, for they do not want a developed state there!
Take it up in the AP thread please - but to reiterate my point, India's opposition to investment and development in G-B and AK smacks of hypocrisy and will likely come across as an extremely negative development for the people of G-B and AK.
Anything, Anti-pakistani is Indian.


This particular deceptive tactic of hiding behind other countries' flags seems to be a favorite of Indians. Most of them give themselves away sooner or later by their blatant sucking up to India and their rabid attacks on Pakistan at every opportunity.

There's tons of them pretending to be Americans on this forum, a couple hide behind the British flag, and this idiot pretends to be French.

Pity they are so ashamed of their Indian heritage. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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