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Kashmir Liberation - Different Approach

The question was rhetorical but let's say this campaign was detached from the pakistan issue and was solely a kashmiri operation. For example most of the IRA funding was from the Irish diaspora based in massachusets, USA.
the IRA bombing of mainland UK had no effect on relations with USA despite most of the funding was from there
Even if some outlaws in US, support some terror activity even today nothing will happen to US and UK relation.
The main threat is of a war and international pressure.
The point is if we grab india by neck (e.g. Akhnor and kargil) by attacking govt installation in main cities so there is imminent war threat which prevent pakistan going forward.
Once chinese delgation visting Pak asked same question "how important is kashmir to you" So benzair replied "Kashmir is important to us but not over Pakistan"
Hameed Gul narrated that incident.
It will end legitimacy at world stage and allow india to remove article 370 and do what china does in tibet and xinjiang - bring in mass settlers and effect demographic change while IA cracks down on hurriyat and everything that moves,thus crushing any resistance long term and eliminating muslim majority status.So no it is a bad idea for them.
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Why don't you and your buddies do a trip? Perhaps a topic for your next meeting.

you obviously have reading comprehension problems. i haven't advocated anything, im discussing why kashmiris having retorted to those tactics employed by other irregular forces

It will end legitimacy at world stage and allow india to remove article 370 and do what china does in tibet and xinjiang - bring in mass settlers and effect demographic change while IA cracks down on hurriyat and everything that moves,thus crushing any resistance long term and eliminating muslim majority status.So no it is a bad idea for them.

Good response, thank you. would those measures justify the loss of billions and downward growth (if the bombing was intense enough). Most armchair generals and uber patriotic kids may think so but realistically if the campaign was as organised and long enough, would that not drive india down the road where other countries have made the mistake?
Primarily, I don't support offensive violence.

But this won't be possible without help from pakistan. In retaliation, we will probably initiate a massive aerial offensive across pakistan-mainly your Punjab. The ground forces will probably be at a stalemate.We could also give a free pass to the US, for an added "Blietkrieg" effect.
If you launch even a single nuke, we would probably empty our arsenal in retaliation.
This is highly probable with the current government in power.
Remember, when looking from a country's perspective, people are dispensible.
Kashmiris are not the problem. They were nice reasonable people before they were injected with religious venom. I meet Kashmiris frequently. They are some of the best behaved folks in the country. You will find it tough to brainwash them to that level.

Ther is another factor - Kashmiris are treated very well in spite of everything. They don't have a significant cause for wanting independence - they are just holding past grudges. We don't go around attacking civilians for just walking around, or because they are a different faith/sect ( minor exceptions). In contrast, just look at how most other countries deal with separatism- aerial attacks , civilian bombings (hundreds die in Yemen and Syria in a single strike, millions killed overall).
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you obviously have reading comprehension problems. i haven't advocated anything, im discussing why kashmiris having retorted to those tactics employed by other irregular forces

Good response, thank you. would those measures justify the loss of billions and downward growth (if the bombing was intense enough). Most armchair generals and uber patriotic kids may think so but realistically if the campaign was as organised and long enough, would that not drive india down the road where other countries have made the mistake?

Thing is the population segment of kashmiris is too small and insignificant to accomplish anything more than a sporadic pinprick.(a sporadic attack happens in leading european cities too,does that mean business suffered?Nope.Business is driven by demand and consumption,and consumption of rapidly growing china and india is key to global growth.India's huge market is a fact that will not change.)
To attack indian cities with stealth you have to be integrated/blended into the city's populace.The available manpower for such a campaign amongst kashmiris would come only from mostly adult males in the districts of kashmir valley, jammu and ladakh are largely pro-india.Most of this segment has no ethnic/family links with rest of india's populations to blend in.They don't reside in indian cities.They are mostly poorly educated and stuck in their immediate neighbourhood. Movement of any suspects is easily monitored due to AFSPA act in kashmir and huge military presence.Civil communications between mainland and kashmir are limited and usually one way.(tourists)The only kashmiri presence in indian urban areas are aspiring students in universities(who can be easily blocked in case of attacks) and civil servants like bureaucratic officers of kashmiri origin who don't care and are part of the establishment.

So the effects would never be anything close to what you describe.In exchange they would lose legitimacy at UN,IA would go brute force against hurriyat and other organizations it now tolerates due to international image,kashmiri struggle would essentially become part of the global war on terror and lose all relevance.Most fo all ,it would give Indian govt chance to repeal 370 and settle en masse like china in xinjiang,alter demographics and simply kill off the issue altogether in a a couple of decades.The risks are too high and rewards too low in potential.So its a bad idea.
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