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Kashmir Liberation - Different Approach

We have faced plenty of terrorism on our mainland too although it was not of Kashmiri origin. Generally for Kashmiris it will be 10x more difficult to spread terrorism on mainland than in Kashmir. Also there will be after effects such as they will lose support of general public, India will become more ruthless and it will give licence to India to anything and everything in Kashmir (remove special status etc etc) and international community will gladly look the other way. In fact I always wondered why don't Indian agencies carry out a false flag attack on mainland and solve the Kashmir problem once and for all in the next 3 months. ;)
An effective sustained campaign on commercial targets and the crippling effect that would have on a dynamic Indian economy would have massive repercussions on the whole of India, would the repealment of article 360 and more powers to India justify a massive hit on the Indian economy and FDI?
It will be a big gamble... foreign comapnies can influence politicians easily, so big US and EU companies may make their govt against Pakistan. However, If IA does some really, stupid thing and agitate Kashmiris (a big event) then the fallout on indian cities can be justified in media at least....
The question was rhetorical but let's say this campaign was detached from the pakistan issue and was solely a kashmiri operation. For example most of the IRA funding was from the Irish diaspora based in massachusets, USA.
the IRA bombing of mainland UK had no effect on relations with USA despite most of the funding was from there
Then Hurriyat & it's supporters would be exterminated.
the only reason they are surviving now is the understanding they are having with the secular parties of India. The moment the understanding is broken, then the politics of the whole thing would vanish.

The pullet masters survive because they know how long the thread around the neck is.
Doesn't have to be hurriyat, any splinter group could carry this out. It makes no difference, what I am saying it is a cheap, logistically easier way to further goals. Groups in kashmir have most freedoms curtailed ans laws such as pota etc restrict movement and long periods of detentions/torture etc
This is your dream, thats why its not possible. Go and see what happening to Kashmiris around India, they are happy and working with other fellow Indians. India is strongly integrated and anything anti-Indian is strongly dealt with every part of India.

This country is not a result of some failed negotiation between two political parties like Congress and ML. So this can not be broken. Just like China, Japan, UK etc.
It's a basic discussion forum, if it makes you so uncomfortable do not participate. I do not have to go around India and ask what's happening to kashmiris they evidence is for all to see over the last 70 years
Nationalism always favors the politicians instead of the population , specially the poor. Geographic freedom hardly means real freedom if the working class people remains slave who sell their labor by hour. Improvement of the lives of ordinary population should be the focus and not more geographic countries.
The problem here is the US and Israel have sided with India on Kashmir for well over a decade now.
They aren't siding with India, there's no love lost. They are siding with money and strategy. If there is a financial drain away from India will that not hurt them more.

The IRA attacked canary wharf, Conservative party annual conference, M15 headquarters, military barracks, shopping centers etc etc. That forced the British government to come to the negotiating table. I see this as no different.
Doesn't have to be hurriyat, any splinter group could carry this out. It makes no difference, what I am saying it is a cheap, logistically easier way to further goals. Groups in kashmir have most freedoms curtailed ans laws such as pota etc restrict movement and long periods of detentions/torture etc

Wouldn't matter which group does it.
Once the Kashmir narrative spreads even to Jammu, the hurriyat and it's supporters would be massacred.
It's certainly possible but not a good idea.

1. It will target civilians, the Kashmiri freedom fighters have never targeted civilians.

2. It would lose any public support the kashmir cause has in India and outside.

3. Militarily its ineffective and would only encourage the hawks in Indian society. Dead Indians won't win freedom, dead Indian soldiers will.
I see your point, however equally i haven't seen a freedom struggle win freedom without resorting to extra ordinary measures
You Pakistanis have habit of pulling fictional Charters out of your asses.

Which charter, You Illiterate Idiot.

Must be some Islamic Madrasa Charter that advocates hitting Metropolitan cities and population centres killing scores of people using terror ?

You have been reported to https://www.police.uk/ .
You need to get an education, discussing political and military issues in a defence forum is not the same as advocating terror. Stop being a titty baby..contribute or gtfo.

Report me to UK police lmao....What a pathetic loser
It's a basic discussion forum, if it makes you so uncomfortable do not participate. I do not have to go around India and ask what's happening to kashmiris they evidence is for all to see over the last 70 years

What did you say 70 years huh ???? Then I will have to say you are completely unaware of Kashmir's history. Kashmir had a relatively peaceful period of 40 years up until 1989. But I guess people here conveniently disregard that just because their hidden agendas (at-least) and not fruitful yet and Kashmir is very much a part of India even after multiple military misadventures and failures by our adversary. :p:
I see your point, however equally i haven't seen a freedom struggle win freedom without resorting to extra ordinary measures
We have to think things through properly. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wouldn't have approved of such approaches regardless of the results. Will Allah reward us for committing haram? I don't think so. Success in this world is temporary.

Now if the civilians were also occupiers it might become a grey area, but to attack civilians is outright wrong.
It's a basic discussion forum, if it makes you so uncomfortable do not participate. I do not have to go around India and ask what's happening to kashmiris they evidence is for all to see over the last 70 years

Yeah, you dont need to. Because you know its not possible.
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