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Kashmir Liberation - Different Approach

Well,well,,,interesting indeed.
Setting bombs at diff. High value locations in mainland India is definately ambitious. But Isolated bombings wont work,,,as govt has the capability to tackle thm n subdue the masses,as seen earlier couple of times.
To bring India to the negotiating table,,u will have to bring us to our knees,,it will have to be relentless n bigger thn 9/11.
Which will not only be difficult but pretty mch impossible without outside help,which no one othr thn Pakistan will be eager to provide.
Lets assume u pull it off,,,n India does agree for negotiations.we r no Ireland,do u really believe thr will be no repurcussions.we will have world sympathy,,which means no one will question us,,lets not even discuss what will happen in kashmir way before any negotiations starts.
Indopak relations as bad as u may think they r will nosedive further.now u may think what can India do,,which it isnt doing already.it cant go for full fledged war coz Pak has nukes,,So a short war at most,,counter bombings in Pak cities,,so what,,,Pakistan is a strong nation n will survive all of it,,,right?
Well let me tell u,,if Pakistan can take it to the next level so can India,,but we can do so in a mch more subtle way with long lasting effects.thr r a still lot of moves,yet unexplored areas frm which we can mount our offensive,,,,,take for example water,indus,we can simply cut it short or contaminate it with bioactive substances,to make sure tht a whole generation of Pakistanis r rendered retarded,ur lland,cattle,crops destroyed etc. etc.
N thts only one front,,thr will be many more.
Katty,the op reminds me of another poster,,kaptan,,feels like his alternate id.
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The problem here is the US and Israel have sided with India on Kashmir for well over a decade now.

Oh really ??? There was a time U.S even choose to send their 7th fleet to support Pakistan, ironically the one that didn't reached yet. You were not able to achieve your objectives even when the U.S put her full weight behind Pakistan back then, why do you think it will be possible anytime soon, while they have by and large abandoned you ????? :p:
Kahshmir Liberation
Palestien Liberation
Xinjinag Liberation
Rohingya Liberation
and some small scale liberation's in Thailand and Philippines too ... Guess what is that common factor in above all so-called liberation from oppression suppression.

Mark my words.... People are not fools ...... never possible ever.:rofl:
What did you say 70 years huh ???? Then I will have to say you are completely unaware of Kashmir's history. Kashmir had a relatively peaceful period of 40 years up until 1989. But I guess people here conveniently disregard that just because their hidden agendas (at-least) and not fruitful yet and Kashmir is very much a part of India even after multiple military misadventures and failures by our adversary. :p:
Your giving far too much credit to the 'pakistan stoking all bad things in kashmir'. Suddenly all hell breaks loose in 1989 and we have 80,000 dead and a full on insurgency with half a million troops in kashmir. But hey that's distracting from the main topic.
Well,well,,,interesting indeed.
Setting bombs at diff. High value locations in mainland India is definately ambitious. But Isolated bombings wont work,,,as govt has the capability to tackle thm n subdue the masses,as seen earlier couple of times.
To bring India to the negotiating table,,u will have to bring us to our knees,,it will have to be relentless n bigger thn 9/11.
Which will not only be difficult but pretty mch impossible without outside help,which no one othr thn Pakistan will be eager to provide.
Lets assume u pull it off,,,n India does agree for negotiations.we r no Ireland,do u really believe thr will be no repurcussions.we will have world sympathy,,which means no one will question us,,lets not even discuss what will happen in kashmir way before any negotiations starts.
Indopak relations as bad as u may think they r will nosedive further.now u may think what can India do,,which it isnt doing already.it cant go for full fledged war coz Pak has nukes,,So a short war at most,,counter bombings in Pak cities,,so what,,,Pakistan is a strong nation n will survive all of it,,,right?
Well let me tell u,,if Pakistan can take it to the next level so can India,,but we can do so in a mch more subtle way with long lasting effects.thr r a still lot of moves,yet unexplored areas frm which we can mount our offensive,,,,,take for example water,indus,we can simply cut it short or contaminate it with bioactive substances,to make sure tht a whole generation of Pakistanis r rendered retarded,ur lland,cattle,crops destroyed etc. etc.
N thts only one front,,thr will be many more.
Katty,the op reminds me of another poster,,kaptan,,feels like his alternate id.

By far the worst part of any such strategy would be the human loss of life. It cannot be ethically justified to kill people to make a political point.

The conflict in Kashmir has always targeted police and military who are actively preventing freedom and causing tyranny. Civilians in the streets of India do no such thing. Such an act would put us on parity with state sponsored terrorists like the Indian army. We don't need parity of evil doings we want liberty.
Even 4 wars cannot resolve this.

Unless china and pak jointly fights india before tensions hit nuclear level otherwise no chance
Well,well,,,interesting indeed.
Setting bombs at diff. High value locations in mainland India is definately ambitious. But Isolated bombings wont work,,,as govt has the capability to tackle thm n subdue the masses,as seen earlier couple of times.
To bring India to the negotiating table,,u will have to bring us to our knees,,it will have to be relentless n bigger thn 9/11.
Which will not only be difficult but pretty mch impossible without outside help,which no one othr thn Pakistan will be eager to provide.
Lets assume u pull it off,,,n India does agree for negotiations.we r no Ireland,do u really believe thr will be no repurcussions.we will have world sympathy,,which means no one will question us,,lets not even discuss what will happen in kashmir way before any negotiations starts.
Indopak relations as bad as u may think they r will nosedive further.now u may think what can India do,,which it isnt doing already.it cant go for full fledged war coz Pak has nukes,,So a short war at most,,counter bombings in Pak cities,,so what,,,Pakistan is a strong nation n will survive all of it,,,right?
Well let me tell u,,if Pakistan can take it to the next level so can India,,but we can do so in a mch more subtle way with long lasting effects.thr r a still lot of moves,yet unexplored areas frm which we can mount our offensive,,,,,take for example water,indus,we can simply cut it short or contaminate it with bioactive substances,to make sure tht a whole generation of Pakistanis r rendered retarded,ur lland,cattle,crops destroyed etc. etc.
N thts only one front,,thr will be many more.
Katty,the op reminds me of another poster,,kaptan,,feels like his alternate id.
Acha so when u will contaminate rivers flowing into pakistan with bio weapons or radioactive material it wont contaminate rivers that are in indian control ? And also not almost entirely destroy kashmir and parts of indian punjab?

An effective sustained campaign on commercial targets and the crippling effect that would have on a dynamic Indian economy would have massive repercussions on the whole of India, would the repealment of article 360 and more powers to India justify a massive hit on the Indian economy and FDI?
If benzair had not withdrawn support in 89 pretty all of that would have happened that u are suggesting.

Its not that hard even now. With maoists, and an entire red corridor ready to burn down much of the areas of the region a lot could be done. Also this time around both kash fighters plus maoists shud be armed with latest tech , and provided with jamming devices, satellite phones.
It took indian nsg three to four days to vacate taj hotel from attackers. Back to back attacks on mainland will cripple them in few days.

Also remember how indians had failed at countering khalsa insurgemcy that they had to bring down tanks on that temple
You Pakistanis have habit of pulling fictional Charters out of your asses.

Which charter, You Illiterate Idiot.

Must be some Islamic Madrasa Charter that advocates hitting Metropolitan cities and population centres killing scores of people using terror ?

You have been reported to https://www.police.uk/ .
But bollywood is not in Pakistan.
Have you even met a Kashmiri you should first discuss this with them and then tell us their view on your so called "Plan"
India and Pakistan has some informal understanding where India will understand Pakistan's domestic situation to get involved in Kashmir valley...So for India, Pakistan and its support for separatist in Kashmir valley is kind of known fact to all of us that does not evoke any emotions...
Now, if we go by thread poster, here are the situatuon.

1- Kashmir separatist will be killing normal civillian outside of Kashmir valley like in Mumbai attack.
2- Terrorism will not be limited to JK rather across India.

Now, I am quite confident to say that it is not at all difficult either to explode bombs across India....But Pakistan has to understand, it is not even difficult for India to do the same across different cities of Pakistan too....So can Pakistan and India afford to put both of their nation and civillian at the risk just for the sake of freedom of Kashmir valley...

Fortunately, saner mind still prevail in Pakistan establishment that prevents them to venture out this option...Otherwise, every one knows the consequence that will arise due to this misadventure.
Have you even met a Kashmiri you should first discuss this with them and then tell us their view on your so called "Plan"
probably OP needs to be reminded that was the case in 1965 which spectacularly boomeranged.

pakistan has tried all those dirty tricks like sponsoring terrorist groups like LET,JEM,HUJI, Indian mujahideen, khalistan..etc These groups conducted explosions killing thousands of innocent India civilians in markets, trains,theatres..etc Pakistans terror black mail has utterly failed to deter India.

It even mounted a big terror operation mumbai 26/11 using JEM. But has got zero result so far.

All these actions by pakistan has only made India more determined to wipe the terrorists from the face of earth.
Well terrorists have tried everything and failed. Several train blasts, Parliament attack, Mumbai attacks, Delhi bombings, Hyderabad bombings, attack on defence bases etc etc.
PS: Such terrorist acts can't impact our GDP even 1%.
I've always wondered why kashmiris didn't export their struggle to Indian mainland. The IRA brought the UK to its knees in an intense campaign on mainland Britain.

Would the dynamics change if say a campaign to target Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi etc came to the fore how would that affect foreign companies/entities and business and economy. and what would be the responses from India/pak/ World community.

Would it be that hard to set up semtex factories in some secluded part of India? Would a sustained campaign bring India to the negotiating table or a more ruthless put down in kashmir?

Please discuss...

with that extremist views n living in uk u should be already on the aloha snackbar list by now,say hello to GCHQ ..

with so many terror sympathizer in PDF i would't be surprised if this site already being monitored by intelligence agencies for lone wolfs , i mean we have members who have openly encouraged and celebrated attack's on American troops ,no to mention huge no of JuD supporters ...
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Would the dynamics change if say a campaign to target Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi etc came to the fore how would that affect foreign companies/entities and business and economy. and what would be the responses from India/pak/ World community.
Why not pick up AK and fancy vest and show solidarity by coming to India???
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