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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

they are most riches of area this show you don't know anything about azad kashmir . most of them live in west specially EU .
So you expect the country to run because of people living in a foreign land and paying up those taxes?

There should really be a NATO type pact among some Muslim nation that entails a foe attacking one nation is like attacking every nation. GCC, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey(? NATO) would make a formidable deterrent to India alone without the smaller nations included.
What happens when a Muslim attack a Muslim? It happens...
So you expect the country to run because of people living in a foreign land and paying up those taxes?

What happens when a Muslim attack a Muslim? It happens...
Again rather then search azad kashmir you jumped . they are tax free state FYI . Even now they have enough money to run the state


I don't know what, if anything was offered to ZAB then. But why not offer again something?

And then between 1972 (Shimla Accord) and 1989, you had a free hand in Kashmir. There was relative peace and prosperity. Bollywood movies were made there. Until your myopic leadership screwed up in 1989, resulting in a bloody decade long insurgency. Then you got another chance, thanks to the stupid Talibans and the Arab terrorists, when Pakistan had to scale back its support. That time should have been utilized to gain back the confidence of Kashmiris. But, no, your leadership is myopic, small-hearted, and frankly blood-thirsty. You guys have a history of very brutal massacres of Muslims--thank God they sort of stopped after the Gujrat 2004--and Sikhs (1984).

At least Pakistanis here recognize our mistakes. In your blogsphere and your media--you guys $hit marble!!

Finally, one thing be absolutely clear to Indians: Pakistanis care as much for the people as they care for the land/water in IoK. It pains every Pakistani to see the plight of the Kashmiris. Indians, on the other hand, often publicly glee over the loss of even civilians killed in Kashmir. You guys are becoming less and less a Dharmic nation and more and more in the mold of the Nazis and the Israelis. The West has much good. Mostly good. But it has also produced Nazis, Fascists, Israelis, and brutal communists. And you are becoming the copy-cat of them unless you stop and go back to your roots, which are in the Subcontinent.

All offers stopped after 65. Till then, from what I understand the borders were fairly porous.
I think he just said women should be registered for military training too
kindly check his earlier consecutive messages about defecating in water supply and what not. The poor soul is literally begging for attention.
kindly check his earlier consecutive messages about defecating in water supply and what not. The poor soul is literally begging for attention.
I was talking about Indians defecating in water which they do. I have see evidence of Ganges being defecated, and bathed in.
So you expect the country to run because of people living in a foreign land and paying up those taxes?

What happens when a Muslim attack a Muslim? It happens...
Let's stick on the kashmir, u did what u can, now it's our trun, be ready and good luck peace comes only when u hve the power bring it?

and now ur time has come to get what's needed?
Arm kashmiris for gureilla war with taliban help **** off international cummunity does nothing india have no capability to stay even one day against mujaheden
Any new landlocked country surrounded by 3 Nuclear-armed neighbors would not be able to survive for too long. Moreover, GB would never want to be a part of this new country as their loyalty has always been with Pakistan. In my opinion, we should absorb or let the AZK stay the way it is now. The mentioned option is not feasible and has way too many disadvantages and uncertainties.
As a first step, Pakistan should announce mandatory military training for all Kashmiri Citizens of certain age.
The announcement alone will demonstrate intent as well as...a positive, reassuring and morale boosting message to Occupied Kashmiri freedom activists and population
Just as a first step for morale boosting and reassuring our Kashmiri brethren.
Mandatory training for all Pakistanis is required.
Regarding, your proposal... it is now too late...for organised Civil Defence Training...
Idea is there own country, there own army, and their own diplomacy, it's about making it stronger, so that they can challenge India in the case internationally as people of that land themselves.

Right now the outsiders view it as Pakistan vs India over land which belongs to neither of the two people.

High moral ground means nothing in international politics if you are weak economically/militarily, just see the current state of Palestine, losing ground day by day. What would a little Azad Kashmir do against India? It wouldn't have the budget to keep a huge military to oppose India. The end would be it blackmailing both India, Pakistan and finally succumbing to Indian terms because thats a bigger much stable economic country. International community would stay silent because money.

And about muslim brotherhood or muslim bond, just look at Afghanistan/Bangladesh, you think they care about Pakistan? Once Azad Kashmir is a separate country they wouldn't care much either, all they would be thinking is about themselves. India would see it as a victory that they broke Pakistan again, they wouldn't even try to invade the newly made Kashmir, all they would do is try to have good economic relations so that it stays financially happy.

Politics is a b!tch...
Those people are prominent people in the legal system of kpk.
It's at 16:30,
@Foxtrot Delta

Where and who did he interview? The bloody JKLF?
An independent Kashmir will not be accepted by us i.e. Pakistan loyalists. The whole idea is stupid i.e. what does the K in Pakistan stand for?
These people are a minority and do remember every region has seen it's own armed groups which have attacked the Pakistani state yet there hasn't been one in AJK which has attacked the army. I've met Pakistani Pashtuns who want to join Afghanistan, Pakistani Punjabis who want union with East Punjab, Balochis who want out as soon as possible, but they're not a majority and nor should they skew our opinions.
It was pro-Pakistan forces who captured AJK for Pakistan. My entire elder generation fought in that war. Trust me if support for an independent state was this strong in AJK there was little the rest of Pakistan could have done and India would have taken advantage of this years back.

pakistan should declare azad Kashmir a full flag free country and ask allies to recognize it if we can arrange Taliban like creatures to be recognized why can't a best place laki Kashmir ?

with passport - currency - flag they already have - prime minister - president - and a full scale country lets stand front . and let Kashmirs build own army and power . its high time they should takeover we just support them .

and keep our forces there as a friendly country until kashmir republic need them .

I'll tell you what will happen;

Day one; Pakistan calls for recognition, world ignores especially nations with their own territorial disputes.
Day two; Other groups in Pakistan start to get emboldened and begin to demand independence as well.
Day three; India points and laughs and says they will keep things as they are, removal of 370 is going just fine. India tempted to invade as well, if that happens day four onwards is occupation time!
Day four; Ummah brothers decide to tell Pakistan to drop the silly act.
Day five; Arguments erupt between 'free Kashmir' and 'Paistan' (K missing now) about dam royalties, sharing of military hardware, territory and demands increase to get the 'Chinese side' back as well.
Day six; Hyper inflation in 'free Kashmir', law and order breaks down.
Day seven; 'free Kashmir government asks to join Paistan to form Pakistan again.
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