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Karzai: I'll send troops to Pakistan

US-led helicopters intrude into Khyber Agency !

By Ibrahim Shinwari & Anwarullah Khan

LANDI KOTAL / KHAR, June 15: Two military helicopters of the US-led allied forces intruded into Khyber region on Sunday, triggering panic.

Locals said the helicopters intruded deep into the Landi Kotal area, adjacent to the Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, in the afternoon and hovered over the border town for more than 10 minutes.

This was the first intrusion by allied forces’ helicopters into the Khyber Agency.

Allied forces’ spy planes have also increased movement over the tribal region since Tuesday night when a checkpoint of paramilitary forces was hit with guided missiles in the Mohmand region. At least 11 paramilitary soldiers and 10 suspected militants were killed in the attack.

Spy planes and fighter jets have also increased movement over the North and South Waziristan tribal regions over the past four days.

Inter-Services Public Relations Director-General Maj-Gen Athar Abbas expressed ignorance about the intrusion.

KARZAI’S THREAT: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) condemned President Hamid Karzai’s threat to send Nato and Afghan forces into Pakistan to eliminate militants in the border areas.

The Tehrik’s spokesman Maulvi Umar told Dawn by phone that if foreign forces entered the tribal area for military action the Taliban would increase attacks against the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and Afghan National Army.

He said President Karzai had created more difficulties for himself by threatening to send allied troops after militants in the tribal areas. He said the Taliban did not care for the threats of the Afghan president.

Before threatening to target Taliban inside the tribal territory, Mr Karzai should figure out how much control his government had over Afghanistan and how much control was exercised by the Taliban, the spokesman said.

He said the growing activities of Taliban on the Afghan soil had scared the Karzai government. The US-led Nato forces in Afghanistan were facing a shameful defeat at the hands of the Taliban which had prompted the Afghan president to hurl threats at Pakistan, he said.

He said thousands of followers of the Taliban movement would defend the country’s frontiers if the Afghan National Army indulged in any misadventure against them in the tribal region.

US-led helicopters intrude into Khyber Agency -DAWN - Top Stories; June 16, 2008

Under the frame work you are accepting - sure.

But allow me to construct a more full framework:

What is the problem there? It is in reality a civil war with US on one side and insisting that it, the US, gets to decide what kind of government Afg is to have - consider, if tomorro, the US were to insist that it had the right backed by foce of arms to tell the Indian wat kindof govt it could have, is it so inconcievable that ther would be Indians who would object to that?

Lets say that the above comes to pass and that some segment of indian society, in particular the majority, took exception - but the minority rightfully argued that the majority cannot be dealt with and must be finsihed off - would that be OK?

Zara soch ke jawab de na
Bush says US can help 'testy situation' on Afghanistan-Pakistan border LONDON, June 16 (AP) U.S. President George W. Bush said Washington can help calm the “testy situation” along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Speaking at a news conference in London Monday, Bush said the mission for the U.S. remains to deny safe haven to extremists who want to kill innocent people. “That's the strategy of Afghanistan. It needs to be the strategy of Pakistan,” Bush said. Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are strained over allegations that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda find sanctuary in Pakistan's border regions. Bush said, “we can help calm the situation down.” (Posted @ 16:56 PST)

- DAWN - Latest Stories; June 16, 2008
Why is it that when the Coalition forces hit targets inside Pakistan including the recent one wherein soldiers died all we hear is noises & protests. But when Karzai " threatens ' to do the same there is an uproar ?
I say stop this war on terror and start supporting taliban covertly, give them SAMs, Anti tank missiles. Then we will talk about invading each other.
^^^x_man, we all know that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is virtually non-existent. It might as well not be there.

So why don't we just stop pretending, and let the militaries of all 3 nations - US, Pakistan and Afghanistan work together with no hindrances?

Well, any step that prevents these terrorist elements entering Pakistan, I am for it...yea :tup:

We are taking care of our side and Karzai should look after his own……Pakistan (within her resources) is already trying its best to combat these terrorist on our side, and we expect that US/NATO/Afghan forces should recognise this aspect...I am also for the cooperation of the forces , however, any such irresponsible statement (Karzai's) and a deliberate attempt to undermine the Pakistan’s efforts will blow any chances of cooperation....

Instead of supporting Pakistan on this issue , Karzai is prompting a blame game and unnecessarily creating an aura of doubt in the region.......It wont do any good to anyone……He has ample mess on his own side, so instead of brining his troops onto our turf , he should use them to look after his own area…
vinod first of all your comment was out of proportion for reason that you said "that if Russia could not defeat the Afghans how can PA defeat them right ? "

The question is IF The Afghans are threatening Pakistan OR Hamid Karzai ???

And Hamid Karzai not at all representing the entire Afghans. currently the Afghan Army is drawn from loyalists of the warlords whome the common Afghans are fed up of due to their brutalities which they are still carrying out.

I am generally talking about the trait of the people in our part of the world.

Obviously Karzai is not going to be cowed down by the Baburs. He has the USA backing him. I doubt he would have done that even otherwise.

Afghans (and most people in this part of the world including Pakistanis) have too much pride for that (I can't say the same for our leaders though).

Do you think Pakistan will be cowed down by some missiles which are not yet proven in the battle? Why should Afghanistan?
Right...they should accept their "failure" and do what? Drink beer while the militia destroy whatever is left of Afghanistan and then go for Pakistan?

There is a reason why the US keeps attacking Pakistani territory: Taliban insurgents escape and hide there.
So why not let them do their job, or better yet, help them out?


If they run back to Pakistan what are thousands of NATO and Afghan forces are doing if they can not stop them from running back.

They are mouses that moden tech used by NATO can not spot them inside Afghanistan before entering Pakistan.
Mr Karzai, take this!



ha ha



If they run back to Pakistan what are thousands of NATO and Afghan forces are doing if they can not stop them from running back.

They are mouses that moden tech used by NATO can not spot them inside Afghanistan before entering Pakistan.

Okay, you obviously don't know the first thing about Anti-terror/guerilla warfare.

Will some senior members here who actually know care to enlighten us?
An absolute retard with a pea sized brain chirping for the Americans!

This should sum this all up!
He has a neighbour who is the cause of most if not all his problems.The neighbour continues to harbour a Genie who once out of the bottle is now in no one's control.

Incorrect. Most of his problems are caused from within Afghanistan.

He presides over a corrupt government and the worlds largest Narcotics State, because of his government, and as of right now, the Taliban still exist in Afghanistan and get support in Afghanistan, with some support from those in FATA.

The support from FATA does exacerbate the problem, but it is not the cause, nor the driving factor. Pakistan has to keep domestic compulsions in mind while dealing with this issue.

Domestic compulsions dictate that the "peace deals" must be attempted. The GoP has to answer to the electorate.

What acts like Mohmand and Karzai's statement do is take the focus away from the Taliban, against whom the GoP should be building up pressure against and support for an eventual military operation (if necessary).

The GoP needs to go through the process of deals, document and verify its violations, go through whatever mechanisms are built into those deals to address violations, and when all of that fails, is when it can argue to the Pakistani people that the approach did not work.

Right...they should accept their "failure" and do what? Drink beer while the militia destroy whatever is left of Afghanistan and then go for Pakistan?

There is a reason why the US keeps attacking Pakistani territory: Taliban insurgents escape and hide there.
So why not let them do their job, or better yet, help them out?

Accept their failure in not putting pressure on the Karzai regime to end corruption, stop the drug trade and most of all their failure to provide adequate resources to fight the war in Afghanistan.

What if the 100,000 troops in Iraq were in Afghanistan?

I pointed out earlier that the border officials regularly stop shipments of weapons and explosives into Pakistan from Afghanistan. While we have raised concerns regarding this type of support (mostly in the context of Baloch militants getting support from Afghanistan) we need to really put this in the limelight, and point out that the lack of control in Afghanistan is affecting Pakistan in a very negative manner.
Accept their failure in not putting pressure on the Karzai regime to end corruption, stop the drug trade and most of all their failure to provide adequate resources to fight the war in Afghanistan.

What if the 100,000 troops in Iraq were in Afghanistan?

I pointed out earlier that the border officials regularly stop shipments of weapons and explosives into Pakistan from Afghanistan. While we have raised concerns regarding this type of support (mostly in the context of Baloch militants getting support from Afghanistan) we need to really put this in the limelight, and point out that the lack of control in Afghanistan is affecting Pakistan in a very negative manner.

Hmm, that makes sense. The US could definitely have allocated far more resources to Afghanistan rather than get mired in Iraq.

Afghanistan is a difficult country, as muse pointed out. Its got a tough geography and myriad ethnic groups that can't seem to get along.

That is all the more reason why, I think Pakistan should consider the reality of the situation and remove the Durand line from all tactical considerations. Pakistani troops should be allowed to move around inside Afghanistan and vice versa, with full coordination between the two countries.

I am aware of the outlandish nature of this idea, considering the pride of the Pakistani people, the pressures of the electorate on the Pakistan government, and the poor relationship b/w the two countries.

However, if this war has to be fought, it had better be fought whole-heartedly rather than in a stop-start and hesitating manner.
did you guys here the press conference in which he called mullah omer a pakistani. this guy is up for reelection next year and that is why he is making such tough guy statements. but i dont understand how can they tell the difference when they catch a taliban whether he is pakistani or afghan. anyways i dont think that we will be seeing any afghan troops invading pakistan anytime soon. i still think that this way a way to sure up support of the crazy pushtoon nationalist segment of the afghan votes.
Karzai cannot be sent back to hell.

He has the US backing and it is a fact that the US rules the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan!

That is the reality check!

No one will invade anyone, except in verbal battles!
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