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Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children


Dec 25, 2011
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Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children
by Nirmala Carvalho
Hindutva activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) accuse the Child Development Centre of forced conversions. If it fails to provide a set of documents, the center will close. A few days earlier, a similar anti-Christian attack shocked the Indian state. President of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC): "A shameful police silence."

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - The Child Development Centre Sampigehally (Karnataka), a Christian after-school home to 300 children, is likely to close its doors on false charges of forced conversion and proselytism. The attack is the work of dozen of the Hindu nationalists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), who on September 29 last raided the center, while having no mandate. Compounding the situation, the intervention of the local police, who gave Brother Reuben, the director, 24 hours to submit proof of ownership on pain of criminal charges. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) has been providing legal help to the center, but at the moment it is not clear in which direction the story will evolve.

For over 15 years, the Child Development Centre has welcomed children of the village - irrespective of caste or creed - every afternoon, from 16:30 to 18:00 (local time). Free of charge, after-school care provides the children with a small meal and help with homework, before they return home. In this way, the children are followed for the entire day.

"In fact - Sajan George tells AsiaNews - this is the second anti-Christian incident in Karnataka in the last month." On 26 September, a complaint from Hindu nationalist Bajrang Dal, four policemen Hunsur interrupted a prayer service at the Pentecostal Church Parishudda Prarthana Mandir, in the village of Kattemalavadi (district of Mysore). The officers questioned the Rev. Venkatesh, demanding the Church building permits, and a special permit to conduct the meeting.

Meanwhile, about 15 Hindu activists arrived on the spot, insulting and beating the Pastor in front of the faithful. "During the violence - said Sajan George - the most shameful thing possible happened: the police stood quietly by watching." At the end of the attack, the nationalists collected and carried away all the Bibles and Christian materials on the spot. At that point, the officers dragged Rev. Venkatesh and the community to the police station for further questioning.

INDIA Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children - Asia News
i dont get why many morons think christians do "forced conversion"
Let the center provide the documents that the authorities are asking for and get it over with. They have nothing to worry if they had not done any wrong.
i dont get why many morons think christians do "forced conversion"

EzioAltaïr;3474936 said:
They think we still live in the Inquisition. :lol:

The term used is not forced conversions dear ~ its is called coerced or fraudulent conversions..something like giving crocin to tribals, calling it yeshuprasad and then converting them calling that a miracle, putting a wooden statue of cross and a stone idol of some Hindu God in a bucket of water, showing the woodden cross floating and the stone idol sunk and then asking them, oif the idol cant save itself how can it save you..see how the cross is miraculously floating and then converting.

They are nothing but pimps using their religion to harvest souls and consequently more money from the west.
The term used is not forced conversions dear ~ its is called coerced or fraudulent conversions..something like giving crocin to tribals, calling it yeshuprasad and then converting them calling that a miracle, putting a wooden statue of cross and a stone idol of some Hindu God in a bucket of water, showing the woodden cross floating and the stone idol sunk and then asking them, oif the idol cant save itself how can it save you..see how the cross is miraculously floating and then converting.

They are nothing but pimps using their religion to harvest souls and consequently more money from the west.

But it is wrong to brand all the Christians as those pimps right? I know there are a lot of Christians in India who don't give a crap about religion. If these guys were doing coerced/fraudulent conversion, then send 'em to jail.
EzioAltaïr;3474982 said:
But it is wrong to brand all the Christians as those pimps right? I know there are a lot of Christians in India who don't give a crap about religion. If these guys were doing coerced/fraudulent conversion, then send 'em to jail.

Where did I brand all of them like that ?

Go the other thread opened by jellodragon/Icewolf and I have mentioned that the community that faces the greatest threat from these evangelists are the Christians themselves ~ sects like Roman Catholics who know how to mingle with the local culture and respect the local religions ~ which get sometimes lumped up with these rogue elements that are proliferating the countryside. There are two ways these guys can be stopped ~ hard power or soft power. Hard power of these groups like VHP, BD which as the potential to turn unsavory or the soft power from established xtian sects like RCs who can help isolate these elements that are damaging the communal harmony. I much prefer the latter way, but make no mistake, if it is necessary then hard power is indeed unavoidable, as unsavory as it may seem, as any demographic shift or change is harmful to the fragile social fabric of India.
I need to see this in an actual paper, not a rubbish rag. Where the hell is Sampigehally ?
Not worth the time.
Google map says it is actually near you..:undecided:

Yeah, that would be in Bangalore (close to the airport) but I discounted that because the article makes a reference to Karnataka but not Bangalore. Also because this news seems exclusive to these chaps, haven't seen any reports of this "incident". Too vague to be really sure what they were referring to & the spelling is a little off. I'm sure there are other places with similar names but simply impossible to tell with the information provided.
hahaha all atrocities in indiat owards minorities are "vague incidents", only when you are too obsessed with made up storiesabout hindusin Pakistan. Ignorant rats.
hahaha all atrocities in indiat owards minorities are "vague incidents", only when you are too obsessed with made up storiesabout hindusin Pakistan. Ignorant rats.

So when Hindus are murdered and forced to convert in Pakistan it is false propaganda, and an incident reported by just one guy ,and the fact that the guy they raided might actually be fraudulent does not count? :rofl:
The term used is not forced conversions dear ~ its is called coerced or fraudulent conversions..something like giving crocin to tribals, calling it yeshuprasad and then converting them calling that a miracle, putting a wooden statue of cross and a stone idol of some Hindu God in a bucket of water, showing the woodden cross floating and the stone idol sunk and then asking them, oif the idol cant save itself how can it save you..see how the cross is miraculously floating and then converting.

They are nothing but pimps using their religion to harvest souls and consequently more money from the west.

:woot: I will prove same thing by putting both in fire :lol:
Most Hindus are not like this, I know. There are just some idiots (BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS) which ruin Indians image in world wide view... And alot of Hindus agree with these terror organizations and vote for them
Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children
by Nirmala Carvalho
Hindutva activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) accuse the Child Development Centre of forced conversions. If it fails to provide a set of documents, the center will close. A few days earlier, a similar anti-Christian attack shocked the Indian state. President of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC): "A shameful police silence."

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - The Child Development Centre Sampigehally (Karnataka), a Christian after-school home to 300 children, is likely to close its doors on false charges of forced conversion and proselytism. The attack is the work of dozen of the Hindu nationalists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), who on September 29 last raided the center, while having no mandate. Compounding the situation, the intervention of the local police, who gave Brother Reuben, the director, 24 hours to submit proof of ownership on pain of criminal charges. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) has been providing legal help to the center, but at the moment it is not clear in which direction the story will evolve.

For over 15 years, the Child Development Centre has welcomed children of the village - irrespective of caste or creed - every afternoon, from 16:30 to 18:00 (local time). Free of charge, after-school care provides the children with a small meal and help with homework, before they return home. In this way, the children are followed for the entire day.

"In fact - Sajan George tells AsiaNews - this is the second anti-Christian incident in Karnataka in the last month." On 26 September, a complaint from Hindu nationalist Bajrang Dal, four policemen Hunsur interrupted a prayer service at the Pentecostal Church Parishudda Prarthana Mandir, in the village of Kattemalavadi (district of Mysore). The officers questioned the Rev. Venkatesh, demanding the Church building permits, and a special permit to conduct the meeting.

Meanwhile, about 15 Hindu activists arrived on the spot, insulting and beating the Pastor in front of the faithful. "During the violence - said Sajan George - the most shameful thing possible happened: the police stood quietly by watching." At the end of the attack, the nationalists collected and carried away all the Bibles and Christian materials on the spot. At that point, the officers dragged Rev. Venkatesh and the community to the police station for further questioning.

INDIA Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children - Asia News

Rev.venkatesh,can it get more shameful than this?

i dont get why many morons think christians do "forced conversion"

we dont think so,we knw they do so.

EzioAltaïr;3474982 said:
But it is wrong to brand all the Christians as those pimps right? I know there are a lot of Christians in India who don't give a crap about religion. If these guys were doing coerced/fraudulent conversion, then send 'em to jail.

Nobody is blaming christians,let them believe in whatever they want to.

But the endless marketing they do is sickening,like they r selling soaps or choclates.
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