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Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children

Shame on RSS- I remember as kid when visiting India it was ridiculed as Radha samosa pattice . lowest forms of mankind in India and aptly thought so by 99% of Indians. You don't own the country anymore than EVERY citizen of India. what kind of crap is going on in Karnataka. Vote the away these idiots who look the other way...

It is the greatest fool who sits by and watches injustice happen to a minority because soon they will come after you...
What has polytheism done for the world

Hinduism is not just about polytheism. It accepts monotheism, polytheism, pantheism and even Atheism as valid concepts. True Hinduism is actually quite liberal and progressive, even accepting things like homosexuality (infact calling it natural and beautiful!!) - which is a big no no in the Abrahamic faiths. That is why people could build temples and sculpt explicit figures (both heterosexual and homosexual) on their walls. Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the worst in their bigotry and the violence and the narrow mindedness they espouse. Am merely talking about the Torah (never read), Old Testament (a rip off of the Torah). Kuran I dont know, never read it.

Vote the away these idiots who look the other way...

They must just be those party workers in RSS. A few goons. BTW RSS is not in power, only BJP. But then again, yediyurappa is as corrupt as one can get :lol:
They must just be those party workers in RSS. A few goons. BTW RSS is not in power, only BJP. But then again, yediyurappa is as corrupt as one can get :lol:

You are right RSS as a party has no seats in the Indian parliament, but I have to tell you the BJP folks have the reputation of accepting some of their beliefs. That's why I have always leaned to be pro any other party than them. Partly because it embarrass the hell out of me as a person of Indian heritage and mostly because until you become a country that minimizes it's bigotry towards others you can't advance ... I will take corruption over prejudice. Because I see corruption as correctable , bigots die bigots mostly. Religious bigots especially. I teach a generation personal reputability. But these bigots? ....
You are right RSS as a party has no seats in the Indian parliament, but I have to tell you the BJP folks have the reputation of accepting some of their beliefs. That's why I have always leaned to be pro any other party than them. Partly because it embarrass the hell out of me as a person of Indian heritage and mostly because until you become a country that minimizes it's bigotry towards others you can't advance ... I will take corruption over prejudice. Because I see corruption as correctable , bigots die bigots mostly. Religious bigots especially

Yeah that is true. But with the likes of Advani gone, I think it will get better over time. As for corruption, it is also true that the BJP hasnt had the opportunity to swindle as much as the congress has :lol:
RSS is a danger to India's secular tradition and institutions. It is eating away slowly and also changing the hindu perception towards minorities (specifically muslims and chritians, rest buddists, jains and sikhs are hindus as per RSS).

The issue is, it is very difficult to pin them down, they never get involved directly.
Shame on RSS- I remember as kid when visiting India it was ridiculed as Radha samosa pattice . lowest forms of mankind in India and aptly thought so by 99% of Indians. You don't own the country anymore than EVERY citizen of India. what kind of crap is going on in Karnataka. Vote the away these idiots who look the other way...

It is the greatest fool who sits by and watches injustice happen to a minority because soon they will come after you...

I'll put it simply ~ not everyone is a fan of demographic change and its in the best interest of everyone that status quo remains.

And regarding the Radha samosa pattice, atleast they dont denigrate other religions as satanic cults, devil worshippers and pimp out their religion for money. As much as anyone dislikes the right wing groups like VHP, they sometimes are a necessary evil to knock some sense into the khali dimag of the evangelists.
I'll put it simply ~ not everyone is a fan of demographic change and its in the best interest of everyone that status quo remains.

And regarding the Radha samosa pattice, atleast they dont denigrate other religions as satanic cults, devil worshippers and pimp out their religion for money. As much as anyone dislikes the right wing groups like VHP, they sometimes are a necessary evil to knock some sense into the khali dimag of the evangelists.

I see the ISCON people here all the time, going around singing and dancing. They also convert people to hinduism.
I know most hindus do not like it but would you like them to be beaten on streets?

As long as conversion happens by concent without any fear, enticement or fraud, nothing wrong in that.
I'll put it simply ~ not everyone is a fan of demographic change and its in the best interest of everyone that status quo remains.

And regarding the Radha samosa pattice, atleast they dont denigrate other religions as satanic cults, devil worshippers and pimp out their religion for money. As much as anyone dislikes the right wing groups like VHP, they sometimes are a necessary evil to knock some sense into the khali dimag of the evangelists.

Hinduism is under attack by multiple forces and they are a necessity to some extent - but the RSS and VHP guys should know the difference between good and evil and need to have a studied opposition towards the real culprits.
RSS is a danger to India's secular tradition and institutions. It is eating away slowly and also changing the hindu perception towards minorities (specifically muslims and chritians,

And you could not see the communal harmony that is being damaged by the ***** and venom spewed by the evangelists. The greatest threat to the Christian community are not the RSS or VHP, but the fringe evangelist groups themselves who portray a very bad picture of what Christianity is. Less said about some Muslim groups like PFI, MIM the better, When was the last time any of your guys visited Hyderabad Old city or Malabar in Kerala...What more damage cam be done to the image of Muslims by the RSS than these Muslims themselves ? and I'm not even mentioning the traditional hotspots in UP and Bihar. Sometimes it is worth looking inside than just blame the RSS as a reflex reaction.

rest buddists, jains and sikhs are hindus as per RSS.

That's an super exaggerated BS, taken totally out of context.
As far as I see it, I dont see the RSS and the VHP as serving religion. They are just another one of those group that use religion to promote nationalism. Same with Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal (youth wing of vhp). These guys dont really care about good or bad, they are just far right wing dudes. For all the attacks what have they done for anybody. They are just as corrupt as anybody else.
I see the ISCON people here all the time, going around singing and dancing. They also convert people to hinduism.
I know most hindus do not like it but would you like them to be beaten on streets?

As long as conversion happens by concent without any fear, enticement or fraud, nothing wrong in that.

If they denigrate the local culture as a pagan leftover, that Jesus was satan incarnate, that christianity is a devil worshipping cult and additionally they use fake miracles like giving crocin as shivprasad to illiterate tribals and make conversion to Hinduism a prequisite for administering health service ~ then I would be least bothered if they are thrashed by the locals. Such people dont represent me.

So tell me, do they indulge in the above mentioned activities ?
Shame on RSS- I remember as kid when visiting India it was ridiculed as Radha samosa pattice . lowest forms of mankind in India and aptly thought so by 99% of Indians. You don't own the country anymore than EVERY citizen of India. what kind of crap is going on in Karnataka. Vote the away these idiots who look the other way...

It is the greatest fool who sits by and watches injustice happen to a minority because soon they will come after you...

I agree. Why Hindu public keeps on voting for them even after these incidents?
I'll put it simply ~ not everyone is a fan of demographic change and its in the best interest of everyone that status quo remains.

And regarding the Radha samosa pattice, atleast they dont denigrate other religions as satanic cults, devil worshippers and pimp out their religion for money. As much as anyone dislikes the right wing groups like VHP, they sometimes are a necessary evil to knock some sense into the khali dimag of the evangelists.

Bull FV###$$ Shzit. Your soft agreement for those groups is BS. Your reason behind it - is your hidden bigotry.

I don't care if you think " at least they don't do this" ; the measurement of a bigot is not about how many others they tolerate but whom they don't tolerate. This - they are a "necessary evil" ? Well- No necessary evil has ever not sprouted more evil, once they have completed satisfying your agenda.

I agree. Why Hindu public keeps on voting for them even after these incidents?

Dude, stay out of this. If RSS is wrong , you are the mother of all wrongs.

Plus you don't seem have read that RSS hold no seats.
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