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Karnataka: Hindu nationalists raid Christian after-school for children

May be lies for you, truth is hard to accept bro

Where is the truth? - bang alore, mfreak and yours truly live in Bangalore - and haven't come across this, and some propaganda idiot's found the truth :toast_sign:
yeah yeah and I'm clint eastwood too. Bhag dk bose.

Did not your president mention your WOT as a crusade ? The intention shines through pretender. And no one is after every religion, its the evangelists that I detest. You have no stake in our country. Its better you limit yourself to being the more american than american act and not worry about India.

As I told you my grandfather fought for your independence and we have more ties among the majority and educated there than your jahil upbringing. I'm more pro India and for it moving it forward than you backward arse bigots ...
This thread started out as a fight between Hindus and Christians. Now these Pakistanis have managed to turn 2 hindus against each other :rofl:

Really you think that pink Jihaddi Jellodragoan can influence me?
I havent seen a bomb blast happen either. Does it mean it doesnt happen.

I know that.

But you have the bodies to count and multiple sources confirming it - get me another source to believe it...can you?? :what:
This thread started out as a fight between Hindus and Christians. Now these Pakistanis have managed to turn 2 hindus against each other :rofl:

mfreak bhai, I'm sorry. JayAtl is not a Hindu. Atleast that is what he claims. And neither is he an Indian. He is an American citizen. So either way he has no locus standi in this issue. Actually what you think in this issue is much more important, you being an Indian and a former Christian .

The issue is simple ~ if you go to rural belts in Karnataka, TN, Andhra and also the tribal tracts in Central India you would find a very intolerant, exclusivist and almost fanatic sects of neo-Christians who are funded from abroad spreading venom against Hinduism which makes people in those areas very unsettled. These issues result in occasional flare-ups which the media is quick to point out as RSS, VHP hooliganism. The worst point of this is people who are not aware of Christianity enough to differentiate betweeen a RC, a Protestant, a Baptist etc end up lumping all of them together thereby giving all xtians a bad name. Who is to be blamed for this ~ the neo-evangelist groups. I hope the established churches take cognizance of the fact and tries to isolate these much before it gets real ugly.

If someone thinks that wanting India to remain a Hindu majority country ~ as it has always been from time immemorial ~ is being a bigot then so be it. I could hardly care for that.
Bhairava is right... the pimps should not be allowed to operate in India. It is simple they are crooks and hingly intolerant. Right now they are in process of conversion by crook or hook. once in majority they will enforce it with power. they are creating a bunch of highly toxic and intolerant people filled with hatred towards other religions specially hinduism. These converts are then brainwashed and they are no good to the social and tolerant fabric of the indian culture. Hindus need to fight against these scums.


Only CONVERSION through own will should be allowed. If someone comes to me and tells me the good things in Bible and if i like them and want to convert I have no problems. But the means of Depection and Incentivisation to convert should be a criminal offence.
The issue is simple ~ if you go to rural belts in Karnataka, TN, Andhra and also the tribal tracts in Central India you would find a very intolerant, exclusivist and almost fanatic sects of neo-Christians who are funded from abroad spreading venom against Hinduism which makes people in those areas very unsettled. These issues result in occasional flare-ups which the media is quick to point out as RSS, VHP hooliganism. The worst point of this is people who are not aware of Christianity enough to differentiate betweeen a RC, a Protestant, a Baptist etc end up lumping all of them together thereby giving all xtians a bad name. Who is to be blamed for this ~ the neo-evangelist groups. I hope the established churches take cognizance of the fact and tries to isolate these much before it gets real ugly.

Yeah even I hate the evangelists. They are of the same make and model as Pat Robertson :lol:

How even Christians buy into that BS is beyond me. And yes, I would like them thrown out of the country.

The only form of conversion I support is through personal informed choice. Not through trickery and bribery. Not through creating projects, that in the guise of providing food and medicine, converts people. That is exploitation, not religious conversion.

But that said, I dont think there is a threat of demographic change in India. Almost a billion Hindus. Its a non homogenous country, and as such we havent had that much of difficulty coping with differences, compared to other nations.

BTW I thought JayATL is Indian origin? What his citizenship is, dont matter :)

And are there any Tamil people around or just alphabets live in Tamil Nad.

What do you think is so clever about that comment? :lol:

Really you think that pink Jihaddi Jellodragoan can influence me?

Just joking bro :)
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