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Karnataka corner!

There's always a debate on oldest language of the india! Tamilians say that Tamil is the oldest however, I read somewhere Kannada ( Halegannada ) was the oldest one.

Getlemen, any thoughts ?



@kseeker @JanjaWeed @Hermione @vivINDIAN @malgudi @bornmoron @Thirdfront

Guys, I'm not a fan of current crop of Kannada movies, but I have to make an exception. Did you watch 'Lucia'? I saw it and was blown away by how good it was! Please watch it if you can. Considering the budget of the movie and the methods employed to obtain funding, it's all the more remarkable.

I have seen Lucia and is a must watch.if aNyone wants an hd print, I can give it. I have it in a googledrive.
@kseeker @JanjaWeed @Hermione @vivINDIAN @malgudi @bornmoron @Thirdfront

Guys, I'm not a fan of current crop of Kannada movies, but I have to make an exception. Did you watch 'Lucia'? I saw it and was blown away by how good it was! Please watch it if you can. Considering the budget of the movie and the methods employed to obtain funding, it's all the more remarkable.

Believe me, the last Kannada movie which I had watched was " Mungaaru Male " when I was in B'lore :D :D

Since you are recommending, I will give it a shot :)
That's true. But tuluvas are quite predominant in tulunadu. Again.. it's multicultural & multilingual society. No one section can claim ownership to the culture & tradition. In Mumbai people from our neck of the woods are recognized as Anna's. & people from Kodagu likes to be identified as Coorgis!

I remember in late 1980's, when Dr. Rajkumar once came to Mangala stadium, he was a little taken aback. He was expecting a sea of fanatical fans thronging the stadium, like he used to witness in other parts of Karnataka. But instead there was a decent sized crowd who behaved like good kids in school assembly who came in very orderly fashion, silently enjoyed the show and left quietly..
You have yourselves to blame.

Check out the names of the judges: The pageant was judged by Miss World Parvathy Omanakuttan, film director Major Ravi, Mrs. India Jeemole Jaibin, actor and fashion designer Sajimon Parayil and Media personality Toshma Biju. :-)

:lol: :lol:

I have seen Lucia and is a must watch.if aNyone wants an hd print, I can give it. I have it in a googledrive.

:raise::raise::raise: please.
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No, I haven't made any changes in the settings. Let me check once again.

Edit: Conversation setting was not set correctly. I have made changes now. Please see if you can PM me now.

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