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Karl Rock says Jai Hind in Pakistan

He should thank his stars he was not in a fascist country like India otherwise he would have been arrested provided that the Lynch mob didn't get him first. Pakistanis are not insecure like the caveman across the border to kill people over slogans.

some indian dude was being racist towards him because he's a foreigner during covid
in my opinion because foreigners collectively associate all desis as indians any good done by desis the credit goes to india and that's why this dude still in rose colored glasses
His viewers are mostly indian. Soo needs to keep them happy. Karl knew, if he said "Pakistan Zindabad" he would never be allowed back into India. Indian government locks up pigeons, soo easily get offended.
Yes, bjp workers shout that in the rallies of opposition parties and gatherings of minorities:lol:

This is unbelievable, we all knew Pakistan being demonized matters big time in Indian politics, but not to this extent as you pointed out.

Alludes to the fact that BJP workers are chanting Pakistan Zindabad just to mock and ridicule Congress and opposition parties so as to suggest that they are Pakistan supporters, and that what they speak are Pakistan words(Modi said this actually).

The reason BJP calls Congress as a Pakistan supporter, and AIMIM too as Pakistan leaning and Jihadi.

Points to the fact how much and to a next level 'Pakistan' is used and abused in India to win electorates. Not a single mention of India in any political party rally in Pakistan.

Dude here there are many who say Pakistan jindabad in gatherings of opposition parties and religious minorities

Other than in Kashmir where else does it happen ?

and the best part is that all of them are bjp workers, how's that for tolerance:lol:

Really ?


Some source for both things please.

This is unbelievable, we all knew Pakistan being demonized matters big time in Indian politics, but not to this extent as you pointed out.

Alludes to the fact that BJP workers are chanting Pakistan Zindabad just to mock and ridicule Congress and opposition parties so as to suggest that they are Pakistan supporters, and that what they speak are Pakistan words(Modi said this actually).

The reason BJP calls Congress as a Pakistan supporter, and AIMIM too as Pakistan leaning and Jihadi.

Points to the fact how much and to a next level 'Pakistan' is used and abused in India to win electorates. Not a single mention of India in any political party rally in Pakistan.

Most of what you say is correct. Where I must inform you is about AIMIM. Although it does not have a good image among the Godi media among the sensible among the voters AIMIM is called BJP's B Team and a "vote cutter" i.e. where it has contested elections it has attracted quite some Muslim votes which could have gone to the parties opposing BJP and this led to these parties not gaining enough votes to win the election. Also, in the bigger scheme of things, AIMIM being a Muslim-focused party is as unrequired as the Hindu-focused BJP.

From the article :
The prime minister said the Congress is responsible for “Pakistan coming into existence”. He said the Congress’s poll manifesto talks about diluting the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which is what Pakistan wants.
What Mr. Modi won't wish to admit is that it was the Hindu Mahasabha which first proposed the Two Nation Theory and thus it wasn't the Congress which begeted Pakistan. I am not condemning Pakistan here but just putting forth history.
Most of what you say is correct. Where I must inform you is about AIMIM. Although it does not have a good image among the Godi media among the sensible among the voters AIMIM is called BJP's B Team and a "vote cutter" i.e. where it has contested elections it has attracted quite some Muslim votes which could have gone to the parties opposing BJP and this led to these parties not gaining enough votes to win the election. Also, in the bigger scheme of things, AIMIM being a Muslim-focused party is as unrequired as the Hindu-focused BJP.

Yes, true. AIMIM is acting as a B Team of BJP to cut the votes of anti BJP parties, the reason in the just concluded W.Bengal elections, the large number of Muslim voters voted for Mamta Banerjee coalition...and people came to knew about it. Think AIMIM didn't won any seat there.

And as you said, A Muslim only, Muslim focused party is the ditto opposite of BJP, with role reversed. Not needed and not good.
Although it does not have a good image among the Godi media among the sensible among the voters AIMIM is called BJP's B Team and a "vote cutter" i.e. where it has contested elections it has attracted quite some Muslim votes which could have gone to the parties opposing BJP

Have listened to one of the talk show in India Today(or someone else) channel where AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi and the BJP hindutva proponent Subramanian Swami had a good chat and there was all appreciation and 'no love lost' kind of vibes between the two.
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What a twisted logic you came up with.
Maybe you should read my previous post carefully before accusing me of twisted logic.
Carl Rock did this Clickbait act exactly to invoke the Indian reactions to him saying Jai Hind in Pakistan, by trying to elicit Pakistani reaction.
Again, please read my previous post particularly the part about who started the banter. If the shopkeeper hadn't passed any comment about the 'tea', there wouldn't even have been this video on YT.

Now, please don't expect a further reply from on this topic.
The dude said it in a shop surrounded by Pakistanis.
Try that in India and let's see. No talk let's see it on video.
Not the first time a Pakistani teach how it is in India to Indians. When I was a teenager I used to play football wearing a Pak cricket team jersey that read Inzamam on the back. You arrested a Virat Kohli fan in Pakistan gave him a 10 yrs prison sentence. Forget the public, even the state go full intolerant. Be glad if Karl doesn't get chased again by Pak intel agencies like last time.
Not the first time a Pakistani teach how it is in India to Indians. When I was a teenager I used to play football wearing a Pak cricket team jersey that read Inzamam on the back. You arrested a Virat Kohli fan in Pakistan gave him a 10 yrs prison sentence. Forget the public, even the state go full intolerant. Be glad if Karl doesn't get chased again by Pak intel agencies like last time.

When you were a teenager. We've moved on mate.
The fan hoisted an Indian flag up as well, funny you didn't mention that.

He was granted bail and the case was dropped.

Had that happened in India it would be lynching all day.
Lol got "chased by intelligence" and what happened to him? He visited Pakistan again. :sarcastic:
Just read that Indian govt has announced a Vir Chakra, for Carl Rock.

For doing the bravest act, the gallantry, and for his loyalty to the country.

Just as Abhinandon was awarded a Vir Chakra, though he was a 'fall guy'.
When you were a teenager. We've moved on mate.
The fan hoisted an Indian flag up as well, funny you didn't mention that.

He was granted bail and the case was dropped.

Had that happened in India it would be lynching all day.
Lol got "chased by intelligence" and what happened to him? He visited Pakistan again. :sarcastic:
Indeed, Pakistani cricket went down the drain.

Would be, could be, maybe, is that all?
Of course he visited Pakistan again, it's not like that didn't happen or it will not happen again.
For doing the bravest act
You mean visiting Pakistan?
He deserve now two awards, Vir Chakra for chanting Jai Hind, and some Padma Shri for visiting Pakistan, being an Indian.
I guess, well it's eye-opening when Pakistanis themselves agree it's a dangerous country to visit. Karl Rock is an Overseas Citizen of India or OCI, he holds a New Zeeland passport and citizenship.
Really impressed with his love for India...even many indians dont dare do that in pak...see how the chaiwala is provoking him to say tea is fantastic but karl refused.
Yet he is alive consiquences would have been much different if he did tha in india saying pakistan zindabad
It might be his 3rd or 4th days swimming in ganga 😅😅
Really impressed with his love for India...even many indians dont dare do that in pak...see how the chaiwala is provoking him to say tea is fantastic but karl refused.
This youtuber knows how and where he is going to get more traffic.
Play one side against the other, at a time.
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