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Kargil was in response to India’s role in creation of Bangladesh: Pervez Musharraf


Sep 20, 2014
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Pakistan’s former military dictator Gen Pervez Musharraf has said he believes in a tit-for-tat policy on all fronts and claimed that Kargil conflict was in response to India’s role in the creation of Bangladesh.

71-year-old former president, who masterminded the Kargil conflict in 1999 and ruled over Pakistan for nine years, said that India had played role in creating Bangladesh and trying to seize Siachin.

“They also undertook such operations so Kargil also happened,” he told Samaa TV channel.
“I believed in a tit-for-tat policy on all fronts,” said Musharraf, who was the chief of the Pakistani army during the Kargil conflict in 1999.

Musharraf, who is currently facing treason charges, said that “friendship with India is only possible on equal terms and with both countries respecting each other.”

He said if India would take one step towards friendship Pakistan would respond by taking two steps forward.
“People think I don’t want friendship with India it is not like that. Relations with India were good in my tenure. We were close to resolving major disputes pertaining to Kashmir, Sir Creek and water treaty,” Musharraf said.

He said that friendship with India was possible even with the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“We should have good relations with India even if Modi is prime minister but not by bowing down to India or accepting their aggression. If they continue in aggressive acts and proxy acts then we can also respond in similar fashion,” he added.

Kargil was in response to India’s role in creation of Bangladesh: Pervez Musharraf | The Financial Express
So 16 years after engendering the crushing defeat to Pak army and inflicting the greatest humiliation to Pakistani Kashmiri cause, he's still not sure as to why he went about engineering that absurd catastrophe?

During and immediately after he war, his explanation for imposing the conflict was to capture Siachin and from there onward to take the whole Kashmir. Then for some years, his narrative involved bringing India to the negotiating table, making Kashmir into an international hot topic.

Wonder how long his current narrative is going to last........
you mean,more Kargil???that would bring more humiliation to your country..you should remember what followed after Kargil War..

No,we should look for something more strategic such as offensive into the indian occupied punjab and rajasthan
No,we should look for something more strategic such as offensive into the indian occupied punjab and rajasthan

you mean,abandoning a better strategy like Kargil and getting smacked properly like past??

FYI,Pakistan engaged both Kashmir,Punjab and Rajastan sector in 65 and 71.that didn't get well,even when India and Pakistan had somewhat parity in military..now,after 40+ years,that gap just widened a lot.Pakistan lost its backing of USA,and India gets a lot of attention it deserved from all over the world.it'll be more humiliating than last time.now now,don't bring China here(Pakistani Members do that when they generally lacks argument in this kind of discussion)..
No,we should look for something more strategic such as offensive into the indian occupied punjab and rajasthan

Ahem, you are yet to conduct any successful offensive in Kashmir and you talk about Punjab and Rajasthan ? :D
This guy was hiding behind the veils when kargil happened, he was saying kargil was a mujahhideens operation and pak army has nothing to do. Now after thrown out truth is coming out from horse mouth
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