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Kargil war was a total disaster, claims Gen Majeed Malik

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Speaks volumes about your claims and knowledge ability.
Brian Cloughly has spent time both in India and Pakistan as a military attache......but obviously for your sake he's currently no body compared to say.....Gen. Majid Malik. :lol:

Actually not like your ex PM, you people can be happy in your fake pride or lie about history that feed by your government.

Ohh sorry you even won war in 65 :rofl:
Speaks volumes about your claims and knowledge ability.
Brian Cloughly has spent time both in India and Pakistan as a military attache......but obviously for your sake he's currently no body compared to say.....Gen. Majid Malik. :lol:
There is no point in trying bolding my post, I can post hundred of links of your denial syndrome from washington post, gaurdian, ny times, la times, cnn, fox, bbc, and msnbc about pakistans ties with taliban, aq, proliferation, war mongering etc. result would be the same denial... so you better stick to forte, "sanitation threads and singing the praises of chinese fighter jets"
Surprise surprise. The general was from Nawaz Sharif's cabinent.

Of course! It was all part of the conspiracy against Mush.

Why is nobody surprised to find that you now don't believe the Pakistanis who claim that <insert specific clash with India here> was not an outright win for Pakistan?
If memory serves me right,

The initial Kargil plans were made in 80s by Brigadier Musharraf.

That time was just ripe to cut and severely hamper Indian operations.

Pakistan Air Force had the edge, Kashmir struggle on ground was in force, and Indian Punjab was a blaze.

Tell me, the plan was anything short of brilliant !

Could I share with you my own plans for world domination and being Warlord of Earth, and changing my name to John Trucker? They were never implemented, but you can take my word for it, they were brilliant!
Could I share with you my own plans for world domination and being Warlord of Earth, and changing my name to John Trucker? They were never implemented, but you can take my word for it, they were brilliant!

Hold on to that thought ....

Lets see when either of us is enlightened more than what we are now.
Hold on to that thought ....

Lets see when either of us is enlightened more than what we are now.

Don't wait for me - too old and ugly to light up anything more than a zero-watt bulb.
Actually not like your ex PM, you people can be happy in your fake pride or lie about history that feed by your government.

Ohh sorry you even won war in 65 :rofl:

Your posts are as credible as the company you portray. :laugh:
There is no point in trying bolding my post, I can post hundred of links of your denial syndrome from washington post, gaurdian, ny times, la times, cnn, fox, bbc, and msnbc about pakistans ties with taliban, aq, proliferation, war mongering etc. result would be the same denial... so you better stick to forte, "sanitation threads and singing the praises of chinese fighter jets"

As said before, the topic at hand is Kargil war, digressing and personal insults are the last resorts of an escape artist. Thank you.
Your posts are as credible as the company you portray. :laugh:

But more credible then PAK Army which states that their is not pak solider in kargil before starting the war and later start accepting when get caught over sat phone.

If fact evey other person is more credible then PAK army....... and one knows the reasons.
LOL. 4000 killed??
Indian media at it's best?

There was great bravery among our men holding out against laser guided bombs and still fighting tooth and nail devastating yours jawans with limited supplies and ammunition.
Salute to Pak Fauj.
Oh yeah! How could any Pak Army soldier get killed? They are supermen from the planet Krypton. Because as you say, they kept fighting in spite of the laser guided bombs exploding in their faces! Wow! With such an invincible army, how come Kashmir is still with India in spite of four wars? :woot:

Ah! That means the Indians are one better! They are hyper-men! :P

By the way, your own Pak General, Jamshed Gulzar Kiani, then GOC 10 Corps, himself admitted that the Pak Army never expected such a massive retaliation by the IA with the Bofors guns wreaking havoc by their intense fire so much so that the Pak troops had to vacate their posts after suffering heavy casualties. Now that's from the horse's mouth. Not mine!

So do we believe the clap-trap from you or a professional like GOC 10 Corps?

Salute to Indian fauj!

However, admittedly, over 400 Pak Army officers and soldiers were killed and not 4000. Here's the official list. They could be more:

List Of Pak Soldiers Killed In Kargil
As said before, the topic at hand is Kargil war, digressing and personal insults are the last resorts of an escape artist. Thank you.

Members at large cannot help but agree with you when you say that "digressing and personal insults are the last resorts of an escape artist. Thank you".

Your posts are as credible as the company you portray.
Members at large cannot help but agree with you when you say that "digressing and personal insults are the last resorts of an escape artist. Thank you".

Picking a random post, which in fact was in reply to constant irritating cheap banter is not so professional.
None the less, the kind of posts one often witnesses acknowledged by a senior citizen... can loosely be termed as nothing short of professional misconduct. !!
Picking a random post, which in fact was in reply to constant irritating cheap banter is not so professional.
None the less, the kind of posts one often witnesses acknowledged by a senior citizen... can loosely be termed as nothing short of professional misconduct. !!

Oh dear.

We can dish it out, but we can't take it, can we?

OK, we'll ignore that silly post followed by that self-incriminating post, and pretend that the whole thing never happened. Happy, baba?
Now after 15 long pages, Can anyone SUM-Up what PDF community is ready to accept here.


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