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Kargil War 1999 - A Dedication

Why not also mention the fact that Pakistan lost 3,000+ troops against India's ~500 during the Kargil war? Why not also mention the fact that India regained 80% of Kargil before Clinton administration even held a formal meeting with Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif?

Anyone can make such videos with half truth. Grow up and face the reality.
Had Pak prime minister at the time had stood his ground the out come would have been the humiliating defeat for India.

But Indian have a nack for running and crying at the same time totheir western boses.

Most of the pakistani soldiers died returning as they were ordered and Indian were shoooting soldiers from behind, what a way to go india.

A cowardice act knowing that Soldiers donot shoot from behind when truce has been accepted by both sides.

Read Mushraf's book and learn the truth. Buddy shamefull act, but than India is known to be attack and kill unarmed and innocent.

In uprising in Pujab Indian Army killed in mock confrontations many innocents. and it goes on in Kashmir.
Why not also mention the fact that Pakistan lost 3,000+ troops against India's ~500 during the Kargil war? Why not also mention the fact that India regained 80% of Kargil before Clinton administration even held a formal meeting with Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif?

Anyone can make such videos with half truth. Grow up and face the reality.

In your dreams sweetie, go hit the bone yard and get your fact straight of losses of men from the Pakistani side. The US Department of State had made an early, partial estimate of close to 700 fatalities. rest died were mostly mujahedden. and in statement of Musharraf, differs from all the estimates stating that 357 troops were killed with a further 665 wounded. Apart from General Musharraf's figure on the number of Pakistanis wounded, the number of people injured in the Pakistan camp is not yet fully known. because of heavy mujahideen involvement.
Had Pak prime minister at the time had stood his ground the out come would have been the humiliating defeat for India. But Indian have a nack for running and crying at the same time totheir western boses.

It is not India..it went running and crying to US...it was your PM..who went to US and announce unilateral withdrawl...

[/QUOTE]Read Mushraf's book and learn the truth. Buddy shamefull act, but than India is known to be attack and kill unarmed and innocent.[/QUOTE]

Yes.. read the Mushi Gospel and learn the truth..for god sake..he staged this misadventure., and what you expect from his book., anyway i have one question...as PAK army has more powerful than the civilian PM (as we see many coups) why didn't mushi and Pak Army stage coupe right at the moment of Sharif's withdrawl announcement....But mushi waited.. and made the coup when his life caught in trouble due to refusal of his flight landing... IF he is so much care about Pak and sure about Kargil victory he might have run the coup the day Sharif went to USA...
Why not also mention the fact that Pakistan lost 3,000+ troops against India's ~500 during the Kargil war? Why not also mention the fact that India regained 80% of Kargil before Clinton administration even held a formal meeting with Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif?

Anyone can make such videos with half truth. Grow up and face the reality.

I think you live on mars. Come down to earth and you would understand the reality.

Had Nawaz Sharif stood his ground for a week India would not only have lost strategic hights in Kashmir but also Siachin. You should thank Nawaz Sharif for bailing out India and getting himself kicked out of office.

Why don't you make one such movie and post it?
Reality check: Indians were getting their a** kicked until they went begging to get Israeli help.

The not-so-mighty Injured Army was reduced to begging from Israel :rofl:
It was not trolling. I am here to speak my mind and not yours. Is it a public forum or a representation of an exclusive club?
Truth Is illegal here buddy....

Whatevere - were that the case there would be no Kargil threads where Indians have spoken their minds openly on the issue.

Don't impugn the forum and its policies when you have not the slightest idea about them NSG. Read through the existing threads on Kargil and read the existing debates before putting your foot in your mouth.

It was not trolling. I am here to speak my mind and not yours. Is it a public forum or a representation of an exclusive club?

You offered an opinion, IMO a rant and derogatory generalization rather than anything even slightly informed, that was off topic in any case in the context of the thread title.

End of discussion.
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Whatevere - were that the case there would be no Kargil threads where Indians have spoken their minds openly on the issue.

Don't impugn the forum and its policies when you have not the slightest idea about them NSG. Read through the existing threads on Kargil and read the existing debates before putting your foot in your mouth.

Well where have you seen our beloved pakistanis open there brains into this?

There is no use making you understand how bad you all were beaten , but the only use is to shut the mouths of those who are barking with the false Knowledge they have... So You have the duty to shut there mouths aswell , this is a public forum... Everyone has equal rights to open there minds....
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