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Kargil : Indian Army's operation "Vijay" was ineffective

So basically you are saying that you were pressured to evacuate few peaks (which btw you occupied when our soldiers weren't there) and for a few peaks you weren't pressurized. Does that even make sense?
due to a corrupt manipulated nawaz sharif, yes, we got pressurized by the united states, not your goi or your military. frankly they were a push over that couldn't get anything done in spite of trying for 3 months and taking on over 30k casualties. what you don't seem to be grasping perhaps intentionally is that in spite of the american pressure tactics, we still managed to keep a few important peaks, you saw the video evidence for one of them already from your own media outlets.
Again, you aren't reading what I've written already. And for Kargil, it was your side that stabbed us in the back. Peeth par kanjar ka vaar kiya aap logo ne.
end of the day, Kashmir is a disputed territory. you did the same thing in siachin but ended up with chunk of barren & frozen wasteland that is good for nothing. We did also did the same thing but ended up with towering peaks that overshadow all your positions in the region & your lone supply road to siachin. so stop whining about backstabbing coz frankly it's not your place. sure AJK & GB are also disputed in your view, ana chah tay ho tau ajso khashbu laga kay. ;)
Aa jao, we are waiting since a long time:-).
And send anyone into Kashmir, Afghans, Arabs, whoever so you wish, any person who crosses illegally will receive the same fate.
and what date would that be? banning news media from covering your casualties? :lol: cuz as far as your parade ground army is concerned, they just lost 1100 sq km to unarmed Chinese troops, one could only imagine the bhajia thrill be turned into in front of armed adversaries. and besides, as per your own goi, infiltration continues unabated. not like your soormas have been able to effectively check that or effectively counter it. aik aur bollywood bna lo na yar?! :lol:
And by the way, why do you even want to rely on Afghans lol? Shooting at us from someone else's shoulders instead of your own?
who told you we rely on Afghans? buddy boy, they rely on us. where do you think they get their manpower & firepower from? ever heard of black ops? ;)
end of the day, Kashmir is a disputed territory. you did the same thing in siachin but ended up with chunk of barren & frozen wasteland that is good for nothing.
If it was a barren frozen wasteland, Pakistan wouldn't have tried to take back Siachen from us, would they? And I've already said this.
We did also did the same thing but ended up with towering peaks that overshadow all your positions in the region & your lone supply road to siachin.
Any reference to this will be useful.
so stop whining about backstabbing coz frankly it's not your place. sure AJK & GB are also disputed in your view, ana chah tay ho tau ajso khashbu laga kay. ;)
Frankly, it's Pakistan that keeps complaining about Kashmir not us. So the onus is on you guys to do something about it which you tried multiple times actually but weren't able to attain your objective.
and what date would that be? banning news media from covering your casualties? :lol: cuz as far as your parade ground army is concerned, they just lost 1100 sq km to unarmed Chinese troops, one could only imagine the bhajia thrill be turned into in front of armed adversaries. and besides, as per your own goi, infiltration continues unabated. not like your soormas have been able to effectively check that or effectively counter it. aik aur bollywood bna lo na yar?! :lol:
You know that sending in insurgents into Kashmir doesn't help Pakistan with its image. Also, the insurgents haven't managed anything substantial, most of them get eliminated eventually. But if you think that's success, good for you and good for us lol.
who told you we rely on Afghans? buddy boy, they rely on us. where do you think they get their manpower & firepower from? ever heard of black ops? ;)
You yourself just mentioned that in your previous post. I see Pakistanis saying this a lot that we'll send Afghans into Kashmir, etc. Why do you always rely on others? Khud karo jo karna hai, ye doosro ke upar ka dependency nikaalo. You give an impression that you guys aren't capable about doing things yourself.

frankly they were a push over that couldn't get anything done in spite of trying for 3 months and taking on over 30k casualties.
This 30k figure itself shows how creditable you are and whether you are in this discussion for actual discussion or for some random trolling. And anyway, I know that I won't get anything out of this argument if I'm arguing with a person who writes casualties out of thin air. Sorry, I'm out.
If it was a barren frozen wasteland, Pakistan wouldn't have tried to take back Siachen from us, would they? And I've already said this.
erm...if we REALLY wanted it, would can simply put our forces out and toss a dozen 1000 lb bombs to create an avalanche that would bury your forces and then just take it over. Especially these days when your iaf has been proven to be incapable of taking on the PAF. But we don't. think about it logically, I know logic is something that is difficult for indians to comprehend, but give it a shot, doesn't hurt. And you failed to mention what does the position that indian sainkis are at in siachin, what does that get india accept a million dollar bill a day? the answer is nothing.
Any reference to this will be useful.
I've already given you the link from your own media.
Frankly, it's Pakistan that keeps complaining about Kashmir not us. So the onus is on you guys to do something about it which you tried multiple times actually but weren't able to attain your objective.
uhm...don't look now but it is india that has been crying blood and tears to China about not investing in GB and AJK cuz you think it some how belongs to you...never mind the fact that you have been utterly incapable of getting it back in spite of the misadventures in siachin...and on top of that, your army chefs keep down grading their own claims, first they say there hasn't been any infiltration since 2012, then changed it to there hasn't been any infiltration since 2015, then no infiltration since 2019 and now the latest being that there hasn't been any infiltration since the 2021 ceasefire that the indian army chef succumbed to...may wanna tell your army chef to make up his mind, is there or is there not any infiltration taking place...the fact is that we never stopped infiltrating the loc, we send our version of john Rambos at will that continuously unleash hell on your sainkis WHILE we in tandem high light the human right atrocities india committing in iiok...THAT way, no one in the world listens to india whining about infiltrations. now, the question is that what is india doing about it? cuz she OBVIOUSLY been very ineffective in either stopping them or stopping their attacks. the best that she can do is block her own media from going into iiok so that her real casualties will remain hidden; goi's typical ostrich like behavior, stick your head in the sand with your @ss up in the air and pretend that nothing is happening. :lol:
You know that sending in insurgents into Kashmir doesn't help Pakistan with its image. Also, the insurgents haven't managed anything substantial, most of them get eliminated eventually. But if you think that's success, good for you and good for us lol.
read above...these aren't your madrassa type jihadis, these are highly experienced guerrilla warfare experts that have been used to beating the living snot out of the supposed greatest superpower on earth; you think your sainkis stand a fat chance in hell? sure, some may get martyred but not until they send tens of indian sainkis to hell first. if I am wrong then why not have your goi remove the media black out? doodh ka doodh, paani ka paani pata lag jaye ga. ;)
You yourself just mentioned that in your previous post. I see Pakistanis saying this a lot that we'll send Afghans into Kashmir, etc. Why do you always rely on others? Khud karo jo karna hai, ye doosro ke upar ka dependency nikaalo. You give an impression that you guys aren't capable about doing things yourself.
so apparently I was right; logic obviously by passes you. when we talk about afghanistan, we are not talking about getting help from the taliban; we are talking about getting a free hand from afghanistan so that our spec ops volunteers can turn their attention to iiok even more so that it is now. iiok is already slipping from india's hands...imagine the situation in iiok when kabul falls to the taliban and all of afghanistan is under their control; imagine the vast number of our spec ops that will be coming back to turn there attention to your sainkis stranded on the streets of kashmir; it'll be the kind of slaughter india has never suffered before. ;)
This 30k figure itself shows how creditable you are and whether you are in this discussion for actual discussion or for some random trolling. And anyway, I know that I won't get anything out of this argument if I'm arguing with a person who writes casualties out of thin air.
your free not to believe it; it doesn't change the fact that we remain on the highest peak in kargil that you lost and failed to get back to this very day.
Sorry, I'm out.
oh c'mon...I was just getting warmed up...don't go away mad, just go away! ;)
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erm...if we REALLY wanted it, would can simply put our forces out and toss a dozen 1000 lb bombs to create an avalanche that would bury your forces and then just take it over. Especially these days when your iaf has been proven to be incapable of taking on the PAF. But we don't. think about it logically, I know logic is something that is difficult for indians to comprehend, but give it a shot, doesn't hurt. And you failed to mention what does the position that indian sainkis are at in siachin, what does that get india accept a million dollar bill a day? the answer is nothing.

I've already given you the link from your own media.

uhm...don't look now but it is india that has been crying blood and tears to China about not investing in GB and AJK cuz you think it some how belongs to you...never mind the fact that you have been utterly incapable of getting it back in spite of the misadventures in siachin...and on top of that, your army chefs keep down grading their own claims, first they say there hasn't been any infiltration since 2012, then changed it to there hasn't been any infiltration since 2015, then no infiltration since 2019 and now the latest being that there hasn't been any infiltration since the 2021 ceasefire that the indian army chef succumbed to...may wanna tell your army chef to make up his mind, is there or is there not any infiltration taking place...the fact is that we never stopped infiltrating the loc, we send our version of john Rambos at will that continuously unleash hell on your sainkis WHILE we in tandem high light the human right atrocities india committing in iiok...THAT way, no one in the world listens to india whining about infiltrations. now, the question is that what is india doing about it? cuz she OBVIOUSLY been very ineffective in either stopping them or stopping their attacks. the best that she can do is block her own media from going into iiok so that her real casualties will remain hidden; goi's typical ostrich like behavior, stick your head in the sand with your @ss up in the air and pretend that nothing is happening. :lol:

read above...these aren't your madrassa type jihadis, these are highly experienced guerrilla warfare experts that have been used to beating the living snot out of the supposed greatest superpower on earth; you think your sainkis stand a fat chance in hell? sure, some may get martyred but not until they send tens of indian sainkis to hell first. if I am wrong then why not have your goi remove the media black out? doodh ka doodh, paani ka paani pata lag jaye ga. ;)

so apparently I was right; logic obviously by passes you. when we talk about afghanistan, we are not talking about getting help from the taliban; we are talking about getting a free hand from afghanistan so that our spec ops volunteers can turn their attention to iiok even more so that it is now. iiok is already slipping from india's hands...imagine the situation in iiok when kabul falls to the taliban and all of afghanistan is under their control; imagine the vast number of our spec ops that will be coming back to turn there attention to your sainkis stranded on the streets of kashmir; it'll be the kind of slaughter india has never suffered before. ;)

your free not to believe it; it doesn't change the fact that we remain on the highest peak in kargil that you lost and failed to get back to this very day.

oh c'mon...I was just getting warmed up...don't go away mad, just go away! ;)
I can actually debate with you but there's really no point. Your signature too reflects your mental ability to comprehend things and come up with reasonable arguments.

For example this:
erm...if we REALLY wanted it, would can simply put our forces out and toss a dozen 1000 lb bombs to create an avalanche that would bury your forces and then just take it over.

What's your age?🤭
I can actually debate with you but there's really no point. Your signature too reflects your mental ability to comprehend things and come up with reasonable arguments.

For example this:

What's your age?🤭
seriously? that was you rebuttal? 🙄
Any doubts as to the ineffectivess of indian infantry?

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