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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

Pakistan K-8 should be armed with air to ground weapons and and join the Operations in FATA it would be a good training for the Pilots !

can't risk lifes of civilians...
we need pin point accuracy there...which K-8s are unable to achieve..
their payload is also not enough and they have not credible avionics...
they are just meant for training.....:coffee::pop:
It was and its still better for the PAF to put the 12 K-8s that they gained directly from CHINA in Sherdil Team and produce 50 K-8s for CCS and continue development with China on K-8 Block-IIs with composites, improved design with landing gears like JF-17s and DSI, better avionics with Radar and FLIR and better engine with IFRP.
It was and its still better for the PAF to put the 12 K-8s that they gained directly from CHINA in Sherdil Team and produce 50 K-8s for CCS and continue development with China on K-8 Block-IIs with composites, improved design with landing gears like JF-17s and DSI, better avionics with Radar and FLIR and better engine with IFRP.

your wish is our command.....!!!!!!
Hongdu JL-8 / K-8 Karakorum Light Attack / Advanced Trainer (1994)

Authored By Staff Writer | Last Updated: 5/6/2011

The Hongdu JL-8 has been in operation service since 1994 and can be used as both an advanced jet trainer and light strike platform.

The Hongdu JL-8 / K-8 is a series of indigenous Chinese lightweight jet-powered aircraft. The JL-8 is a dual-role platform that allows for advanced pilot jet training while also retaining inherent combat capabilities for the light strike role. While the JL-8 is produced by Hongdu Aviation Industry Corporation, its origins lay in a design from the well-established Nanchang firm. The Pakistani government, which currently enjoys a close working relationship with China, is involved in the production of a similar variant known as the K-8 "Karakorum" - these being manufactured under the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex label.

Operators of the JL-8 / K-8 also include Bolivia, Ghana, Myanmar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Venezuela, Zambia and Zimbabwe. To date, at least 500 examples of this aircraft have been delivered to various budget-conscious customers around the globe, either those looking to upgrade to a more modern jet trainer or those looking for a relatively inexpensive combat platform.

The initial JL-8 prototype was made public in 1989 with first flight being recorded on November 21st, 1990 and operational service being attained on September 21st, 1994. The original internal systems of the JL-8 series were intended to sport American-based technology but the deteriorating political ties between the United States and China following Tiananmen Square (1989) formally disallowed such use. As a result, the aircraft was redrawn to include available non-American parts.

Some, therefore, question the inherent reliability of the JL-8 family as several notable - and fatal - crashed have since occurred. Regardless, the aircraft has maintained a growing foothold on the world market, particularly for national air forces needing a modern jet trainer for the instruction of a new generation of airmen with the combat capabilities inherent in the JL-8 family essentially coming as a "bonus" to these customers. As of this writing, China maintains the largest fleet of JL-8s with some 400 aircraft on the books. Egypt has also received (and produced) at least 118 aircraft of which at least forty of these were constructed in local facilities, the rest being manufactured from Chinese supplied "kits".

"JL-8" is used to signify the Chinese Air Force versions that fit a Ukrainian Ivchenko AI-25 TLK turbofan engine. The avionics package is, however, decidedly Chinese in origin. The "L-11" is based on the JL-8 but instead fitted with a Chinese locally-produced version of the Ivchenko AI-25 TLK known as the "WS-11". The "JL-8W" (also known as the "K-8W") is also based on the JL-8 but features an upgraded cockpit and meant for export to the Bolivian Air Force.

Another Bolivian-destined product is the similar "JL-8VB" (also known as the "K8VB"). All of the export models are delivered with the Honeywell TFE731-2A turbofan engine as opposed to the more powerful Chinese WS-11 series turbofan.

The basic "K-8 Karakorum" designation is used to mark initial export production models, these fitting a lesser Garrett/Honeywell TFE731-2A geared turbofan engine of 3,600lbs thrust. The Garrett TFE731 series is a product of Honeywell Aerospace and Garrett AiResearch first fielded in 1970. These engines have proven successful in the corporate jet arena to which some 11,000 power plants of the type have since been produced, collectively logging millions of flight hours since their inception. The power plant supplies the K-8 with a top speed of just less than 500 miles per hour (approximately Mach 0.75) and an operational range of about 1,400 miles. Her service ceiling is listed at over 42,500 feet. As such, the JL-8 is categorized as subsonic aircraft, meaning she cannot travel at over the speed of sound (Mach 1), a typical design limitation of jet-powered trainer mounts.

The "K-8E" is an Egyptian export model with a revised avionics suite to suite Egyptian Air Force requirement.

The "K-8P" is a Pakistani Air Force model also with a revised avionics suite and a modern all-glass cockpit arrangement. The "K-8V" has been consistently used as a developmental airframe for the testing of various system arrangements for future production consideration.

Outwardly, the JL-8 and its series variants maintain a very conventional design appearance yet bears an uncanny resemblance to the BAe Hawk, also utilized by the United States military as the McDonnell Douglas / Boeing T-45 Goshawk. The two-seat cockpit is situated at the front of the short, slim fuselage with the two crew members seated in tandem under a long-running, single-piece glass canopy hinged to the right hand side. In the trainer role, the student takes the forward cockpit while the instructor is seated in the rear. In the combat role, the two operators share the workload to decrease flight stresses for each pilot. A dual control configuration means that the instructor can take control of the aircraft when need be. Martin-Baker ejection seats are allotted for each cockpit position. The cockpit sits behind a short, pointed nose assembly lacking any known radar installations. The fuselage also houses applicable avionics, fuel and the engine (fuel is also housed in each wing). A fuselage spine restricts rearward visibility, particularly for the rear-seated crewmember. Wings are low-set monoplane installations and straight in their design with clipped tips. The empennage is short and sports a single vertical tail fin atop the engine exhaust duct and a pair of horizontal tail planes is situated at the extreme rear of the jet, just under and behind the base of the vertical tail fin. The engine is aspirated by a pair of smallish, oval-type intake vents to either side of the rear cockpit. The undercarriage is a conventional tricycle arrangement with a pair of single-wheeled main legs and a single-wheeled nose leg.

While primarily utilized as a trainer with its customers, modern advanced trainer aircraft such as the JL-8, largely for economical and marketing reasons, can be converted into bona fide warring platforms with some modifications to its base configuration.

When in the armed role, the standard armament consists of a 23mm cannon fitted to an external gun pod along the fuselage centerline. This can be supplemented with external provisions (or replaced altogether) with installation of munitions across four additional under-wing hard-points. This allows the JL-8 to mount conventional drop bombs, laser-guided bombs, air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, unguided rocket pods and fuel drop tanks - the latter to help extend her operational ranges.

These arrangements allow the JL-8 series to undertake Close-Air Support (CAS) roles in direct support of allied ground force actions. After combat, the same airframe can then be reverted back to its noncombat training role without loss.

In Pakistani service, the K-8 has been noted for its use in the "Sherdils" aerial acrobatics display team of the Pakistan Air Force. The aircraft has been in this role since the middle part of 2010.

Text ©2003-2013 Military Factory - Military Weapons: Cataloging aircraft, tanks, vehicles, artillery, ships and guns through history.

Specifications for the Hongdu JL-8 / K-8 Karakorum Light Attack / Advanced Trainer

Country of Origin: China
Manufacturer: Hongdu - China / Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Pakistan
Initial Year of Service: 1994
Production: 525
Focus Model: Hongdu K-8 (Karakorum)
Crew: 2
Length: 38.06ft (11.6m)
Width: 31.59ft (9.63m)
Height: 13.81ft (4.21m)
Weight (Empty): 5,924lbs (2,687kg)
Weight (MTOW): 9,546lbs (4,330kg)
Power plant: 1 x Garrett TFE731-2A-2A turbofan engine delivering 3,600lbs of thrust.
Maximum Speed: 497mph (800kmh; 432kts)
Maximum Range: 1,398miles (2,250km)
Service Ceiling: 42,651ft (13,000m; 8.1miles)
Rate-of-Climb: 0 feet per minute (0m/min)
Hardpoints: 5
Armament Suite:
1 x 23mm cannon in external under fuselage gun-pod.
Additionally, strike variants can be outfitted with rocket pods, conventional drop bombs, laser-guided bombs, air-to-air/air-to-surface guided missiles and fuel drop tanks.
JL-8 - Chinese Variant; fitted with Ukrainian Ivchenko AI-25 TLK turbofan engine.
JL-8W (K-8W) - Revised cockpit
JL-8VB (K8VB) - Bolivian Export Variant; based on the JL-8W.
L-11 - Chinese Variant; fitted with Chinese WS-11 turbofan engine (license production of Ivchencko AI-25 TLK turbofan engines).
K-8 "Karakorum" - Base Export Model; fitted with Garrett/Honeywell TFE731-2A turbofan engine.
K-8E - Egyptian Export Model; revised avionics systems.
K-8P - Pakistan Model; revised avionics
K-8V - Developmental Test-bed Airframe

Operators: Bolivia; China; Egypt; Ghana; Myanmar; Namibia; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Tanzania; Venezuela; Zambia; Zimbabwe.
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