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Karachi: Zulfiqar Mirza's statement triggers another round of violence

ZM / ANP plan is successfully working... the real leader of Mohajirs aka Afaq's party alongwith with PPP / ANP are attacking areas of Muttahida i.e. Malir / Landhi...

Well done ZM, tension in whole Karachi.

the action is expanding saw on the news they are trying to force entry in liaqatbad , surjani etc ... Dont worry MQM will whack them , they are nothing but bunch of criminals expelled from MQM
the action is expanding saw on the news they are trying to force entry in liaqatbad , surjani etc ... Dont worry MQM will whack them , they are nothing but bunch of criminals expelled from MQM

Yaar, how they people allowed to attack the areas of Malir Khokrapar. 40 - 50 people came, witnesses told me that they had bags full of arms / ammunition on their backs, and they were attacking in a planned manner. The police / rangers came very very late, means they allowed them to escape easily.
Yaar, how they people allowed to attack the areas of Malir Khokrapar. 40 - 50 people came, witnesses told me that they had bags full of arms / ammunition on their backs, and they were attacking in a planned manner. The police / rangers came very very late, means they allowed them to escape easily.

police cant do much and i beleive rangers are a part of all this any way thats beside the point , just read a clip saying 3 Mortar were fired in affected area
Yaar, how they people allowed to attack the areas of Malir Khokrapar. 40 - 50 people came, witnesses told me that they had bags full of arms / ammunition on their backs, and they were attacking in a planned manner. The police / rangers came very very late, means they allowed them to escape easily.

About 120-150 heavily armed men with sophisticated wireless headset type communication setups on bikes, cars and even SUV's entered the areas and promptly opened fire on unit and sector offices of Muttahida Quomi Movement. They, then proceeded to fire indiscriminately on houses. Retaliation from MQM-A side and political pressure on Govt. and DG Rangers forced the establishment to send in rangers but only after the attackers had had their fun.

It is well knows that the armed men belong to MQM-H and Peoples Aman Committee. Ofcourse we all know they work under ZM. My question: Why has MQM-A left the city on mercy of these criminals? I mean if the last resort is to fight back for our lives then this is time we did that....once and for all! ZM is supporting ANP, MQM-H and Liyari criminals against MQM-A and the only option I see now is for MQM to really fight back with the same valour that they displayed against ZM's speech!
that is the problem with MQM lovers you give them facts like 12th MAY 2007 they only discuss fiction and just parrot out brainwashed theories that UK national BHAI makes!

Facts about May 12?? I personally provided enough material about May 12 which should have been enough to atleast put any moral person in doubt if not totally convince them of what really happened on May 12. I guess I was expecting too much of you.
Inflammatory statements do cause confusion and hatred.

Thereafter, it is a waste of time to justify this perfidy.
boy i think everyone in the WORLD saw the 2 seats being gifted to MQM in kashmir! is this the "growth" you are talking about??? now i think the world should say that MQM is also gifted seats in Karachi!! :rofl:

anyways on a serious note:

please explain why MQM calls PPP waderas & thugs and yet happily runs to eat the bone thrown by PPP at it in the form of governorship & 2 seats in kashmir?

Gifted seats to MQM?? PPP's gift of those seats is almost equivalent to MQM withdrawing their candidate from Liyari.....and I say almost equivalent because MQM still has a fighting chance in Liyari!

As for the bone thing, look at it this way, there are 2 brother who share a house....neither can leave the house and both must tolerate each other. Now, if the elder brother acts like a ***** the only thing that the little brother can do is to be the bigger dog and accept whatever is offered for peace. The only slight difference here is that MQM in reality cannot go anywhere as this is their home, PPP on the other hand can **** here however much they want as their real homes are in interior Sindh.
same thing happened in 2007

Iqbal Kazmi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read link MQM kidnapped IQBAL KAZMI the man who filed a petition against MQM in SINDH HIGH COURT!!

Pakistan: Fear for Safety: Iqbal Kazmi (m) | Amnesty International

Pakistan: journalist abducted, threatened with death

so yes its not uncommmon for names to go missing and parties threatning journalists or other things!

IQBAL KAZMI clearly stated if i die then arrest WASEEM AKHTAR,ARBAB RAHIM & ALTAF HUSSAIN!

You also need to make up your mind, for God's sake!

You have dozens of posts about MQM being a group of murderers and terrorists yet this reporter was just slapped around a bit after he was abducted and then left alive and well? Don't the 2 things contradict each other? I guess you do not think well when you speak against MQM.

And is there anything personal that MQM ever did to you? I mean have you any personal experience about MQM?
HAHAHA .. yes age limit is a must because I reckon you were not even born then .. probably best to ask your daddy ... it was the army who brutally murdered bengalis .. but to speak the truth .. you need to be honest and upright and you lack both

So - yes read up the history dude !

It is sad that you cannot comprehend things which is why I stated what I did about the age thing. It was not meant to insult you. If you still do not understand that it was the wadera behind the military who wanted a subdued Bengali nation against the tyranny of waderas here then there is nothing more that we can discuss.

One not only needs to be honest and upright, one needs to be able to comprehend things impartially as well.
Whats so funny .. as for the gift was expected from you since you dont know much except ranting well they WON before this elections in Kashmir so now you tell me were they also gifted !!? what about gilgit baltistan ??? as for your serious question look around & get real .... there is no one else except waderas and dictators to form coalitions with !! under the circumstances one has to survive there is littrally no option

so you admit that "MAZLOOM MASUM" MQM has no choice but to bend over and take gifts from waderas and jagirdaraas? and gilgit baltistan are you kidding me???? seriously please tell me you know something about politics and you know gilgit baltistan was the biggest dividing pie!! everyone got a seat!!!

and yes i remember the MQM leader wanted to import FRENCH REVOLUTION but then ofcourse revolution cannot be brought by those sitting in government against government!!! and no revolution is imported!
Facts about May 12?? I personally provided enough material about May 12 which should have been enough to atleast put any moral person in doubt if not totally convince them of what really happened on May 12. I guess I was expecting too much of you.

yes you are asking a bit too much! because i saw live the attacks on AAJ tv along with MQM flags everywhere the world saw it live on tv! and pleae remember why i keep saying tv because i can state "things i saw" (which is a favourite of all mqm boys state heard stories and rumors and state as facts )
You also need to make up your mind, for God's sake!

You have dozens of posts about MQM being a group of murderers and terrorists yet this reporter was just slapped around a bit after he was abducted and then left alive and well? Don't the 2 things contradict each other? I guess you do not think well when you speak against MQM.

And is there anything personal that MQM ever did to you? I mean have you any personal experience about MQM?

if you learn to read then you would know why he was let go reason was simple he clearly wrote a letter before being kidnapped that if i die hold ALTAF HUSSAIN & MQM people responsible! hence a smart move! that makes him live till today!
About 120-150 heavily armed men with sophisticated wireless headset type communication setups on bikes, cars and even SUV's entered the areas and promptly opened fire on unit and sector offices of Muttahida Quomi Movement. They, then proceeded to fire indiscriminately on houses. Retaliation from MQM-A side and political pressure on Govt. and DG Rangers forced the establishment to send in rangers but only after the attackers had had their fun.

It is well knows that the armed men belong to MQM-H and Peoples Aman Committee. Ofcourse we all know they work under ZM. My question: Why has MQM-A left the city on mercy of these criminals? I mean if the last resort is to fight back for our lives then this is time we did that....once and for all! ZM is supporting ANP, MQM-H and Liyari criminals against MQM-A and the only option I see now is for MQM to really fight back with the same valour that they displayed against ZM's speech!

Its commonly known on khi is streets that most of Haqiqi terrorists took refuge in Landhi sherpao colony which is also known as 89 , ANP and other MQM haters are letting them hide inside , most of these men are dacoits and murderers .. just recently there was a haqiq leader who joined MQM with 130 other men , he anounced that there are 40 such terrorists who have choosen to stay back , Hope people and landhi and korangi like in the past manage to smash these morons again
so you admit that "MAZLOOM MASUM" MQM has no choice but to bend over and take gifts from waderas and jagirdaraas? and gilgit baltistan are you kidding me???? seriously please tell me you know something about politics and you know gilgit baltistan was the biggest dividing pie!! everyone got a seat!!!

and yes i remember the MQM leader wanted to import FRENCH REVOLUTION but then ofcourse revolution cannot be brought by those sitting in government against government!!! and no revolution is imported!

Go and read your posts again all you do is avoid a question and come up with some thing stupid again ... sorry dude i am here for a serious discussion no time for going around in circles with a jamati , bye

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