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Karachi: Zulfiqar Mirza's statement triggers another round of violence

Why Pakistan including Karachi city fail to negotiate peace deal with parties, why we are acting like animals to kill people drama without sitting down and talk.

Aren't we normal people? 100 dead in four days, heck. :hitwall:

Some peopel blame on MQM, ANP, PPP, so on. same life cycles.
I hope people in Pakistan now realize when you vote for people based on ethnicity,feudal, or religious loyalty-PPP, ANP, Jamaat-e-Islami, etc

Corruption, violence, and anarchy is what you get.
Atleast i don't call my self a democratic God,If i ever gets into Politics i will be back with the people that i represent.Not sit somewhere else and tell them when what to eat.This is what Altaf Hussain is doing while holding a British Nationality.Its such a shame he can't come back because he is scared of God knows what.Ow ya he killed military and police officers and they not going to spare him.What a true leader.I am not a PPP supporter but i respect BB she came back and gave her life for Country.
As long as the Ghairat and the love for this country is concerned it was my Grandfather (Mian Hanif Gul) who left his home from back then NWFP fought and gave his blood in 1947 for the independence of Azad Kashmir.While there were no signs of MQM and most of the MQM guys were busy in migration including your Grandfather. Here some more Ghairat it was my own uncle (chacha) MAJ.Khalid Saeed who became POW in 1971 in East Pakistan for the sake of this country he could have sit back home and be a party with a bunch of thugs like MQM.But NO WAY fight for your country comes first and even when he was freed he still stayed in service and even took part in Siachen operations. I come from a family where we fight and give our life for Pakistan including in the recent military operations.One don't need to judged by their location they should be judged by their heart. Let me just tell you one thing how you will feel when your sister is a new bride you call her and she tells you she is all alone at home only her, because her husband has left the home due to the tension between Pakistan and India after Mumbai attacks.I told her be proud of him, he is serving his country.That's absolutely right my Bro In Law left home for days and was sleeping in G suit. Why because he cares about Pakistan and so do I. Tell me how many MQM lovers are in the Military.How many gave their life for Pakistan.Just check the military record.I don't want to go in details but do check it out.All MQM cares about is Karachi and don't want any one else to be there.Giving the lecture of GHAIRATI to someone else one should take a look at itself first.Yes do give it to Altaf Hussain because he is Beghairat and acting live true BAHI in the movies.
Well can you define what democracy is? Ooh bhai he is not staying in UK at his own, the party workers dont want him to come back.

I respect what you relatives did for the country. But what have u done? A person preferring other country to be his homeland has no moral authority to ask the reasons for living in UK.

MQM is not the party dependent on one person. It has a systematic way of working. Which even requires ratification for the decision taken by AH.

No people in Army:
That was the reason for formation of MQM as they were not being considered in army and govt. jobs, while exceptions are there. My dad was in army and fought both the wars of 65 and 71. My other relatives are also in army / navy.

People in Karachi support MQM and there are no doubts about it. If you are flag holder of democracy you should respect decision of people of Karachi.

People living in rural area are mortgaged to jagirdaars / waderas as said by AM, let them free i can guarantee MQM will clean sweep the entire sindh.
Well can you define what democracy is? Ooh bhai he is not staying in UK at his own, the party workers dont want him to come back.

This is the biggest load of horse s*** that I always hear from MQM guys. So Altaf Hussain being party chairman can take whatever decisions he want but when it's about coming back to Pakistan, all of a sudden it is "workers" decision. Give me a break yaar. I know you are MQM sympathizer but don't be such blinded that you can't see reality.
If he is there because of workers decision then why he took British nationality? You know it and everybody knows it that he is not coming back ever because when in Musharaf era you had all the power, governor was yours, city government was yours, there was general peace in the city, even then he didn't come back, then what is he waiting for? Waiting for second coming of Jesus (a.s.)?
This is the biggest load of horse s*** that I always hear from MQM guys. So Altaf Hussain being party chairman can take whatever decisions he want but when it's about coming back to Pakistan, all of a sudden it is "workers" decision. Give me a break yaar. I know you are MQM sympathizer but don't be such blinded that you can't see reality.
If he is there because of workers decision then why he took British nationality? You know it and everybody knows it that he is not coming back ever because when in Musharaf era you had all the power, governor was yours, city government was yours, there was general peace in the city, even then he didn't come back, then what is he waiting for? Waiting for second coming of Jesus (a.s.)?

Don't try to divert the topic, this thread is about violence in Karachi & not about Altaf should come to Pakistan or not.
Don't try to divert the topic, this thread is about violence in Karachi & not about Altaf should come to Pakistan or not.

Yeah now because you don't have anything to say, I am diverting the topic. There is a very strong relation between what's going on in the city (the topic) and why AH is not coming back.
Yeah now because you don't have anything to say, I am diverting the topic. There is a very strong relation between what's going on in the city (the topic) and why AH is not coming back.

Because he don't want to come until justice is done about nawaz league's order to kill his family members & other peaceful Karachities.

Courtesy: ALJAZEERA.

When will these political parties let people live united, specially PPP.
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Has the violence gone down since they deployed the rangers?
What needs to be done in Karachi

The recent escalation of violence and senseless butchery in Karachi serves to remind us once again just how the state is withering away in Pakistan. State-building has always been a neglected project in Pakistan’s largest city. Ineffective and weak institutions were commandeered by large, organised mafias often with public support on the basis of ethnic identity. This spurred other groups to organise themselves in a similar manner and now Karachi is a playground of ethnic battles and fascist tactics with violence seen as a legitimate instrument to achieve and exercise political power.

In recent years, the PPP-MQM détente had given a faint hope that the two parties might be able to reorganise the parameters of urban governance and introduce the much-needed pending reforms. However, all this could not materialise because of lack of trust between the two groups and the PPP’s tilt towards a new power broker in Karachi, the Awami National Party (ANP), which represents the city’s burgeoning Pasthun community. In addition, the rise of the Lyari Aman Committee as a claimant to urban power confounded the elusive consensus needed for institutional reforms

Pakistan’s largest metropolis therefore is divided between politico-ethnic factions who draw their power through armed factions, ‘death-squads’, extortion and other informal governance mechanisms. The formal state has virtually disappeared. Like the rest of the country the undoing of the local government system in 2008 has impacted the metropolis adversely. The current delimitation and electoral grouping ensures that MQM gains in any such election, which is unacceptable to other ethnic groups.

The erosion of the state has grave implications. First, the lack of an adequately staffed and trained police force makes it impossible for the provincial government to maintain law and order; and federal paramilitary troops have to be relied upon. Second, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that al Qaeda and its allied sectarian groups operate with impunity in Karachi. This mayhem suits their ends. Thirdly, the country as a whole suffers since the city has a vital position in Pakistan’s economy and any adverse effect there impacts the rest of the country. Finally, the lack of security and arbitrary ethnic killings make communities rely on their ethnic networks for protection thus preventing social integration.

The ruling coalition in Islamabad is at best indifferent and the provincial government appears to be utterly incompetent in dealing with the violence. The proposal to reintroduce the institution of commissioner and revival of various districts in the city is an old, failed model of governance. To begin with, it is a contested recipe and the MQM is not going to be keen on it. Similarly, the myopic solution to send in more Rangers and other paramilitary troops to do a ‘clean-up’ operation has been done time and again with no sustainable results. There are calls for an army operation as well. Earlier operations by the army failed to change anything and provided at best short-term relief. In any case, by resorting to an army operation, the political parties will be digging their own graves, as Pakistan’s experience would suggest.

Karachi needs a strong, well-resourced local government that can take care of the citizen’s issues of entitlements (such as security) and basic social services. Furthermore, there is simply no alternative to have a functional police system. Little has been done in this direction but a beginning can be made. Community policing becomes a part of this agenda and there is nothing that stops the provincial government to undertake these reforms. The intelligence apparatus in the city is also dysfunctional with a weak capacity. With growing terrorist networks and criminal gangs operating, how can the state dispense this function in the name of political expediency?

All these reforms require a political consensus and process of negotiation. The leaderships of the PPP, MQM and the ANP need to enter into a meaningful process of engagement where they can agree on the urgent reforms. The long-term institution building must be part of this reform-agenda. A ceasefire between death squads of political parties must be effected at once to save the people of Karachi from the daily dose of fear and insecurity.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 10th, 2011.

As a Karachitte, it need to act immediately to settle down many issues instead acting as animal killing more people in retarded politic games.

Damn bloody KarashiT !
Altaf Hussain is a bastard no doubt but does not mean we malign one party just because of him.We know for a fact that MQM is not full of bastards like other political parties.
Has the violence gone down since they deployed the rangers?

Yeah the violence in Katti Pahari has stopped. I don't think anymore shootings are going on. But for how long is the question. In a few days we'll probably see target killings again.
On top of that Zardari Kutt@ has restored the commissioner system from the 1800s. With his Sindhi Jaagirdar friends taking power of Karachi and now they will loot it heavily. Basically it's feudalism imposed on urban cities now.
peoples party has caused all sorts of damage, war, etc etc, they have not been able to do one decent thing in their government, i hope not one single pakistani vote for them in coming elections
Yeah the violence in Katti Pahari has stopped. I don't think anymore shootings are going on. But for how long is the question. In a few days we'll probably see target killings again.
On top of that Zardari Kutt@ has restored the commissioner system from the 1800s. With his Sindhi Jaagirdar friends taking power of Karachi and now they will loot it heavily. Basically it's feudalism imposed on urban cities now.

Yea he has taken his revenge because MQM quit due to corruption of PPP $hitholers. This all was done by PPP thugs & they acheived their goal.
peoples party has caused all sorts of damage, war, etc etc, they have not been able to do one decent thing in their government, i hope not one single pakistani vote for them in coming elections

PPP has been the mastermind of all the episode of karachi disturbance. Finally they abolished the local govt system. People of karachi are witness of karachi's growth just bcaz of this local govt system, as funds were utilized at grass root level for the first time with little or neglible level of corruption.

Next elections, they might get elected again as people of Pakistan has very short term memory.
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