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Karachi world's least expensive city to live in

So you guys get happy if Obama visits India? Do you know that on his visit your terrorist/killer of thousand of people PM told him that Pakistan is creating terrorism but Obama presented a proof in front of him and told him that your Raw is helping TTP and our army chief gave that proof to your uncle Obama.

On 23rd March you guys will see Superpower Chinese PM here in Pakistan and it will be his second visit becuase in May 2013 he arrived in Pakistan. We have around 45$ billion Mou's signed by Chinese president and on his visit there will be clear agreement signed in and you guys will see that and cry as always.

Do you know that your PM wasn't allowed to visit USA before? What is the reason for that? You should search that and you will find a very nice answer for that.

As far as Gujrat incident is concerned everyone here on PDF knows that who kill them even your Indian news channels made this news world-famous.

You guys consider yourself a democracy and what is your ruling party doing with minorities like Christians and Muslims in India. Shame on such nasty democracy.

Not only rapes but your country doesn't even respect women that's why your country contains the most number of poor people because without women involved in prosperity of a country, a country can't become successful. The most number of illiterate people are in your country.

In percentage there is 12.9% people living below poverty line in Pakistan and 21%+ living below the poverty line in India. It's worldbank data.

Your country have the most number of AIDS people and is spreading AIDS in the entire world. In 2011 1,30,000 people died due to AIDS in india and it's wikipedia data and is available on their website.

TTP is always funded by RAW, your uncle Obama told that to your PM as well.

Not only rapes are high in India but womens are not even respected. Your Bollywood actors have to march on roads with people to stop rape cases in your country. Mumbai and Delhi are amongst dangerous cities in the world specially for womens. Isn't there extortionist groups in your country? Isn't there target killing in India? Till now hundred of thousands of people got murdered in India, do you know that? It's because of the poor Law n Order situation there.

As far as foreign investment is concerned you don't know that Chinese president is coming on 23rd March and we have 45$ billion Mou's signed as well. Work was started on projects in pakistan and investment is being made by China.
For instance, do you know what is Pak-China economic corridor on why your experts are crying and trying to stop china on it?

Who is investing in India? If you guys are getting that much investment then why you was not able to reduce poverty faster then Pakistan?

Dubai doesn't give nationality so that means that Mumbai is the most expensive in terms of Real estate? You are a vixen, a dull minded moron who is indirectly saying that if a country doesn't give citizenship then it's not considered a country/city.

What about the terrorism in India? Doesn't people get killed there?

As far as Kashmir is concerned there is no problem. You guys are forcefully trying to get complete Kashmir but still are not able to do so because Azad Kashmir is being protected by Pak Army and will not give you a single piece of land of Azad Kashmir. Every year Jammu Kashmir people get killed because of your army presence there. You guys always kill poor kashmiris and you are talking about terrorism?

So you consider a country worth because of cricket? There is no cricket in China then what does that mean? There is no cricket in US then what does that mean?

India is a country where 1 of every 3 childrens are suffering from malnourished and it was stated by UNICEF.

What from years Shin Sinha is doing in India? Even the people you love the most actors got jailed because of accused involvement in terrorism. Your PM is also involved in it.

I have much to write about your country but I guess it's much for you.

I can also write a lengthy compostion about Pakistan ,it can go in volumes of books but the problem is I don’t have the time

The problem with Pakistanis is they r always in a denial mode.

TTP was created by your ISI. There r hundreds of militant groups operating on the Afghan Pakistan border(Jundallah,Hizb Ul tahir,Harkat ul Mujahiden,Jundallah,Sipahe E Saba,IMU..After the Afghan war ended,many of the militants were given free passports, visas & citizenship by ISI. U have the cleric of Lal Masjid openly supporting the Taliban,u have Pakistani politicians dinning with Militants.U have Mullahs demanding religious column in Pass ports,nowhere in the world u will come across such a thing. U have Hillary Clinton saying “U cannot have snakes in yr graveyard thinking that it was bite the enemey,but what it bites u tomorrow.

Apart from Chinese PM, nobody is visiting,well his first visit was cancelled due to security reasons. No Americans,French,German,Danish,Dutch for March 23rd ceremony

As I have said, a person in guilty unless he is convicted by any court. About PM Modi,His name was dragged in Gujarat riots,hence no visa.latter on it was proved that our PM was not involved in riots.So not only America but many other countries r inviting him,his next trip is to Japan & many other countries. Today not only America but other foreign dignatories r visiting in large numbers. Foreign companies r investing billion of dollars in a very big way,the same cannot be said of Pakistan, Law & order is very bad in India, what a joke That’s why foreign investors r investing Million of Dollars

Yr reserves r just a million while debts r more then 50 billion dollars. To clear yr loans,u beg before the IMF,World Bank & Saudi Arabia. Yr country will be bankrupt & the number of mal nourished children will increase by ten fold.To pay loans,yr country takes loans from a number of countries like China,Saudi Arab

What is yr GDP,Purchasing power. Yr Investment is literally peanuts.Not only poverty is increasing but also extremism &suicide bombers.After aFghanistan,Pakistan tops in suicide bombing.

What about Blasphemy law. What about the chuch attack on Peshawar which killed more then 100 ppl. Recently more then 100 Christian homes were burned in Lahore by Islamic extremists in Pakistan in front of police. Many of the Christians & Ahmediays r demanding asylum in Sri Lanka,Thailand. A helicopter was sent to resuce a mentally challenged girl charged with Blasphemy. U have a Christina MP shot dead because he opposed Blasphemy,talking of India

Forget cricket but what hockey,football,boxing & other sports. How many international sport persons from different sports r visiting Pakistan,the answer is a Big zero. In India,forget cricket even Chinese,Swedish,Indonesian Badminton players r willing to participate in Indian tournaments. In Hockey players from different countries like Holland, Germany are playing in league matches in India.

U knowledge of Dubai is literally zero. I have been there thrice on office visit
I can also write a lengthy compostion about Pakistan ,it can go in volumes of books but the problem is I don’t have the time

The problem with Pakistanis is they r always in a denial mode.

TTP was created by your ISI. There r hundreds of militant groups operating on the Afghan Pakistan border(Jundallah,Hizb Ul tahir,Harkat ul Mujahiden,Jundallah,Sipahe E Saba,IMU..After the Afghan war ended,many of the militants were given free passports, visas & citizenship by ISI. U have the cleric of Lal Masjid openly supporting the Taliban,u have Pakistani politicians dinning with Militants.U have Mullahs demanding religious column in Pass ports,nowhere in the world u will come across such a thing. U have Hillary Clinton saying “U cannot have snakes in yr graveyard thinking that it was bite the enemey,but what it bites u tomorrow.

Apart from Chinese PM, nobody is visiting,well his first visit was cancelled due to security reasons. No Americans,French,German,Danish,Dutch for March 23rd ceremony

As I have said, a person in guilty unless he is convicted by any court. About PM Modi,His name was dragged in Gujarat riots,hence no visa.latter on it was proved that our PM was not involved in riots.So not only America but many other countries r inviting him,his next trip is to Japan & many other countries. Today not only America but other foreign dignatories r visiting in large numbers. Foreign companies r investing billion of dollars in a very big way,the same cannot be said of Pakistan, Law & order is very bad in India, what a joke That’s why foreign investors r investing Million of Dollars

Yr reserves r just a million while debts r more then 50 billion dollars. To clear yr loans,u beg before the IMF,World Bank & Saudi Arabia. Yr country will be bankrupt & the number of mal nourished children will increase by ten fold.To pay loans,yr country takes loans from a number of countries like China,Saudi Arab

What is yr GDP,Purchasing power. Yr Investment is literally peanuts.Not only poverty is increasing but also extremism &suicide bombers.After aFghanistan,Pakistan tops in suicide bombing.

What about Blasphemy law. What about the chuch attack on Peshawar which killed more then 100 ppl. Recently more then 100 Christian homes were burned in Lahore by Islamic extremists in Pakistan in front of police. Many of the Christians & Ahmediays r demanding asylum in Sri Lanka,Thailand. A helicopter was sent to resuce a mentally challenged girl charged with Blasphemy. U have a Christina MP shot dead because he opposed Blasphemy,talking of India

Forget cricket but what hockey,football,boxing & other sports. How many international sport persons from different sports r visiting Pakistan,the answer is a Big zero. In India,forget cricket even Chinese,Swedish,Indonesian Badminton players r willing to participate in Indian tournaments. In Hockey players from different countries like Holland, Germany are playing in league matches in India.

U knowledge of Dubai is literally zero. I have been there thrice on office visit

If you can write I can also write about your worse country in thousands of words.

If you don't believe me then read your own newspapers about taliban, it is being supported by your agency RAW to create terrorism. Isn't it?

Aren't your army creating terrorism in Kashmir? Aren't your army doing violence in LOC?

India is a hell. A more poor country then Pakistan (Worldbank figures). You guys should compare yourself with bangladesh in terms of poverty or Afghanistan.

The country with the worst health facilities. India spreading AIDS everywhere in the world. Country with the most slave people and illiterate people is your supreme India.

The thing is that I didn't wanted to tell you the real face of your country but trolls like you always arrive and write about Pakistan despite the fact that your country is the worst in the world.

(Let me remind you something:-

In 1980 China population was 981.2 million and it GDP was 189.4$ billion. (Worldbank data)

In 1980 India population was 699 million and it GDP was 189.6$ billion. (Worldbank data))


And where India stands today? Nowhere in front of China

This is the way a country do progress. First do some progress and then talk about us.

I will give you a simple example of illiterate voters of india. Modi campaign before becoming PM was mostly against Pakistan like "Stop writing the love letter, Blast them" etc "Throw an atomic missile on Pakistan" etc type.

This is the real face of your country and your PM. Why he used this type of campaign because he knew that he wanted to become PM of a country who don't want to become successful but want to destroy it's neighbour which you can't do ever till the end of the world.
krachi expensive city even daily wager labor expesive in krachi almost 6 dollar 600 RS per day
Quite cheap In a city like Karach, here in ruraL areas of our state Uttarakhand it is almost double than that of Karachi. 7-9 USD/day
If you don't believe me then read your own newspapers about taliban, it is being supported by your agency RAW to create terrorism. Isn't it?

Aren't your army creating terrorism in Kashmir? Aren't your army doing violence in LOC?

India is a hell. A more poor country then Pakistan (Worldbank figures). You guys should compare yourself with bangladesh in terms of poverty or Afghanistan.

The country with the worst health facilities.

The thing is that I didn't wanted to tell you the real face of your country but trolls like you always arrive and write about Pakistan despite the fact that your country is the worst in the world.

Why r Pakistanis coming to India for treatment,don't talk any Bull shit.
about Taliban please quote the source,which newspaper says Taliban is supported by RAW,don't shoot in the air.
If the World Bank,IMF stops giving loans,then yr country will be reduced to a street beggar.How will u clear yr debts.
I also know the real face of Pakistan,a failed country. Not a single cricket team has visited Pakistan since 2008. It is the same about other sports. It is a failed country
Quite cheap In a city like Karach, here in ruraL areas of our state Uttarakhand it is almost double than that of Karachi. 7-9 USD/day
40 cror people daily earning is below then 1.25 dollar how you can say 7 to 9 dollar ? 6 dollar is normal skill daily wagers earn 15 dollar per day like painters etc
Why r Pakistanis coming to India for treatment,don't talk any Bull shit.
about Taliban please quote the source,which newspaper says Taliban is supported by RAW,don't shoot in the air.
If the World Bank,IMF stops giving loans,then yr country will be reduced to a street beggar.How will u clear yr debts.
I also know the real face of Pakistan,a failed country. Not a single cricket team has visited Pakistan since 2008. It is the same about other sports. It is a failed country

Which Pakistanis came to india for treatment? source?
BTW There is a cancer hospital in Lahore named as Shaukat Khanum which was founded by my leader Imran Khan in which people from abroad come and get treatment for cancer because that hospital is cheap and provides international standard services. The other is being constructed in Peshawar.

You still need a source? Open a newspaper and see what obama told your PM when he talked about terrorism in Pakistan, you will get your answer kiddo.

You guys are big beggar. India has external debt of 450$ billion+ while Pakistan external debt is 65$ billion. India Public Debt to GDP is 66.7% while Pakistan Public debt to GDP is 62% of GDP (worldbank data)

How will you clear your debt big beggar?

Everyone in the world knows that india is a bullshit specially for womens. A completely failed country.

Kenya team played cricket in Pakistan in 2014.

BTW I heard on TV that Delhi nickname was "rape city" made by indians? :D So this is your capital respect in front of you :D

Your actors even your cricket board chairman son in law was found doing "match-fixing". This is how you guys play cricket. Real nasty face of india
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