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New Delhi, Mumbai among world's cheapest cities

Cost of living might be amongst the lowest but I know for a fact that real estate prices in Delhi but especially Mumbai are amongst the highest on earth.
Then again Mumbai is the host for most expensive house in the world. Irony?
A lot of Indians have shared the prices for above, can you give us the cost of same in China ?
ShanDong province
Coke--1 can-----¥2.5
beef--1kg-----¥26-35 ,now it is fuuk high, one year ago in my home town ¥18
gasoline--1 L-----¥7.50-8.1 floating
a bus ticket-----¥1-2(1 for non-AC bus) in most cities
taxi -- 1 km-----¥6 for the first three kms,2-3 per km,depends on which city you live.
KFC family bucket-----¥40-70, a little different in different cities
network costs and bandwidth--per month-----depends on the service providers,960¥ for two years,now
movie ticket(hollywood's)-----¥15-80
motorbike-----almost knocked out,about 3000-5000,not sure.electric bicycle about 2000-3000
ShanDong province
Coke--1 can-----¥2.5
beef--1kg-----¥26-35 ,now it is fuuk high, one year ago in my home town ¥18
gasoline--1 L-----¥7.50-8.1 floating
a bus ticket-----¥1-2(1 for non-AC bus) in most cities
taxi -- 1 km-----¥6 for the first three kms,2-3 per km,depends on which city you live.
KFC family bucket-----¥40-70, a little different in different cities
network costs and bandwidth--per month-----depends on the service providers,960¥ for two years,now
movie ticket(hollywood's)-----¥15-80
motorbike-----almost knocked out,about 3000-5000,not sure.electric bicycle about 2000-3000

Do you propaganda officers copy paste from each other too ? Its freaking hilarious :enjoy: This appears to be a standard answer from your text book.
Do you propaganda officers copy paste from each other too ? Its freaking hilarious :enjoy: This appears to be a standard answer from your text book.
most things in China are almost the same price, such as electricity, gasoline, rice, bus ticket, poke,
such as poke, if price in one place is higher than other places, businessman will transport to find more profit。

In Shandong province, electricity price Price ladder:Per household per month to 210 KWH ,at 0.5469 yuan per kWh; second file: electricity consumption per household per month between 210-400KWH, 0.5969 yuan per kWh; third file: electricity per household per month more than 400 kwh, 0.8469 yuan per kwh.

eg.poke, you will find price of poke in any city and county of China every day
^^ dude, the price of "poke" here in India depends on the city; the minimum weight on them is about 50 kgs or thereabouts I'm told.

Sorry. Couldn't resist that. :D
Cost of living might be amongst the lowest but I know for a fact that real estate prices in Delhi but especially Mumbai are amongst the highest on earth.

i've heard of that, but why?
i've heard of that, but why?

Supply and demand- Mumbai, like New York is an INCREDIBLY densely populated megacity and as more and more cash flows in and more and more land is being used for big devlopment projects the amount of avalible land is getting less and less. This is actually acting as a catalyst to rehousing slum dwellers who are now by law have to be rehoused in decent accomadation by propety devlopers, win-win for Mumbai!

I had heard the anecdote that the population of Mumbai was twice that of NYC but occupying 1/4 of the space!

I have heard that in some parts of Mumbai, apartments now fetch prices higher than NYC or London!
Supply and demand- Mumbai, like New York is an INCREDIBLY densely populated megacity and as more and more cash flows in and more and more land is being used for big devlopment projects the amount of avalible land is getting less and less. This is actually acting as a catalyst to rehousing slum dwellers who are now by law have to be rehoused in decent accomadation by propety devlopers, win-win for Mumbai!

I had heard the anecdote that the population of Mumbai was twice that of NYC but occupying 1/4 of the space!

I have heard that in some parts of Mumbai, apartments now fetch prices higher than NYC or London!

But 1 thing is really cheap - Parking. We pay around Rs. 20 (~ 50 Cent) an hour for parking on the roadside.
Supply and demand- Mumbai, like New York is an INCREDIBLY densely populated megacity and as more and more cash flows in and more and more land is being used for big devlopment projects the amount of avalible land is getting less and less. This is actually acting as a catalyst to rehousing slum dwellers who are now by law have to be rehoused in decent accomadation by propety devlopers, win-win for Mumbai!

I had heard the anecdote that the population of Mumbai was twice that of NYC but occupying 1/4 of the space!

I have heard that in some parts of Mumbai, apartments now fetch prices higher than NYC or London!
mumbai has soooo many people ,like our shanghai and beijing.but conditions here are much better.

in 2012 beijing sold 230,000 new apartments at the average price 20700rmb/square metre.
shanghai sold 15.92million square metres apartments ,average price 13870rmb/square metre
But 1 thing is really cheap - Parking. We pay around Rs. 20 (~ 50 Cent) an hour for parking on the roadside.

Interesting- in London (if you could find a space) you'd pay probably 10 or more times that!
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