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KARACHI- World Bank to fund Yellow Line Bus Rapid Transit

Because one should know their dushmann well.

Just you should know that the old Punjabi tribes (Jatts, Rajputs, Gujjars) do have a soft corner for India somewhere deep inside, but the Pashtoon don't, whether they follow Pashtoonwali or not.
You mean traitor to the Baloch nation? Well that explains your language and character. Whole world knows what Pakistani army (and air force) does to baloch people and their women. What do you call a person who joins army in attacking and raping (or pimping ) his fellow tribes? You would know the vocabulary better considering the mohalla you were raised in.
(P. S. I could claim Pakistan army bombing Baloch and Pashtuns is 'KARMA' , but baloch don't really have much of such history of being invaders except for few occasions of joining foreign forces as 'mercenaries' and camp followers in hope of getting share in loot, so I would rather not offend real Baloch for scoring points with a deviant)

The majority of Baloch are in favour of Pakistan.
Here again comes their links with Sindh and Punjab, many tribes live on both sides of the provincial boundaries. They are rather an influential bunch in Punjab second only to Kashmiris. The Zarrani, Lashari, Leghari and Khosas etc make Punjab the largest Baloch administrative unit by population in the entire world (even larger than Balochistan) while the Jatoi, Magsi, Jamali etc form a large part of population of Sindh.

As far as Brahamdagh Bugti and a few other Baloch warlords are concerned, they are denounced and called "traitors" by their own tribes. Only supported by certain foreign governments (with a habit of supporting such people and crying "terrorism" when paid back in the same coin), they have no credible base among the Baloch masses. Hence, a Baloch who is towing Indian lines is a traitor not the ones who stand guard for the protection and safety of Pakistan because it is the later ones who are in majority.


I would want you to have a look at this answer by a Balochistan born and bred Baloch on Quora (which is the proper forum for Indian trolls and propagandists)
dude this brainwashed clown is calling you all sorts of names and still you are replying him? i would stay clear of these clowns

Sit down and think why he got the chance to call a fellow Pakistani names, you will find your image there.

We all know what happened to Karachi, we all know what is the issue with Karachi, and that only the people of Karachi can solve it but we have people from Karachi asking questions to some one 1600 kilometres north.

I am from Rawalpindi, the city consists of Kashmiris, Potoharis, Pashtoon, Hazarwal, Pahari, Urdu Speaking but vote is not casted on such ethnic differences, after Q league's mess we went to N league in 2008 and when N league didn't perform as we expected, we went to PTI in 2013 and hence N league in an attempt to pull back votes built metrobus.

But the major parties of Karachi know that people there don't vote for development rather they will vote for the one who can shout "Mohajir" louder than others. Or alternatively the one who can shout "Sindhi" louder than the others.
Nothing personal and no offence intended. But all major cities of Pakistan have people from every ethnic background but none of the cities is so messed up as Karachi because politics is not done on the basis of ethnicity inside those cities.
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