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Karachi Violence .. Updates & Discussion ..

I don't know why many in Pakistani society are behaving so self-destructively, Pakistan is long over due for a purge at the high levels of office to the rank and file. Supreme Court has to take legal action, otherwise the Supreme Court Justice should be sacked and forced to resign, those pesky lawyers fought for his restoration during Musharraf's era as if he were a man to fight for.

---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

While at it, Police have to physically force out all undocumented refugees from the city, they have no purpose or legal right to remain inside KHI or PK for that matter.

They were fighting for their corrupt masters..thats all..until the green signal does not come they will not stand up to fight against zardari..They ousted musraff not for the benefit of Pakistan but for the benefit of their masters..Lawyers should be banned from taking part in politices and all of them including the forigen agent CJ Iftikar Choudry should be court martialed.

I think we need another naseerullah babar in Karachi. Sometimes i think if masscares and blood shed has to happen so it must but we should get rid of this criminal menance MQM once for all.

Arresting and expelling all MQM leadership, disbanding the party and shooting their activisit who break law on sight could be a good step to begin with.

Or may be we should declare karachi a politically neutral zone where parties are not allowed to operate.

General Babar was also involved in a crackdown on MQM. This operation was very controversial.From the second quarter of 1996, Karachi became governable yet the political process to remove the grievances of people in urban Sindh was not launched.[2]
Lahore has many ethnic groups --maybe not as much as Karachi -- but still much diversity in Lahore that once can see. Even in Peshawar there is no problem with people of other parts of Pakistan coming in for business or for other reasons.....

so this is a Pakistani problem because Karachi is part of Pakistan.....but it is only in Karachi where political parties are literally being run like mafias; land-grabbers; dacoits; extortion; drugs and gang warfare is taking place on such large scale.

there are 2 sides to Karachi; the clean, spotless posh areas; and then theres the dark side. Nobody is doing anything to uplift those troubled areas........

it's amazing to me; in any other country --curfew would be imposed. Police presence would be given special orders to combat anybody carrying even a knife or anybody destroying public property......

these attacks go on and then the guys slip away in the darkness of night....people have either become de-sensitized or people are just not taking enough action.

there should be massive protests and hell being raised over this violence!!!!!!! How is this acceptable to anybody?

during the early 1900's New York faced similar killings. Irish and Italian immigratns were at it, other european groups were involved too but namely these two groups. Everyone wanted to control the city, it's ports, finances, land and race was the driving force.

Now Karachi will have to learn it's lesson, too. It's a major metropolitan area that attracts people from all over Pakistan. They'll have to get along with each other. Now when I say this, I mean the leaders of the political parties. Common folks have no problems with each other. I've seen many programs on Karachi recently and people from every ethnicity gathered together declared they have no qualms or racial issues with other ethnicity. They're there for their livelyhood and even help each other out. They work together, live together it's the political parties that are bent on destroying peace of the city.

It's not right to take sides in this kind of situation but I would assign most of the blame onto MQM. It appears they feel threatened by ANP's presence in the city and they're restorting to weapons and violence and of course, ANP isn't taking it sitting. In the end though, the solution would be for everyone to sitdown and work their issues out. No group going anywhere from the city. It's a shame though that many innocent will have to die before these knuckleheads learn their lesson.
Good points...Chicago of the 1930s as well, though political parties were not necessarily involved the way they are in Karachi
FIA, IB sent reports against MQM to UK: Altaf

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain said on Friday that the country’s civilian intelligence agencies, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Intelligence Bureau (IB), had sent reports against the MQM to the British government.

He made this complaint while talking to President Asif Ali Zardari over phone. However, the president denied it and assured him that an inquiry would be made on the complaint of Altaf Hussain.

President Asif Ali Zardari formed a committee comprising Sindh governor, chief minister and home minister to oversee the law order situation in Karachi and keep the presidency informed about the latest situation.

FIA, IB sent reports against MQM to UK: Altaf

Altaf reveals real reasons for Karachi troubles

DUBAI: The MQM accusations against the FIA and Intelligence Bureau, both organisations totally under the control of President Asif Ali Zardari, that the British government had been fed with unfounded reports against the MQM, has exposed a new dimension of PPP-MQM relations and it is now obvious that the PPP has been using the UK government to pressurise Altaf Hussain to fall in line.

These accusations, seen in the context of the statement of Altaf Hussain some days ago asking Karachiites to stock up rations for 30 days, which was followed immediately by intervention of the London government, including a call from the UK foreign secretary to MQM’s governor of Sindh, explain why the MQM chief suddenly started speaking English to apologise for his call and tried to control the damage caused by his remarks.

Now it has been revealed that the UK government was not working on its own but it was Zardari’s intelligence outfits that were feeding London some **** and bull, or whatever, stories and these reports were used to pressurise Altaf Hussain, a British citizen, to change track fast so that the Zardari outfit in Pakistan was not disturbed.

Whatever comes out of the so-called “inquiry” that has been ordered by President Zardari into the allegations of Altaf Hussain is not clear but it can be easily said that nothing will come out as no official of the FIA or IB can have the courage and guts to send reports against an ally of the PPP, which has tremendous political and nuisance value, to any foreign government.

So what can be safely assumed is that these reports were sent with the specific authorisation of the PPP high-ups, specifically the president, as he controls all political matters. Now that Altaf has publicly complained and told the nation that the UK government had used these reports to pressurise him, Zardari is on the backfoot and trying to cover up the matter by ordering a probe which will go nowhere.

But that may have been a demand by Mr Hussain himself, from President Zardari, as he needs a face-saving cover-up to hush up the matter out of public eye at the moment, specially when he is about to announce his umpteenth comeback into the Sindh coalition government.

Yet it is evident that matters between the PPP and MQM are not that simple. Even if the MQM returns to the government, as it would, the relationship of trust and confidence between the two partners would never be established and it would be another phase of marriage of convenience that both the parties need to satisfy their constituents, at least publicly.

It is being reported that the warring gangs belonging to all the parties, including the PPP, MQM and ANP, already have a “bank” of hostages in Karachi, people who have been kidnapped and are slaughtered or killed, bagged and “presented” to the other party as a tit-for-tat response, and this turf war is not going to end, whether the MQM enters the coalition or not.

Thus the Karachi situation is a cooked up affair, a political war of nerves which is being played out between the government coalition partners but in the process the entire city has been paralysed and the economy of the country held hostage.

In this context when Interior Minister Rehman Malik claims that target killings will stop at 2am in the morning, it becomes obvious that either he has control over the triggers or he is just bluffing. Either way, the result is negative for the PPP.

Meanwhile, Karachi is bleeding and now the business community, along with the ANP and MQM in the past, has demanded that the Army should be called out to control the situation.

What this means is that the Army would again be dragged into politics. The first casualty of an Army decision, yes an Army decision to intervene, would be the PPP government. If that happens, it would be natural that the next mission of the Army would be to stop the free fall of the economy and that would entail a virtual or physical takeover of the government.

The PPP will thus never agree to an Army intervention in Karachi but it is also not willing to surrender Karachi to the MQM. The fight thus goes on and it all depends on how the super decision makers of the PPP handle the situation, which obviously is getting out of their hands fast.

Altaf reveals real reasons for Karachi troubles
Country in the grip of Chaos: Imran - GEO.tv

ISLAMABAD: The Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has condemned the on-going civil war in Karachi. In a statement issued by the party media cell he said governance has all but collapsed and the government is watching the situation with indifference while innocent lives are being lost.

The present government is the worst in Pakisan's history. If the present chaos is allowed to continue it would threaten the future of democracy in Pakistan.

The PTI Chief said that the collapse of law and order is a direct consequence of the mis-governance and corruption that has paralyzed the law enforcement agencies including the police.

He said it seems there is no government in Pakistan to protect the life of property of citizens.

Citizens from Karachi to Khyber have been left at the mercy of criminals and terror groups which are backed by political elements.
They were fighting for their corrupt masters..thats all..until the green signal does not come they will not stand up to fight against zardari..They ousted musraff not for the benefit of Pakistan but for the benefit of their masters..Lawyers should be banned from taking part in politices and all of them including the forigen agent CJ Iftikar Choudry should be court martialed.

I think we need another naseerullah babar in Karachi. Sometimes i think if masscares and blood shed has to happen so it must but we should get rid of this criminal menance MQM once for all.

Arresting and expelling all MQM leadership, disbanding the party and shooting their activisit who break law on sight could be a good step to begin with.

Or may be we should declare karachi a politically neutral zone where parties are not allowed to operate.

Some good points, but then who should be the Governing body in KHI? Army isn't an option, and trying to find a non-party and competent Governing body will be a difficult task. Pakistan could try and form an Independent body who are neutral to politics to govern KHI.
Some good points, but then who should be the Governing body in KHI? Army isn't an option, and trying to find a non-party and competent Governing body will be a difficult task. Pakistan could try and form an Independent body who are neutral to politics to govern KHI.

How about Karachi be put under Federal Government like Islamabad?
its obvious that Sindh Government (PPP) cant even cope with the problems of Interior Sindh from where they r elected from

Karachi will do well without time

but for the time being Army deployment is MUST in Karachi
They were fighting for their corrupt masters..thats all..until the green signal does not come they will not stand up to fight against zardari..They ousted musraff not for the benefit of Pakistan but for the benefit of their masters..Lawyers should be banned from taking part in politices and all of them including the forigen agent CJ Iftikar Choudry should be court martialed.

I think we need another naseerullah babar in Karachi. Sometimes i think if masscares and blood shed has to happen so it must but we should get rid of this criminal menance MQM once for all.

Arresting and expelling all MQM leadership, disbanding the party and shooting their activisit who break law on sight could be a good step to begin with.

Or may be we should declare karachi a politically neutral zone where parties are not allowed to operate.

I agree with your points. Karachi really needs to be eradicated from the hatred of MQM. We really need another naseerullah babar ..we Pakistanis should also be brave enough to bar the british national (aka Altaf) to stop meddling in our internal affairs. MQM should kick this murderer out.
Bhutto did not do anything against Mohajirs..he merely distilled out the economic oppurtunitst who illegaly immigrated and amased jobs. MQM and Zia are two main culprits to blame Karachi situation today. MQM only cares about themselves so they dont care taking Karachi down with them just to maintain their mandate. MQM by any means is not in national intrest of Pakistan. Pakistanis should beging with petitioning the UK government for extradiction of Altaf and his trial in anti-terrorism court.

Back in the day, when Jamat dominated Karachi affiars there were no ethinic of political riots. However since the advent of MQM hate politics , Karachi has become really fragmented. I would call for a complete operation clean sweep in Karachi and resident reidenfication. Those whose forefathers came as illegal immigrats without domicile should have their NADRA cards suspended and given "person non grata status". We should keep them like their counter parts in Bangladesh today.

Sorry, no bigotry but this is the hardcore truth of refugee mentality people. Keep them in concentration camps and they will remain tame, give them a helping hand and they will bite your arm. History has again and again proven this. Palestinenan refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia enaged in similar activities until their social status was downgraded and pushed into concentration camps.

exactly the mentality you are blaming mqm to have, is shown in your own post...

do read some history books for perspectives and better understanding... and on a quick recovery note: get out of hatred mentality for other ethnic group... that is the only way forward...
An urgent military or police operation to cleanse Karachi form illegal weapons is long overdue in order to control the ever-growing law and order problem in the financial hub.

The biggest show of the power of bullets in the history of Karachi was demonstrated by MQM in the late 80s. It's MQM that introduced the politics of guns and dead bodies in Karachi.

The Pakistan Army conducted a massive operation against MQM in the early 90s when an army Major was abducted and tortured by the militant wing of MQM and the rest in history.

An organized police operation in the mid 90s cut the the militant wing of MQM into size.

The military dictator Musharraf needed MQM to consolidate his power, thereby he presented Urban Sindh to MQM on a golden platter. Most of the police officers who were involved in the operation in the 90s against MQM were killed one by one by MQM and no step was taken at the highest level to protect those police officers. The diehard disciples of Altaph Bai have their own version of story to justify the killing of those innocent police officers who just did their duty.

Other political parties have also learned that they need the latest weapons available in their arsenals if they don't want to get annihilated at the hands of the militant wing of MQM.

ab bhugto...

Well some of the facts you have grossly tried to misinterpret. The problem arose during the 1990, when MQM emerged as third largest political party of the Country. It became the highest concerns of both the political parties that if the country's most educated group / party will keep getting strong, it will ruin their future / politics, or even after some time people will forget them completely. There are no doubts that both the parties were born and flourished under military dictatorship. They planned to limit MQM to the Karachi in particular and to sindh in general (Hyd, Mirpur etc.), and kept propagating the label 'mohajir' just to declare the MQM limited to 'urdu speaker Mohajirs'. They somehow managed to break the MQM thereby a section named 'Haqiqi' got separated. That faction was weaponized with a view that they will kill each other, and two way objective will be achieved. The killings / kidnapping / bori band lashain / torcher cell were allowed to continue. Two objectives were to give MQM its own dealth and the pakistan's third strongest party should not exist.

However, when their planned failed, and killings etc were the reason to launch the military operation, hence operation cleanup started. The result of operation cleanup can be seen that they are still unable to wipe the MQM from politics of Pakistan, so they came up with plan of ethnic violence, now we can see the ANP strongholds in Karachi.

Bhai hum to bhugat rahay hain aur bhughat'tay rahain gay jo beej aap kay loving hukumranon nay boya tha Karachi kay liyay.
We need Army for that but they are busy eating popcorn and watching this show. Us Pakistanis do not deserve democracy. We need a strict dictator to keep us under control.

Hum danday ki quam hain. After a very very long period of time, I took my gun with me. As yesterday when I was heading towards my home, just after civic centre (to NIPA) a car in front of me was intercepted by another car. I managed to escaped and dont know what happened with them. but news were coming on TV that people are getting kidnapped.

We need Army here, a strong operation is required.
Well military has cleared Swat and Tribal areas from terrorists. Put TTP on back foot. Sacrificed a lot for this country. What SC has done except wasting time is debatable.

Just time wasting, nothing else, to me it is like noora kushti, nothing else. Well they ordered dismissal of DG Rangers for a blunder by its one soldier, Will CJ resign if any corruption is pointed out in lower courts? oooh that will be 'Toheen e adalat'.
no one can do anything for karachi!!! because all 3 fighting parties are ALL IN GOVERNMENT!!!! MQM,PPP & ANP!!! who will call in the army? why will MQM,PPP & ANP call in the army on itself? karachi is left to fight out a political war while the leader of 3 parties enjoy amazing iftars that cost the country's tax payers billions!!!
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