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Karachi’s **** hub still going strong

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Emo Jee tusi wi :disagree::disagree:

lo, Sach karwa laga kia?
I know Moral Police will be coming soon on me

Nothing offensive we already know Arabs are half gay when they are born. They finding ways to kiss another man :lol: and when they grow up many of them has bad intentions (bolay to aaho) about another mens

hmmmm, so you know it so where is Islam now & the guy who said follow the Strict Laws plus the people who give examples of Islam been followed by Arabs
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how women do pornos in internet, watching naked men or reading love stories, jst wondering..
how women do pornos in internet, watching naked men or reading love stories, jst wondering..

here you go, you are imagining things about them and how they react to ****.:no:

edit: women and men both have desires, but who likes what is different.
Sorry for the intrusion, but to those who say to ban p0rn sites this is for you hypocrites

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Pakistan should block access to all **** sites since it also consumes bandwidth and makes Internet slower for others.

One can easily look at top 100 sites accesed by Pakistanis at following webpage:

Alexa - Top Sites in Pakistan

only one or two **** sites in top 100, this means only 2 percents people in Pakistan watch ****!!!!!!
only one or two **** sites in top 100, this means only 2 percents people in Pakistan watch ****!!!!!!

nope dude. The 2 percent are stupid to download p0rn. The rest get it on CDs and DVDs at much cheaper rate at the nukkad wali cd shop.

Who wants to download for hours before watching? Streaming also needs buffering.

CDs cost like 25-45 rupees. FTW!
Pakistan dancing girls of Swat back in business | My Sinchew

MINGORA, April 15, 2010 (AFP) - Their cousin was kidnapped and killed in a hail of bullets -- her body dumped at a roundabout, dripping blood. That was 15 months ago when the Taliban roamed Swat with impunity.

Today Shabana and her sister Shabnam are back in business, proffering their favours and their dancing skills for discerning gentlemen with cash to spare now that Pakistan's army say they have pushed back the Islamist extremists.

Business starts towards dusk. As the sun dips in the sky, Shabnam is already with a client. Aged 16, she has the fresh-faced beauty of youth and wears a top cut low enough to show a hint of cleavage and a love bite on her neck.

"We received death threats earlier, but not now," she says, a year since the army offensive began and nine months since commanders declared the northwestern valley, carpeted with mountains and peach trees, free of Taliban.

Her phone rings and she pokes a hand into her bra to fish it out, only to flick the ringtone onto silent. Shabana says her sister is illiterate, likes her job and is happy. But deadened eyes give a different impression.

Northwest Pakistan has suffered encroaching Muslim conservatism for years and in July 2007 radical cleric Maulana Fazlullah launched a Taliban insurgency to impose a harsh brand of Islamic law across Swat.

Dancing, music, art and films were outlawed by the militia and retribution was death or flogging, particularly for those associated with prostitution.

Shabnam straps leather pads covered in small silver-coloured bells to her ankles. Pashtu pop blasting out of the stereo jars in a small guest room as she stamps her feet, wiggles her hips and flicks the bangles jingling on her arms.

She looks apathetic, even bored. Perhaps she has already too often endured discomfiting advances of men far older, perhaps overweight and cloaked in the body odour that permeates the streets of Mingora, Swat's biggest city.

Shabana is 24 and has already been working for nine years. A thick crust of dead skin lines her feet. Shabnam is now the one in the limelight.

The mere fact that they are back in their meticulously clean quarters on the first floor of a house tucked away in a back street, attests to the success of Pakistan's military campaign.

"The Taliban earlier threatened this whole street over their FM radio, telling us to stay at home like all the other ladies," said Shabana.

After their cousin's murder, they fled terrified to Peshawar, struggling to eke out an existence among clients they didn't know and wondering if they would ever be able to return home.

Then Pakistan sent thousands of troops into Swat, diverting forces away from the border with India following public uproar and international embarrassment over the Taliban commandeering one of the country's top holiday destinations.

"The situation has normalised. There is no danger. People are coming. Through the army we have security," said Shabana, nervously flicking off call after call on her mobile.

"Sometimes I get fed up and turn the phone off," she says, embarrassed. "I get messages all day. It's the men who can't speak words who speak this way."

The sisters say there is no threat but they exist on the fringes of a conservative society in a city where security is tense.

Their versions of Pakistan's traditional baggy trousers and shirts, are slashed at the ankle and upper arm. They go without headscarfs and their readiness to even shake hands with men seems shockingly intimate in Swat.

Respectable women outside cloak themselves in dupattas -- shawls rammed onto the eyebrows and folded over the nose, with billowing material disguising even the bulkiest body from neck to calf.

In Pakistan, dancing girls are born into the trade. Shunned by mainstream society, daughters have no option but take up the family business when their mother's beauty wanes, or in this case when Shabana's mother died.

The man whom the sisters call father keeps stern watch. Before crossing the threshold, AFP journalists waited in the street while a messenger went up to check they were invited.

"There are 10 to 12 dancing girls in this street. Strangers are not allowed to come here. You can only come through a references," says Shabana.

Even her true identity is doubtful. She uses the same name as her murdered cousin. "People just look at our flesh, they don't care about our names," she said softly, by way of explanation. (By Jennie Matthew/ AFP)
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lo, Sach karwa laga kia?
I know Moral Police will be coming soon on me

I guess yeh sach karwa nahi bohat meetha lagta hai :rofl: :lol::lol::lol:

hmmmm, so you know it so where is Islam now & the guy who said follow the Strict Laws plus the people who give examples of Islam been followed by Arabs

it has nothing to do with Islam yara....... it is individual who is involved in this "Evil Acts" and of course going against the teachings of Islam.

And who said Follow the strict laws? i don't know... and i hope you are not talking about me

I have said it many times ke main Islam ko bohat lightly leta hon perhaps i am among the very few left who does not engage himself to sects. Just keep myself on light mode and try not to touch the cruicial issues which can hurt the feelings of other Muslims whose thinking/opinion is not like me.
On one hand Hammy wants to bring in the Sharia Law on the other hand he is asking how women watch porno, LOL.

Hammy Tussi Great Ho.

Now first person to post a hardcore **** pic gets a thumbs up for me and will be made an Elite Member.
My foot

BTW asking females about such things is Haram, so don't you dare ask me about it again or i will call the 'Moral Police'


Joke of the month :rofl:
**** Movie Business in Pakistan

In Pakistan, Internet is steadily become ubiquitous everywhere, especially in the cities. Due to the illiteracy and ignorance and the lesser opportunities, majority of Pakistanis are unable to truly reap the benefit of the revolution, which Internet offers.

Internet cafes and Internet shops are present now at the corner of every street and market. These internet shops are fast replacing snooker clubs and video game shops and mini cinema houses. These Internet cafes have become the hub of providing pornographic movies to everyone with 10 or 20 rupees for an hour. Many of these cafes also have cabins where couples go and watch whatever the want and do whatever they want. There were and are reports of hidden cam movies of these Internet café cabins selling at high prices in the markets.

All sorts of institutions are in big trouble because of the internet in Pakistan. People don’t really know what Internet and WWW is all about, but they know that they could watch **** images and videos on net very easily and cheaply. I think that’s the tip of things, and many people who has anything to do with information (schools, governments, book publishers, television, public broadcasters, among others) are all more or less using net just for blue entertainment.

Due to the cheapness and easy availability of video cameras the internet and the method of uploading these videos and images to Internet; you can see the pile of home grown Pakistani **** images, videos, clips and movies increasing on daily basis on sites like YouTube.com and plethora of others.

Another alarming thing is that due to the easy and cheap technology, and instant earning people are finding it more lucrative to make a snap and quick **** movie by using a cheap prostitute and send it to any of the thousands western porno sites in exchange of few dollars. This business is really thriving in Lahore and Karachi and this evil is spreading.

The recent Cyber crime ordinance should encompass this rising evil, and authorities should trace down and clamp down on such nefarious elements, who are eroding our society. But the real sad thing is that majority of Pakistanis are just searching for Pakistani **** on the net, so I am expecting that people would reach to this post while searching for **** in Pakistan, and perhaps they would realize that its of no use, and they should this fabulous medium for progress and knowledge.

**** Movie Business in Pakistan | The Pakistani Spectator
That article about gay people in Arabia, I just read it and its very weird that arabs who have sex with guys but do not consider themselves gay. How odd, its like eating meat and saying I am a vegetarian.

This is what happens when segregation occurs, look at those priests and some pathans who do the same. Human pysche get altered in a negative manner if your needs are not met.

As for ****; its better this than producing kids outside of marriage as it can be quite difficult for single parents and on the children too.
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