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Karachi Is Now The Largest City in the World

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Oct 31, 2009
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United States
With rapid urbanization in Pakistan, Karachi has become the world's biggest city with a metro area population of 18 million people, according to Citymayors stats published recently.

Karachi is followed by Mumbai, Delhi, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Jakarta, Manila, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and Istanbul making up the top 10 list. Bangladesh capital Dhaka is at number 12, barely missing a top 10 slot. Of these, Mumbai, Dhaka and Delhi also have the dubious distinction of making Mercer's list of world's dirtiest cities. In another survey, Mercer has ranked Karachi as the fourth cheapest city for expatriates.

The list of the world’s largest cities, by land area, is headed by New York Metro, with a total area of 8,700 square kilometers. Tokyo/Yokohama is in second place with almost 7,000 square kilometers, followed by ten cities from the United States. Mumbai (Bombay), with a population density of almost 30,000 people per square kilometer, is the world’s most crowded city. Kolkata (Calcutta), Karachi and Lagos follow behind.

Haq's Musings: Karachi Tops List of World's Largest Cities
I thought LA is largest city in the world.
I dont know how credible this blog is.
@ riazhaq.com
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Well, I think Gov stop the policy of expanding citites, that will over corwed the place.

I suggest, its the time now to build new cities to remove the pressure from large populated cities like Karachi and Lahore.

But I know our Gov is sleeping.......
There can be 2 cities build

(1) In Blochistan and Sindh boundry (in Bolichistan provience) ....The selected pladce could be the Bela- Karachi Road (red color road line in map) and Arabian Sea. Near the place "Nala khari" in second pic. We can also buld a port over there.

(2) Another city can be build on the river indus down fall to sea. These cities will surely release some pressure from Karachi


Pakistan will need more cities to accommodate the rising wave of rural to urban migration.

Urbanization is not just a side effect of economic growth; it is an integral part of the process, according to the World Bank. With the robust economic growth averaging 7 percent and availability of millions of new jobs created between 2000 and 2008, there has been increased rural to urban migration in Pakistan to fill the jobs in growing manufacturing and service sectors. The level of urbanization in Pakistan is now the highest in South Asia, and its urban population is likely to equal its rural population by 2030, according to a report titled ‘Life in the City: Pakistan in Focus’, released by the United Nations Population Fund. Pakistan ranks 163 and India at 174 on a list of over 200 countries compiled by Nationmaster. The urban population now contributes about three quarters of Pakistan's gross domestic product and almost all of the government revenue. The industrial sector contributes over 27% of the GDP, higher than the 19% contributed by agriculture, with services accounting for the rest of the GDP.

Haq's Musings: Urbanization in Pakistan Highest in South Asia
Bros, it is important to have a clean city at first. Dhaka is a dirty city hanged by jam always but the age of Dhaka is more than 400 years!
This is not surprising pakistan has the highest urbanization rate in south asia aswell as the fastest growing population- it has the highest birth rate in the region after afghanistan 3.99 children per woman and most immigrants(highest refugee population coz of afghans) .I dunno if this is good pakistani population already crossed the 180 million mark a long while back how much people can we sustain ? but having said that karachi has really improved and modernized alot lately we should expand westwards and build more cities into balochistan that place has plenty of empty land .
considering the age of development in khi which is only few decades the city have done well for it self. Brits made some administratonal blocks but rest is done by pakistanis itself. its an amzing metrapolis a great mix of muslims , parsis , hindus , christians ,budhists etc .... , luv khi !
Narad, before posting your sarcasm, why don't you check out the links provided in the blog and see who is providing what figures.

Shoot the source not the messenger.

So, let us bash the source.

What the hell is citymayor.com?

Need better sources? How about UN's Population Division data?

In 2010, Delhi agglomeration has 15.926 million people, and Mumbai 20.072 million people. Karachi agglomeration has 13.052 million people.

World Urbanization Prospects: The 2007 Revision Population Database

And again, Mr. Riaz very happily picks certain points which seem favorable for Pakistan and shows India in bad light.

He happily points out Mercer ranking Delhi and Mumbai among the top 25 dirtiest cities in Asia but fails to point out the fact that the very same Mercer ranked Karachi 3rd least safe major city to live in (Karachi was ranked 213 out 215 in personal safety rankings) -

Mercer survey releases quality of living global city rankings | Mercer | AMEinfo.com

And now for the icing on cake, in 2009 that very same Mercer ranked Delhi and Mumbai 145 and 148 respectively in terms of quality of living and Karachi was ranked 186.


So, Mr. Riaz ignored these two key statistics released by Mercer but only highlighted that in which Karachi was ranked better compared to Indian cities.

largest metro should be tokyo, soeul, but karachi should come in top 10.
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